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ARI Aug 2014
Why must they call me weird?
Its obvious I dont belong here.
Why must I be different?
Maybe one day Ill just dissappear

My life could be so different
If I could see normally.
If only I could hear them,
Without them having to scream.

They take one look at the plastic
wrapped around my ears.
Stare at my thick glasses
And whisper so I cant hear.

The little girl I care for is hard-of-hearing and has major visual loss. She always asks me why the children treat her the way that they do and it breaks my heart every time.
ARI Jun 2014
When the skies rip open
the tears start pouring
the world not knowing
what is wrong

When your heart starts breaking
your whole body aching
that's how you know
she's really gone

I can read your fears
I can hear your cries
you're down on your knees
begging to know why

Why she'd have to go
why'd he have to die
what was the reason
for ending their lives

Is this all real
or just an illusion
trapped inside my
Ever twisting mind

When the skies tear open
the tears start pouring
the whole world not knowing
what's going wrong

When your heart keeps breaking
your whole body aching
that's how you know
he's really gone

I know that you're afraid
you will forget
the color of her eyes
the laughter falling from his lips

I can hear you crying
when you think no ones around
I can see you drowning
when your standing in a crowd

When the skies burst open
the tears always pouring
the world not knowing
all that is wrong

When your hearts left hallow
your hope so shallow
that's how you know
they're really gone

Sorry, this started out as a poem and ended up turning into a song...
ARI May 2014
I always watched her as she smiled
And listened when she laughed

Loved when she sang out loud
And danced across the grass

I thought she was so lovely
Turns out she thought the same of me

Everything looked to be perfect
But nothings ever as it seems

Then one day I really saw her
I glimpsed the sadness in her eyes

She shared with me her stories
And I shared with her mine

ARI May 2014
It makes me sick
Seeing young girls
Showing their friends
Shallow cuts littering their skin.

It makes me want to scream
Hearing them talking
Seeming as though
They are trying to outdo the others.

Why cant they see?
See just how seriously
Dangerous this game
They are playing truly is?

They must know
Surly they must
How terribly addicting
Such a release can be.

I remember that moment
The first time
You hold that sharp razor
Nervously floating over your skin.

That first shock
Knowing you have done
Exactly what you swore
You would never do.

First I had an overwhelming high
It was as if my heart
was slamming excitedly
Against my tender eardrums.

I was immediately caught
Stuck in a trap
I couldn't free myself from
I was so lost.

Years passed, people left
My body changed
I was older and so was everyone else
My addiction became stronger.

The blade became knives
Knives became safety pins
Those became broken glass
Eventually I didnt care what was cutting my skin.

So to all those girls
Who use self harm as a way
To get attention you need or crave
This is not a game to be played.
ARI Mar 2014
I swear right there
on my window pane
Was a blanket of tears
which tied to the rain
Causing damage to the wood
and cracks as a drain

ARI Mar 2014
Close your mouth
open your mind
Take a step back
can you see them now?
Can you hear their cries?
Or feel the scorching pain
That's twisted behind their
Bloodshot eyes?

Theyre locked away
inside themselves
while their small bodies
Fight something cruel
we cannot see.
A real-life nightmare
of which devours
their once lively dreams.

ARI Mar 2014
I sat there alone,
eyebrows scrunched in constant disapproval.
I was too busy focused on what I hated in life
To notice the small boy walking my way

He sat down next to me
On an old warped bench with rusted screws.
For a moment he simply stared
As though he were studying my expression

His gaze made me uneasy for some unknown reason.
I quickly became agitated and so
I clench my hands and screamed
In frustration “What do you want!”

From his small mouth came a question
So odd it took me a moment to
Hear what he had asked me
“What is it like to live”

“To live? You should know already,
for you are alive right now.”
My answer seemed to not be what
the boy was looking for.

He shook his head and said
to me “No, what is it like to live?
What is it like run outside when
youre small and scrape your knee?”

Overwhelmed with confusion I
simply laughed and said
“Boy, you should know. For
you are many years younger than I.”

“Well, what is it like to be a teenager?
To run around with friends and
no parents at your back? Is it
As fun as the older kids make it seem?”

”What about school? Is high school
as scary as people say or is
it exciting? What about college?
Did you go to college?”

“What is it like to love a girl
and to have her love you back?
What is it like to dance with
Her arms wrapped around you?”

“What is it like to grow old
and watch the world change
all around. Whats it like to
watch the people around you grow?”

For some reason I cannot explain
I quickly became angry; agitated
at such ridiculous questions.
How dare he ask such foolish things!

“ Overrated! Why are you in
Such a hurry to grow old?
High school is terrible and you
Will absolutely hate it!”

“I never went to college and
that is none of your **** business!
Love?! Love is a waste of time.
Love is an emotion that doesnt exist!”

“And growing old? Growing old
is wretched! My bones ache
My head is always hurting
And I have had to watch friends die!”

“All I see is the large amount of
Idiocy in this ever changing
World and it is a waste of life!
Do yourself a favor and dont think about it!”

Suddenly his shoulders drooped
the light in his eyes had dimmed
He looked away without a word
and for many moments sat still.

He then turned to me with pitty,
fear, hurt, and sadness in his eyes.
A voice so soft I almost couldnt hear,
Began to whisper from his lips.

“I never had the chance to run
Outside when I was old enough to
remember. I dont remember
how it feels to scrape my knee.”

“Ive never been allowed to go to
school. Too many germs that could
**** me, but my brothers dont like it.
I believe I would love it.”

“My uncle says love is like
magic that can heal all your hurt.
Ive always believed in magic like that.
I will always hope its true.”

“Every bone in my body aches.
When I sat next to you I did not
talk right away because I hurt to
Much to be able to say a word.”

“I have said goodbye to more
friends in six months than most
people do in their entire lives.
I am just another kid waiting in that line.”

“I dont see bad things in the world
Mostly because I make myself
See everything beautiful instead.
The only thing I am able to do is think.”

It was at that moment guilt had
hit me so hard in the chest I
couldnt take a single breath.
I had started to realize things about him.

He had very little hair on his head and his
Cheek bones seemed to be sunken in. His lips
Were chap and he had a little tube inside his nose.
I couldnt understand how I missed that.

“Boy? What is wrong with you?
Are you ill? And why ask me
all your questions? Surly
You could see Im not a very nice man?”

A sad smile began to appear on
His face and he looked at me and said,
“I was sitting by my mom when I saw
you staring at the trees like you were mad.”

“The wrinkles on your face told
me you have lived a life filled with
so many emotions and I just had to know.
I needed to know what it was like to have a wrinkle.”

With that the boy rose and this time I watched
as his small body slowly limped to his mother.
She rushed to his side and placed him
in a wheelchair that he was simply too small for.

Only a few feet away from my bench
that boy turned around and said
“My name is Ben, it was nice to meet
you but you need to remember how to smile.”

A few weeks went by and I couldnt forget that boy
so I went to the hospital by that park and asked
the nurse about that little boy named Ben
and asked if I could see him.

“He told me you would come by..
Though he thought you would come sooner.
Ben passed away three days ago. His cancer
Came back to quickly and too hard.”

I stood there shocked not knowing what to do.
This child that I have been thinking of
constantly, expecting for him to be here,
Was now gone for ever and the world didn't know.

I left on weary legs and sat on that same bench.
“Love is when a child notices you and smiles, even
when you yell at him. Love is when someone changes
Your life for the better. Love is definitely magic little Ben.”
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