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Atoosa Apr 2017
Sun Gate by moonlight
The Ruins below glimmering
Dream light  shines bright  
Ancient magic shimmering

To our souls the dreamscape experience is real
Our Consciousness connected -- together we stand
So much unknown except what I feel
The flutter of my heart, the touch of his hand

We take flight through the mist
As the world below gleams
Adventure beckons and I can't resist
So Mountain Man became the Man of My Dreams
A Lucid Dream of Machu Picchu

I posted this on February 20th, but sadly today accidentally deleted it. So I am re-posting.  My gratitude and apologies to the hundreds of you who already read it, the dozens of you that already liked it, and those of you who commented, encouraged me, and honored me when you posted it on your pages or added it to your collections. Keep dreaming, Lucid Dreamers!
Atoosa Mar 2017
I've forgiven you for tearing my heart apart
Pretending to be someone you're not
For swearing eternal love then torturing me with your unique cruelty

I've forgiven myself for believing the performance... the promises
For seeing capacity in you that will never be realized
Wasting my precious life force on someone so undeserving

You never actually asked for my forgiveness
And yet once again, I am giving you something from my heart....
That perhaps you do not deserve....
The weak cannot forgive. Forgiveness is one attribute of the strong.     Mahatma Gandhi

It was much harder to forgive myself....that was the true accomplishment.  Compassion for oneself is SO much harder. Why is that?

We will never be WE again. Maybe WE never were....except in my mind and heart.....and in the poetry of dreams....
  Mar 2017 Atoosa
I deleted every line
That said I ever loved you
Regretted every song
That I had ever wrote you
I can't possibly erase them
They're all a part of me
Reminders of a bad decision
Yeah, that sounds like me
My heart just full of stupid
My head just full of dumb
My works just full of love
And now it's all undone.
And I hate myself with each one I find again.

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words, I can't express enough how happy I am that I actually made Daily poem <3
“The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” -Rumi
  Mar 2017 Atoosa
everlasting cherry
inside of me

you were already

  Mar 2017 Atoosa
Lora Lee
tripping over
the wires of
my own electricity
I stumble forward
into new light
             and upon
the door
     let the icy freshness
burn my lungs
into sweetness
  Mar 2017 Atoosa
Alexandra Provan
A man I looked up to
Once told me to be careful,
That maybe I could be too much.
Too bold
Too strong
That men may not feel comfortable.
But you see
Women in my world have never been gentle,
Always burnt with too much fervour
To care that you might melt.
You think it is an insult,
That you can coerce me into being more submissive
By the threat of offending men.
Like somehow I am nothing
With the absence of a man's desire.
Like everything about me
Should be channelled into impressing a man
I am yet to meet.
But you don't know that inside I am smiling.
Inside a fire in me burns brighter at hearing
That sometimes my strength makes them uncomfortable.
I am not here so men who tell me I'm prettier when I have less voice,
So men who think it's okay to intimidate me
Whenever they see fit,
In whatever form they wish,
Can feel less unsettled by this supposed threat to their masculinity.
I hope my mind,
My bones and my blood,
Make your safety net
Of a society that breeds and feeds male egotism
A little less secure.
I am not here for your comfort.
I am not here to feed the monster of misogyny inside of you.

Do not tell me to douse my fire
And extinguish these flames
Just because you,
Men like you,
Cannot handle the heat.
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