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I succumbed to the plea
In those lovely brown eyes
Not because I'm lonely
Or afraid of goodbyes
But because I've known valleys
And with you, I'm so high
Once concealed by the shadows
Now embraced by the sky
I hear your voice, I smile
I see your smile, my heart stops
I feel your lips, I melt
I touch your body, I become attached
You touch my body, I become fused to you
You're all I want, you're all I see
But you're not mine, nor ever will be
Let me be
Don't ask if I'm okay
My depression
Defines me
Nothing you can say
Will make me truly happy
It's disheartening
Of that I'm aware
But truth is
I don't really care
Nothing against you
But it seems to be
That being blue
Makes me happy

I died for Beauty—but was scarce
Adjusted in the Tomb
When One who died for Truth, was lain
In an adjoining room—

He questioned softly “Why I failed”?
“For Beauty”, I replied—
“And I—for Truth—Themself are One—
We Brethren, are”, He said—

And so, as Kinsmen, met a Night—
We talked between the Rooms—
Until the Moss had reached our lips—
And covered up—our names—
I almost told you today.
I am so tired of not telling you.
I changed the subject, I averted eye contact, I stayed strong.
We talked about your favorite Disney movie and the way I talk to my radio and we laughed.
I walked home alone.
I poured a glass to forget having to look away.
I am so tired of not being yours.
I love you and I almost told you today.
He wanted to colour her red
With his thriving love.
Now she lies in blood
Stabbed by his betraying move.
The strings of his love
Pulled her hard.
She couldn't decide
What was nastier!
The power of his seductive words
Which bared her love.
Or the brutally metaphorical eyes
Which undressed her soul.
Words trickled down
Like fine drops of water.
As she unfolded the crumpled
Coffee-stained lipstick smeared letter.
As fresh as dew drops
Descending on a foggy morning.
As poignant as a message
From a long lost soldier.
They held secrets unknown
And stories untold.
And locked away an old moment
Lost in the ravages of time.
As she cruised through
With shaking hands and
A pounding heart,
She lived the moment.
She lived it once again!
All over again!
They flowed easy the tears of her
In her core was a kindness’ river
With a heart of gold a love too pure
Her bags were full with pains to endure!

Married at teen and a widow too soon
Her youth dark dimmed an eclipsed moon
Dragged to abyss and feasted upon
Bereft a blood she could call her own!

A wonder her life though ravaged much
Growing not hard she broke to the touch
Would come to grief at others’ pain
Her cheeks overflowing in sobbing rain!

As a child I felt at a time now far
On one short span spent with her
When my innocence could easily tell
Neath her frame was an earthly angel!

Wasn’t a beggar returned from door
A stray unfed to die on the road
She was there with a saving aid
Her own life though was left unpaid!

As I write this rebel locked tears
Break floodgates of long lost years
Reveals from the mist a haloed face
Of an angel of love and godly grace!
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