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 Apr 2014 Anonymous Anyone
I remember it
That day , preserved in my memories for all eternity
The day I saw you
The day my heart was stolen
The day my mind became slave to you
And my heart forever your prisoner.

I live now, heartless ...
Listening to the songs only I can hear
The songs you sing ...
My efforts are futile , for I can't resist you
I let the symphonies erode my being.

Unrequited love has become my dark rainbow
I try to see the beauty , but I am ultimately destroyed
I try to move on , but I cannot.

My heart cries when I see you with her
My happiness shatters and I die over and over again
I continue to cry as the sun hits my face
Oh , I wish I could forget
Forget the start

When a boy , stole another boys heart ...
who cares if the spaghetti sticks to the ***
who cares if a guest shows up late
it's not her 18th birthday
it's my baby brother's
and I'll wear my nose ring if I want to
jesus ******* christ woman
I'd like to point out that I dont give a ****
Will you make my mistakes?
will you love and be loved?
will you hurt and be hurt?

I fear to watch you leave the nest
Though I understand you can't stay any longer.
I don't want you to grow up like me.
I may be a bad girl and share all my adventures with you
some of the time it's so you'll learn without ever experiencing.
Others I want you to live on your own and try everything!
You love me enough to know the difference
Please be strong
Little ladykiller
I love my brother but he has too much of my blood running under his skin for my satisfaction
At least I know he's smarter and stronger than I
<3 Happy Birthday buddy
to pick up women
and leave them gently

to avoid confrontation
and when it's necessary

to treat your acne
and wear it well anyways

to love heavy metal
and frank sinatra

to love our mother
and to disregard her opinion

i lied for you
i cried with you
we shared each moment
learning together

i will die for you
little brother

— The End —