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 Apr 2015 Alex
10w on lies
 Apr 2015 Alex
I bit open a lie and it tasted like you.
 Mar 2015 Alex
Beebz The Queen
you are not in control anymore
i am taking hold of my life today
i am so tired of being used and hurt
so i am living my life my own way

its wrong to hope that you fail
i won't lie and say I hope you do well
you should have treated me far better
and never told me to go to hell

i lack the power to hurt you more
than how badly you wounded me
but saying this final *******
i think might just set me free
 Mar 2015 Alex
Virginia S
 Mar 2015 Alex
Virginia S
If you love her do something
because she
                                      f                                 ☁
                                 l        ☁
☁                       l
                  ☁                                n              ☁

and no one else
can catch her
The mind commits suicide long before the body does
 Mar 2015 Alex
Poppy Johnson
 Mar 2015 Alex
Poppy Johnson
we only feel so empty
because we left
little pieces of ourselves
in everything that
we once loved;
once lost.
 Mar 2015 Alex
To every single person
Who feels as though they are broken
Shattered, shards, scattered across
Corrupted pasts,
You will be okay.

I know there are scars deep within your soul,
Lacerated across your heart
And potentially upon your skin
I know there is regret, and blame,
Disappointment and shame
Burning fires within.
Let them go.

You are beautiful,
At 3 in the morning when you’re curled up
In your sheets, your pillow
Saturated in yesterdays regrets.

You have endured journeys
Others could never even fathom
You shall blaze trails others
Could never even imagine.

Pain does not define you,
Society shall not confine you.

Don’t you forget, lose sight of or regret
That just because you can’t see the stars
It doesn't mean they're not shining.
 Mar 2015 Alex
Christopher Lowe
The Devil asked me
Sell your soul
For the love of your life

And I laughed as I replied
*Maybe if I had it
But she already stole it
 Mar 2015 Alex
Let it come
 Mar 2015 Alex
Don't approach a dog unknown to you
Holding out your hand, making eye contact
You may frighten him
Let him come to you

Don't write a poem uninspired
It won't work out
In good time
Let it come to you

Don't go out there seeking love
Like a child with a butterfly net
Live your life
Let it come to you
 Mar 2015 Alex
Goodbye Swish
 Mar 2015 Alex
I remember the first shot.
It was one of those silly bank shots.
Right on the corner,
From my favorite spot.

My first real shot.

I remember the game.
It was one of those movie-like games.
All *******,
and a buzzer beater take.
The best kind to make.

I remember the jersey.
It was one of those real baggy jerseys.
Number on the back,
and the matching shorts.
Playing on the bigger court.

And I remember the shot.
It was one of those three point shots.
I knew it was my last one,
So I had one last wish.
I watched that shot go in with a swish.

It fell through the basket,
all scooped by the net.
And I finally realized,
that this was the end.

The endless crowds and shoes and shows.

But tonight was the final of five good years.

and I watched the door

It's been good. I'll miss you basketball.
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