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Our bodies are trapped within the realms of life and death
but our minds are free to explore any realm it may so choose
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
They taught you to read the lines

Did they teach you to read between them?

Sometimes the empty space
Contains more meaning
Than the sharp shock of loud noises
Made by people in distress

Sometimes those who have more to say
Can't say it
Because they are tired from the fight
And only wanting to sleep
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
Arlo Disarray
the moon is hiding out tonight;
shrouded by a cloud,
unwilling to shine off its light

the rain comes pouring down;
soaking my feet,
I watch the worms squirm
as they're trying not to drown

I blow my smoke out at a spider in its web to watch it sway
but it was unnecessary,
because the breeze blew wind this way

a beat forms from the chaos and my heart dances along
I'm unsure of the lyrics, but I think I like this song
yes, the title is a Legend of Zelda reference.
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
my bones tremble
my ribs cave
into my lungs
releasing pain
beneath each breath
I dare to take.
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
I'm the piece of paper you throw in the trash.
Crumple it up, say goodbye to the past.

I'm the canvas no one ever bought.
  Hidden behind, I never mind.

I'm the rock you try to skip.
Jump once, deep down I die.

I'm the spelling error on your spelling test.
Negative one, heat in my chest.

I'm merely a number
A dead heart with ripped strings.
A book with no cover.

A soul without color.
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
m i a
his mind was filled with thunderclouds,
that were holding in sadness and pain,
so he screamed out loud,
and let his words pour out like rain.
my friend holds in his emotions a lot, so i decided to write this in his pov.
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
Bhavika G
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
Bhavika G
Let's elope in this radiance
of a sunshine
that promises to sketch
for Always.
tentatively blue-white clouds
peeking alarmingly from around
the red-orange-yellow brilliance
that the sun is.
Let's elope now
so maybe the winds
will set sail our ship
not too wildly
not too slowly
just the right amount
Let's elope and
Paradise will chase us.
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
The massive stars
give all their fuel in the night sky
somehow, time will come
they will explode and die
One's existence will turn black
and will eventually fade.
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
The same person that broke you
**can't fix you
Just saying
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