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If i had to send a message in a bottle
It would be as long as a constitution
I tend to write an elongated amount
On the most basic subjects.
The teacher tells the class to write a poem
Jokes on her, the kid in the back has already written over two thousand.
Self-parody poem. Can't  sleep.
Life is all about choices
Out of the very many there are
I just hope that i'm Somebody's best one they ever made.
They say the world is running out of oxygen
So that gives me more motivation to breathe yours in.
Sometimes i get lost in other poet's work
That i forget where i am in the current time frame
Am i inside the poem?
I think so
Don't tell Houston, i have enough problems as it is
Let's pull out a lawn chair and watch the beauty unfold
This is the best moment never told
Until now.
Why is the poetry section at the bookstore
So small?
We're the misfits of the artistic spectrum
Why do they leave such a small hole for us?
Out of all the five star hotels, we're the only only art form that got a one star instead
We're going to need an umbrella, it's going to rain soon
Not because it's symbolic, but because the humidity is high
There needs to be a change in the literary frontier
I'm going to trick or treat, but i don't need no costume
I'm coming as myself
Ready to break through the barricades
And increase the size of these poetry shelfs for the future to embrace
More dreams and more elation than ever thought of before.
We may be the minority now, but it can change for the future
Don't buy a different crystal ball on me just yet
We're the eighth place team that will contend for the playoff
Just watch the curtains come undone
And the kids run
For that golden dream.
you may not know me
face to face,
but you and I have connected
heart to heart through words.

Our lives are woven together by
the tapestry of words,
and into a living breathing poetry.

you and I are no longer strangers,
but fellow poets and sojourners
on this journey of creation.
 Sep 2015 Bailey Lewis
5:41 PM.
 Sep 2015 Bailey Lewis
You are so much more than the number on the scale or the averages on your transcripts.
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