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 Nov 2016 Aprajita
Dark soul
 Nov 2016 Aprajita
Dark soul
Born as a forest
overwhelmed by trees
 Nov 2016 Aprajita
Dhaye Margaux
No matter what happens
I am still the same person
Standing on the ground
Though I have learnt to fly

I know when to use my wings
While I love my feet
Yesterday,  today and tomorrow
"* *Her eyes...
Realms of Illusions...
Sometimes blue, envy of the morning hue,
Sometimes green, reflecting the amazon's kin.

Her lips...
A sin to desire, to dwell, even if heaven forbid...
Her Lips..
An arc of smile that shuns off all ominous winds...

Her laughter...
Like the music of the divine...
An appetizer to my hungry soul.

Her hair,
Craving to let loose,
to break free and dance to the wind's flute...
Her Hair...
Golden strands sneaking over her bare shoulders,
giving way to run my finger's through...

Her Body,
Oh.. A sight of delight!
To see them bare.... my birth right~
Her Body...
A maze of hideous curves,
Pray to be lost in it with or without lust!

Her Skin...
Pale as the winter snow,
To touch?.... To perish and sizzle...

Her Name...
My salvation, my prayer,
my inspiration and strength...

Her Imperfections...
Some of them I connect with,
Some of them to tease her with~

Her Love...
My Sanity...
The force that brings my pieces to Integrity **~"
"One fine morning,
                                      As usual Mary went for jog,
                   and while returning home, she checked the letter box,
                     Besides the usual bills, advertisements and offers
             There lay this ominous letter in black and crimson color...
                                                and of course,
             curiosity got better of her and she was ripping of the edges

                                    and on scanning the contents  
                                       she gave out a shrill cry...
                                          her fingers trembling
                                         her forehead sweating...
                                         It was a suicide letter!!
                                      A letter with news of death
                                            A letter from a man
                                                 who wrote this
                                         before his few last breaths...

                                       Slowly she read each word..
                             each one of them echoing in her head..
                                       the letter went as follows-

Dear Jane,
I love you a lot,
and I know you will be in shock and pain,
but I couldn't handle it anymore,
I found my answers in the dark,
I found solace in enternal bliss,
I just want you to stay strong,
and fulfill my last wish,
so lend me your attention, woman,
Do  you remember that old paino we have in the attic?,
I want you to gift that to my small sister,
Lily is naive and she would miss me and won't find any thing
To call her own anymore,
Give her this paino so that she may hold it dear to her heart,
If you don't do this for me,
then I am afraid my soul wouldn't rest,
and in a fortnight I would be chasing you as a ghoul,
you will always be my girl,

                             Mary read and re-read again and again,
                             then she finally gave a sigh of relief,
                   and picked up her phone and went to do laundries,
                                                     You see,
                        the letter had reached the wrong destination.
                                               (what a irony)"
Tee hee!~
"* I met her two years back in a park,
I swear it was she, who approached me first!
Don't know if it was an excuse or coincidence,
We were sitting opposite,
She basking in the sun, reading for fun...
I too reading... but with a seriousness too deep to notice nature...

Then she suddenly approaches me and says,
Hey!!* You are reading the same book as me,
I glanced up in surprise (or was it 'awe'?)...
and notice her holding up the same book,
Paulo Coelho's 11 minutes...
and I smiled but before I could say anything,
she squeaked, "Guess even you like books with **** things",
and I finally finding my senses, exclaimed...
"It's a Coelho Classic. **** things are better in real"
We became friends and met now and then,
but to cut things short...

One year later,
It was few days shy of august,
We were holding hands,
walking around the plaza,
when she suddenly drags me into a dark corner,
looks me into the eye
and then breaks into a tight hug,
She leaves me surprised with an intense kiss,
my mind dizzy, and we let go of eachother
as the city lights become dim...

Two years later,
I thought nothing could go wrong,
I was married to her and was working in a top post,
but destiny had thought something else for me,
I didn't know how things ended up like this...

I was on my knees,
and there were hundreds people running opposite of me,
Red and blue lights discoed in front of my eyes,
Sirens and announcements filled up my mind,
Only men dressed in black and blue came towards me,
They had shields and protective gears,
they had formed a circle around me.

My girl was crying about 300 meters away,
held up by these dressed men,
crying for me I guess.
I noticed that I was all wired up in a mess,
a machine tied to me ticking,
and I only sweating...

Two men with a toolbox ran towards me,
they were observing my torso,
No, maybe that ticking machine...

And all I could do was look at my crying girl,
and wonder if she would...
if she would, for the last time,
Hold me tightly... "

     -  © OutcastDreamer
This poem has been inspired from a newspaper article...  Which has been altered by my imagination...
Few want to see all this red blood spill while most of us, write poems with blue ink.
"* I am just a lost echo,
Finding my origin,
Among this noise...  *
To BE  in a place where I belong...  is what I ask 2016 to give me.
To FIND my origin, my escape. ..  is my new year resolution to be.
"... And Love is a sweet poison...
Like a drug it consumes us...
Those who don't have it...
Crave for it...
Those who have it...
Fear of it's loss...
And those who lose it..

Go Berserk"
Some poems are better written in just one go, in the spur of the moment
 Oct 2016 Aprajita
 Oct 2016 Aprajita
Just like we have days & nights.
We have good & bad.
One must endure both to keep balance.
Once that balance is created you become
One Righteous Soul.
Just like salt and sugar you become one Righteous soul (ORS)
 Oct 2016 Aprajita
Autumn Rose
Yesterday I
opened my old
poetry book, when
I found a pressed
autumn leaf.
Its fragrance took
me back in time,
back in that cold rainy day
Then I was so young
and beautiful
when it got caught in
my hair by the
mischievous wind,
bathed in sky's tears.
But now it's dried
And it will never
be as it was before.
Just like me...
Today i really did find an old autumn leaf pressed in my old poetry book. It brought back so many memories.
Good times...
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