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Alexa Sangren Apr 2019
The ordinary
Becomes the extraordinary
When the visionary
Depicts the good
1.3k · Aug 2017
Alexa Sangren Aug 2017
You can't fight your feelings
when your only weapon
is your courage
and you have no protection
for your heart.
1.3k · Dec 2018
I Rhyme Best
Alexa Sangren Dec 2018
I rhyme best when I'm in agony
When words fly smoothly on my lips
And barely graze my consciousness

Before they bloom, with no second thought
To writer or emotions alike
I rhyme best when I don't think
915 · Dec 2016
What About Me
Alexa Sangren Dec 2016
Well what about me,
I know what to do,
Don't forget that I'm here
And I've lived through this too.

Please let me speak my mind
Don't hinder what I say
Because every time you do this
I fly farther away

Well what about me,
I know how to act
A simple part I'm playing
Just one I know by fact

Well what about me,
Oh, I know how to speak
My words are my power-
You take them, I'm weak.
832 · Dec 2018
Seven Years
Alexa Sangren Dec 2018
One day, I spoke the truth
You called me a liar
Truly, I am one
I lied for seven years
Every day before today
Hiding the truth to save face
Both mine and your own
I guess grief changes you
Because after all this time
Something snapped
I sacrificed everything I've worked for
To save the few who you affect
You have reputation on your side
But still, I spoke out
And I stand today here to tell you
Every word was worth it
540 · Dec 2018
Melted Trust
Alexa Sangren Dec 2018
When trust is broken, shattered
I pick up the pieces
Melt them with the fires of my hurt
I recreate the destruction
After so long, the fire is extinguished
I can't be hurt by you
Trust stays, on the floor
I leave the pieces as you left them
443 · Mar 2019
Silver and Gold
Alexa Sangren Mar 2019
Why am I always
Silver to her gold
The subtle, not the bold
Second in your heart
314 · Jul 2019
Mother Nature's Irony
Alexa Sangren Jul 2019
The sun flies bright
Yet my mind is dim
The sky glows clear
Yet my thoughts are cloudy
The flowers smell sweet
Yet my words are bitter
It's a beautiful day
Yet my heart is hurting
258 · Dec 2018
Alexa Sangren Dec 2018
Is it even worth trying to talk when I'm
Walking behind all my "friends" on the sidewalk
None of you ever asks how I've been
Always pushed to the side again and again
I'm not sure who I am or what I stand for
I just know- I don't belong here anymore.
183 · Oct 2019
Help in the search bar
Alexa Sangren Oct 2019
I type "help" into my search bar a lot
Not really sure who would answer me
Though perhaps now, I'm desperate not for an answer
But just for my mind's chaos to be freed
180 · Nov 2019
help me freshman year
Alexa Sangren Nov 2019
My freshman year, I wrote a paper about appreciating the little things in life. In retrospect, I was definitely on crack
Alexa Sangren Jan 2020
I want to be with you when it's freezing outside but warm within, snow glazing our coats and frosting the lights.
Deep winter colors form the only contrast to the fresh snow, holding us inside our perfect bubble, untouchable by time herself.
The footprints from our slow dances are the only proof we existed at all, save for the breaths from our kisses.
The credits continue to roll, and slowly and fiercely as a snowstorm, we continue to fall in love.
145 · Nov 2019
Alexa Sangren Nov 2019
How many moments make love worth it?
How many moments justify the pain of loss?
142 · Jan 2020
Alexa Sangren Jan 2020
It's a harsh truth of life that I know,
Through the pain heavy footsteps that show
How a slap in the face, how the heart learned its place
The emotions my mind learned to stow.

I describe my love as so glowing.
With new potential ever flowing-
When my heart gave in, allowed feeling again
That moment in time never slowing.

Though this process of finding took years
You've guided me through all of my tears.
To love, to adjust, a new reason to trust
Day by day, note by note, healed my fears.
139 · Jan 2020
Unneeded Explanations
Alexa Sangren Jan 2020
I am not a secret keeping person.
I value knowledge, truth, and honesty.
Yet, somehow, admitting my own truths
Is impossible.

When the world sees so few shades,
I always hide inside my fragile heart.
I take this other name until I admit myself
To myself.

I trust you with the universe, my dear.
No one person has come this close to me.
How much can I afford to lose of myself,
If I stay?

No relationship comes without a cost.
It is a cost I gladly bear for you.
How much of me do you carry, which
You could drop?
99 · Jan 2020
July 5, 2018
Alexa Sangren Jan 2020
When we're eye to eye
I remember when that's all we had
Recalling the subtle glances, the smiles that followed
Look at just how far we've come.

When we're face to face
I memorize every detail of you
Tracing the lines of your jaw, the curve of your lips
The moments make me here forever young.

When we're heart to heart
I hold onto everything I can
Embracing the beats in your chest, the warmth of your hands
No song could compare to.

When we're cheek to cheek
I feel the rhythm of our slow steps
Treasuring every candid spin, the song that wraps us up
We could stay here forever.

— The End —