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 Feb 2015 Anon
 Feb 2015 Anon
Even the most beautiful flower
Needs to be daily showered with water
For it to grow lovelier
Or else it will wither.

Just like our dreams and aspirations,
We need daily inspirations
For us to keep going
Or else our hearts will stop hoping.
Let us make our dreams come true. Gather every bit of inspiration we can get so we can still pursue and fight for what we really long to have. Don't give up, don't lose hope! :)
 Feb 2015 Anon
A Poet's Heart
 Feb 2015 Anon
A poet's heart isn't like any other...
It's the tears that trickle with radiance through words.
     It's a treasure trove that hides but longs to
     be found.
          It's a book shelved high that wants to
          be read.
               It's the freest of all birds caged but

A poet's heart isn't like any other...
It doesn't beat to the capable strokes of the artist.
     It doesn't pump in the most vibrant of
          It doesn't wield a paintbrush to
          translate its thoughts.
               But it can see through the eyes of

A poet's heart isn't like any other...
It doesn't conform to the conventional parameters of lyrics.
     It doesn't bind itself to the requirements
     of musical harmony.
          It doesn't follow the conventions of
               But it sings its voice loud without
               restrictions of melody...

A poet's heart isn't like any other...
It's an open secret, that whispers in metaphoric codes.
     It's an exploding universe, that merges
     back into galaxies.
          It's a sought after painting, that boasts
          of unfathomable beauty.
               It's an everlasting song, that echoes
               within the poet that embodies...
Dedicated to all of you...

If you're reading this...
This is for you...
 Feb 2015 Anon
Gia Lim
 Feb 2015 Anon
Gia Lim
Now that we are done,
I know my feelings aren't gone.
It will still **** me like what you did,
I know I will cry again just like a kid.
 Feb 2015 Anon
my eyes were never ready for a fleeting sunset
that shone into them with splendour and magic
then drifted away into a far horizon
leaving me with my sombre reflection
the water looked so dark, inky and bleak
and my hands after that were drenched in black ink
i had slammed the pen so ******* this cursed journal
i thought that maybe, everything in my head would collapse with it

you were pretty but it never stopped at that
my name may have tasted like honey but you got sick of it
you got sick of me
you had a way with words that left me weak
all the strength i had culminated through the years stood no chance
like porcelain with intricate designs, fragile, timeless

now who will accompany me in the night
to plant our memories in stars on the sky?
or did you find another one to remind you of the taste of honey
the taste of love
the taste of promise

leave me now with the reality of frowns and uncertainty
leave me with the dark inky waters of a night once spent accompanied
one day i will lay your indifference to rest
but for now
let me throw it out to the horizon, to the sky, to the earth
so it can swallow it to nothingness.
 Feb 2015 Anon
Sara Teasdale
When I am all alone
Envy me most,
Then my thoughts flutter round me
In a glimmering host;

Some dressed in silver,
Some dressed in white,
Each like a taper
Blossoming light;

Most of them merry,
Some of them grave,
Each of them lithe
As willows that wave;

Some bearing violets,
Some bearing bay,
One with a burning rose
Hidden away —

When I am all alone
Envy me then,
For I have better friends
Than women and men.
 Feb 2015 Anon
Izzah Batrisyia
I am strong.
Eat, sleep and repeat this every morning.
A prescription given to me by the open platform of a screen.
I followed the instructions,
Of the innocence.

I had lived the day that was supposed to be,
Yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Lived, loved and laughed.
But I've been broken one too many times,
I'm still impaled by shots of arrows.

I can't hold myself anymore,
I'm nothing but debris.
I question "who the **** told me to take this prescription?"
Because I'm dying inside,
I'm dying for someone to save me.

I am strong.*
Words that shivers down my spine as I cry to sleep.
A deception of strength I have hammered,
Into my head
And onto my knees.
© 2015 Izzah Batrisyia
 Feb 2015 Anon
War Zone
 Feb 2015 Anon
My mind is like a war zone but without the ammunition.
The thoughts are like a solider on a search and destroy mission.
The guns are like the process that puts thoughts into my head.
The bullets are like the voices that say they want me dead.
My mind is like a war zone and I’m a prisoner of war.
Serving a life sentence, I can’t take it anymore.
It’s a fight that needs to end, that needs to end right now.
If only I had willpower and if only I knew how.
 Feb 2015 Anon
i don't know why i keep thinking about us
when all the memories are erased
they have all turned to rust

i don't know why you keep coming back
some nights i wake up
and you are alive in my dream

i don't know why i still need you
still desire and love you
like the first day we've met

i don't know why you are still here
haunting during day and night
don't you have something better to do?

don't you have something better to do?
i ask myself
and slowly, as i smile to myself
tears slip through my eyes

and then i remember
us again.
rant rant rant **** **** **** love love love is is is bull ******* ****
 Feb 2015 Anon
Poppy Johnson
darkness is spreading like a virus
and you're telling me that my mind's diseased
but you won't give me a cure
or a torch
and you're forcing me to feel my way out
completely alone
and cold
and blind
when you promised
that you were here to hold my hand.
I heard you moved,
out of town.
Somewhere far away,
and I'm still waiting here.

And to think I was foolish enough,
to believe every word you said.
Let you and your lies,
get inside my head.

Sometimes I go to the grocery store,
just to make conversation.
Usually no one talks back.

So I give them my money,
the little I have left,
and take my candy bar,
and walk away.

I can feel them staring,
at me as I walk away.
I can feel your heartbeat,
why didn't you stay?

Read a book on moving on,
and it made me regress.
So I threw it in the fire.

I wonder if you're thinking of me,
or if I'm the only one.
I hurt just beneath the surface,
my insides are melting.

I can't seem to find,
a way to forget.
My mind says let go,
but my heart says no.

So if you're looking for me,
I'm most likely at the grocery store,
talking to all the cashiers.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
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