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 Apr 2015 Anastasia
Mike Essig
We will sleep together
in my head tonight;
holding each other close
in arms of fantasy:
dream lovers,
made of imagination.

Cigarettes and friends have so much in common
Friends are cigarettes to skin
The longer you hold them temptation grows within
To smoke or watch others choke
Cancer sticks, worse when ignited
So many people smoke and are delighted
To inhale the words of warning
Strangers are sticks and stones their words never hurt
With friends, this expression disappears
As if the pain doesn't accumulate every fiscal year
Running deep into your lungs, skin, and even the heart
Friends can do as much as a cigarette
We smoke our friends as if nothing is wrong and forget
Until our lungs and heart collapse and fill up with regret  
Quit cold turkey, suffer relapses try again later
Anything to soak up this toxic flavor
Friends or cigarettes?
Your choice of flavor to savor
Two days is a long time to have you back in my
digital life, and I don't know if unblocking you
is even worth it.

Because I'll be too scared to look at who
you've become, but I know you'll see my
existence in it's entirety.

I'm afraid of you, love.
I'm afraid of your love.
I'm afraid of love.
I'm afraid.
 Apr 2015 Anastasia
I'll kiss you until your heart pounds,
pumping embers through your veins until every capillary glows.

I'll kiss you 'til there is nothing but white hot pain
melting your lips,
         cauterizing your wounds,
                       until every hole in your heart is sealed.

And your ashes spell out my name.
It'll be alright, dear.
Nothing hurts when you're a supernova.
 Apr 2015 Anastasia
Xan Abyss
I am not a hero
But could I be the villain?
Constantly I ask myself if I know what is right
I see the cruelty of god, and the damage of lost hope
And pray that I am not the one to bring about our destruction

Some days I wonder, am I in the right?
Is my behavior justified, do I walk in the light?
Or am I the crazy one, the enemy, the threat
Could my inner darkness really cause another death?

For I am not a hero
But could I be the villain?
Am I truly capable
Of unspeakable evil?
These are the things I need to know,
But not the ones I want to.

The Antagonist of the Greater Piece
Is the hero of his own journey
But could my happy ending be
The End of All Eternity?

The Monster becomes a mirror
And in the darkness I can see us clearer
When my reflection changes shape
Into a nightmare of disgrace
I begin to find my way
Back into my darkest state

And a hero I may never be
But could I be the enemy?
Could my happy ending be the end of all eternity?
Ever wonder if you're the devil and you just haven't figured it out yet?
 Apr 2015 Anastasia
Tina Marie
Huddled in the shower
The hot spray mingling with my tears
As I gaze back
Through the shattered years
Trembling and shaking
I saw you today
I ran and hid
Tried to think you away
I thought I was fine
I thought I'd healed
Thought I'd recovered from
The power you used to wield
You stole my sanity
I was just a little girl
Who'd never had a father
When you entered my world
For eons you used me
You dragged me into hell
And when I escaped
I thought I'd get well
Almost two decades
Have came and gone
But today I discovered
My mind is still wrong
When you're abused as a child the pain never goes away. Almost twenty years have passed since I escaped, but everything came rushing back and it feels as though I never left.
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