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 Jan 2015 Starsoul
Cocooned safely in your arm chrysalis,
The perfection that is 'a butterfly kiss'.
Unconditional love expressed from within,
Delivered by eyelashes fluttered gently on skin.              
Warmed wings now unfolding and visible to eye,
Infinite spectrum of colours, an explosion of dyes.                                                                             Ready for flight.
Love, future dreams and wishes
I promise you always, my butterfly kisses.
 Jan 2015 Starsoul
As a kid time wasn't the same,
a day feelt like forever
and everything was a game.

Now I'm a ****** up adult,
in a world fast and insane,
the game now feels so occult.
Why does everything feel so strange?

Life feels like a weird insult.
Why did all things have to change?
Change is good they'll say to me,
but my craving still remains.
 Jan 2015 Starsoul
Alex Courrier
Soft hands covering eyes
Left in darkness with only your thoughts
Rules are rules
There has to be order

Imagination sparks
You hear friends scatter across
The wooden floor
Like untrained mice

Focusing on your breath
Inhale, exhale, trying to stay alive
Still hearing the frantic pattering
Of those confused around you

Wondering where they could be heading
Way up high?
Far down low?
On equal level, right there beside you?

Palms are sweating
Moisture’s trapped
Under aging cupped hands

Getting impatient
Foot starts tapping

Starting to rush




Or not
I come
 Jan 2015 Starsoul
Amaya Danzy
The last breath is always the hardest
it literally ruptures inside you
and forces its way out.
Making you explode in a million tiny pieces
pieces that will never be restored,
pieces that will cut others like glass
only leaving sorrow in their wake.

The end is alway peaceful for those going,
it is the ultimate battle for those who stay.
as you travel on to a better place
we are left here wondering what to do.
wondering why such a thing has to happen.
but you know, as you always have
death is not something to grieve
it is something to strive for
in death all the miracles of the world are discovered;
any question you ever wanted answered is right at your finger tips
and here is the kicker,
It is exactly what you dreamed it would be.

Your childhood fantasies playing out
right in front of you.
You are now the master of the universe.
For a moment you can’t help but think,
is death really the wonder you thought?
Emotional turmoil has taken its toll and turned you grey
 Jan 2015 Starsoul
Alex Sheets
 Jan 2015 Starsoul
Alex Sheets
Walking through the halls in my mind
Lost and almost out of time
I'm own my own
I walk these halls alone
I hear the screams echo off the walls
I hate these ******* halls
Walking through the broken glass
Made from a shattered past
Lost and on my own
I walk these halls alone
Theres writing on these walls
I can hear their calls
Words I cant comprehend
Oh why wont this end
Searching for a way to escape my cell
Why cant I leave this hell
A hundred people live in these halls
Yet im alone despite them all
There trying to take control
I wont let them steal my soul
Lost and on my own
I wander these halls alone
Bound in chain
Locked away inside my own brain
I cant save myself
But I have no one else
My blood begins to freeze
I wish someone would cure my disease
Its getting hard to talk
I'm losing my ability to walk
Lost and on my own
I wish I didn't walk these halls alone
Yeah first thing ive wrote in a while so it kinda ***** but **** it need something on here
 Jan 2015 Starsoul
Sophie Herzing
I’ve got Nike shoe-boxes filled
with newspaper confetti basketball highlights,
a Lucky Charms cereal prize, a hair clip
from the Homecoming dance, picture after picture
of little month-long memories. I’ve got a dozen
temporary candy box boyfriends
who faded just as quickly as they sparked. I’ll reopen
them occasionally, remind myself why my middle school mind
found it so important to save stale Valentine’s Day lollipops
and balance that with the tender, childish idea
that baby love is the realest love and maybe one day
all those text message breakups would come back to me.
I sort
through each dent my heart has suffered that I stowed away
in compartments, but you,
who’ve seen me through the longest,
have no place under my bed. I’ve got nothing
visible to hold of you because truth be told
you’re only my friend if the lights are out and the door is shut.
I have no pop song sweatshirt that still smells like you,
no cliché letters I’ve soaked with tears, no movie tickets,
no dinner matches or menus or pictures that I could cut
if I hated you enough.
I’d have to collect your sweat in a vile and brew it
into a perfume just so the smell could give me something
disgusting enough to feel when I remember you.
If only I could capture my nightmares, remake the images,
mold your body out of actual clay and light you up
without having to kiss your pelvis. We’ve made a mess of this.
You’re just a flame I forgot to blow out.
You're just a name I left hanging on my mouth.
 Jan 2015 Starsoul
I remember that night I slept
in the guest bedroom of your
mother's old house;
your childhood bedroom just across the hallway.

I waited all night for you
to sneak back.
You sat quietly on your bed
romanticizing foggy memories.
Y.M.H.H. Pt.I is the first poem in a series of poems about going back home.
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