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 Jul 2016 Bailey
Matthew Harlovic
she kissed and told
the world my secrets,
stole my strength and
gave to me weakness.

© Matthew Harlovic
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Matthew Harlovic
through all the good times,
all the bad, all the happy
and the sad. i’m glad to say
you’re da best friend
i've ever had.

© Matthew Harlovic
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Matthew Harlovic
You’ve stuck with me
through thick and thin
just like a tick,
you’re under my skin.

© Matthew Harlovic
This could be applied to a few things.
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Matthew Harlovic
i won't go off
on a tangent but
tangible goals have
derived from the
different angles i've
taken to understand
why i run instead of rise.

© Matthew Harlovic
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Matthew Harlovic
i knew a hedge between
kept a friendship green
but as our garden grew
our edges weaned
to common ground,
boundaries were forgotten
as our passion broadened
so here i wait for autumn
to come around.

© Matthew Harlovic
// metaphors // metaphors //
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Theo Rei
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Theo Rei
Late in summer nights
Thinking about a lover
I have yet to find
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
We all need a little faith
To help us sometimes
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
As I watch the water in this glass
Sitting still on the coffee table
I think back to that day on the lake
When the water stood still
And the sun sank on fire
On the rocky beach where we sat
I, in my sundress,
You, in your board shorts and sliders
Which now makes me smile
With disgust at my youthful naivety
And sorrow for your advantageous attitude
That I know has gotten you in dark places
As I watch the unwavering solidity
Of the mahogany table
And its stains and grains and knots
I am reminded of
That long cold winter when the power
Was nonexistent for almost a week
And the snowbanks raised above
My front door
And how devastated you were that you could not visit
I consider myself lucky for those days
As I stare at these bruised wrists
Full of memories and unfortunate mishaps
I can't help but to be moved
And scared at the possibility of relapsing
Into that dark wormhole of depression
Seemingly impossible to escape
As I stare at this glass full of water
Still as stone on my table
I feel a single tear roll down my throat
For I am flooded with memories
And feelings galore
This glass of motionless water
Floods me with life
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
I told you dear,
I sell scars, not cars
But I can see where the confusion
Comes from
After all
No one expects to love
A used scars saleswoman
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
From the depths of my harshly
Used heart I sincerely thank you for
Caring in that unattainable way you did
Knowing just who I wanted to be

You always managed to remind me who I should be with
Obstinancy and
U*ndying fervor that left me behind
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