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I may be a poet but those words aren't something that loses substance after a while
Or right after i say them
I actually mean what i say
I'm not the boy that says sweet words to you for a disgusting personal reward and to use you
Everything i say is genuine, i live by my words
I hate wasting them
You said you'd be there
You said that you loved me
You said you would never hit me
But then you pulled off the mask.
I feel many of you can relate, this ones for all of you who put up and deal with this. You shouldn't, but remember you're stronger than he'll ever be.
The galaxy may be dying
But we won't be alive to witness that
As long as your galaxy doesn't die, i'm wholeheartedly content
Seeing you completely ravaged is what i deeply resent
I want to be there for your past, future and present.
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