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  Dec 2018 Sophia
Aaron Combs
My beloved, tonight it is more than perfect, the zephyr winds sing so
sweetly your name and the crystal stars shine like your earrings.
As the White Mountains glint gracefully, and the wind speaks
over our fingers, upon our balcony, let’s dance, my beloved.

Now over the thousand streams and star crystals in the air,
You can see our prayers fill up the milky rivers in the sky.
Below the lights of Christmas, before the blue rivers of stars,
let’s dance like the shadows and the circles of the moonlight.

Now dreams rise over like the wind and shine so easily
But time falls quickly, and worries fall away so slowly.
So let the rage of your fears dance around and under your legs.
For the world is falling asleep, calling for the colors of their dreams.

So let the tresses of your hair fall freely,
And the wind of your perfume
Soak up the flames of your heart.
Spinning like the starlight, tasting every feeling,
Let the steel blue sky and its stars fall all around you.

Dance wildly, my beloved, let's dance like the songbird who sings,
let’s dance forever, until we wash into the skyline of our dreams.
A Daily Poem
Sophia Nov 2018
There is a land top-filled with woe,
And poorish sorrows that go unseen,
Where candle flames toss o’er the hearth.
And maidens' gentle ******* are torn

By their menfolk’s leave for noble wars.
Threads of grass spangled o’er with dew
Are trodden down by silken slippers,
Bitwixt the dusk and coming morn,
A princess weeps, her heart grief-stricken.

And in the pale and rising dawn,
A flame rolls over the orchard hills,
And blossom falls in bloodied paths
Of Wallach men marching Dragul trails.

As the maidens brush their gentle hair,
The window slits are lit aglow,
And brave menfolk return at last!
The bloodied wars have ended fast,
And Szelyk troops were struck aghast,
Hence no sorrow shall be rooted there.

Landed true their dying blows,
For thought of gentle women near,
The phoenix men felt no wordly fear.
And poorish sorrows go now to grave
Where kisses fall on those not saved.

There is a land now decked with cheer.
Sophia Nov 2018
I yearn for a desperate love
that I do not know,
And dream to find things I cannot find.
I ache for another whom I’ve never seen.
Beneath my closed lids in bed at night
Visions float just out of reach,
Of rubies and pearls and a loving prince.
How I yearn for a century
that has passed me by.
Oceans of time and love must wait
For one such as me to fall into a fairytale.
My skin will never know their touch,
Nor their heartbeat or heat, nor their kiss.
A sorrow so hopeless, and so absolute
Has gripped me for something I cannot miss.
Inspired by “love song for a vampire” by Annie Lennox.
Sophia Nov 2018
An angel watches o'er the night,
A goddess amongst seraphim,
She flies abroad in high kingdoms
And blazes silent stars alight;

She ices clouds in pale blue skies,
Saves all for cherubim's eager tongues.
Whilst Venus waits for her in bed
She hums a peal from rosy lungs.

O! To hear her shimmer of a laugh!
To see her fog of sugared breath
a man would stake his brother's heart,
Or lie 'gainst the devil's black'ned breast,

For she is the moon's far fairer twin,
Cradled 'twixt the Sun and Mars,
Who drapes the sky to heavy night
and stitches holes for golden stars.
In Nineva, in melted days of yore,
In a very distant verdant realm
Of a shadowy enchanted Moor,
There rolled a nectar stream.

And whoever ever drunk from it
Whilst the sun rained her golden light,
Craved nevermore to drink nor eat
But perpetually dwelt in delight.

Once, upon her banks strolled a couple
Majestically holding each other's hand.
Golden robbed with plush ribbons purple,
All the way from a very far away land

Where dwelleth many a mandrill,
A realm of many a precious stone
And many a verdant rolling hill,
Though creatures there all but forlorn.

King and queen of Merindrill they were,
On a golden quest for perpetual youth
Akin to the luster of many a fiery star
Whose mystery none knows the truth.

Though the stream galloped in gladness,
Though meadow larks chirped in ecstasy,
A roving wind eerily rustled in sadness
As it danced about aspen leaves all sassy.

All birds of evil omen graced the heaven
Whilst darkling clouds blotted heavens' bed
But unto none did it seem a bad omen.
Dyadic ravens perched upon their head.

"Quaff, quaff, oh quaff not from the river,"
Unto the king quoth the first raven.
"In that river deep thou shalt dwell forever,"
Unto the queen quoth the second raven.

"Quaff, quaff, oh quaff not," they didst spoof
At the ravens whilst as quick as drops of rain
Plummeting from earths' eternal dewy roof,
In such haste, they quaffed again, and again.

And 'tis for that reason that all men know
From the ***** of that sweet rollin' river
Did the fanciful couple now as cold as snow
Ever leave, but there dost live forever.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, California, USA.
#Tales Of Nineva  #Fantasy #Adventure

#Merindrill is a realm of darkling woods far away from from the mighty land of Nineva.

Nineva is a magical kingdom in Kiko's legendarium - a miscellany of tales of mystery and macabre like you've never heard of. Tales such as, "The Mystery Of Lenore," "Woods Have Eyes," "The Dwarf Of Nineva," The Novelty Tea ***," "The Witch's Cauldron," "Jazabel The Witch," "The mandrill of Merindrill," among so many others yet to be posted here.
  Nov 2018 Sophia
Staring at the clouds
I dream of flying through them
Unbound and care free

Sun now warms my cheek
Pearl pink castles made of clouds
How I miss my youth
One minute it's freezing, the next it's a lovely day. London!
Though I've got alot on my mind, I couldn't help but make shapes of the clouds and be truly immersed in it. It felt so real.
I really miss just being a kid...
Lyn ***
  Nov 2018 Sophia
How were you able to steal away a piece of my soul...
Without trying to steal it..
Or were you?
I write your name in the star dust..
I see it luster in the shadow canvas...
This is where I first met you..
This is where I saw candles illuminate your face..
Your smile in the sun was beautiful...
But your smile in the candle light was bewitching...
I would do anything for that smile..
I know you are there..
On the otherside of twilight..
Mixing in with shadows and whimsical shimmers...
Holding a piece of my soul you stole from me...
While you smiled like a dark angel in the candle light...
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