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AK Jan 2016
warm body
chilling than
empty bed.
AK Jan 2016
a laugh line formed

but i tried to wipe it off,

seeing as you always did

to the chocolate on my lips.

you sat in my room,

keeping time.
AK Jan 2016
Each sunday,
the owner's face lit up
as I popped in the neighborhood bodega
in need of paper towels, soap, toothpaste.

Occasionally, when I uttered the word “purple,”
his brown eyes glowed and he flashed me a smile
as he fetched the Trojan condoms behind the counter.

This week,
I came in on saturday,
he looked pleasantly surprised to see me,
earlier in the week.
until I reached the counter
holding tampons, desperate to stop my leaking body.

In my humanity,
I was no longer ****,
not worthy of a smile.
Nor the well wishes of a nice evening.

His greetings had always had an invisible price tag,
exchanged for a glimmer of hope.

The hope that his kind words would
earn him a discount in the time it took

for me to live up
to his fantasy
one day.
AK Dec 2015
The wind chilled my already frozen heart,
briefly filling my hollowed soul.

Staring at the tiny boxes in the sky
Wondering what painful memories each one holds.
Secrets for the next tenant to inherit,
unknowingly, unwillingly.

Faded yellow street lines guiding
yellow taxis the same way.
That confident sense of direction,
lost on me today.

The sales clerk asked how I was
I processed her question too slowly,
Losing my opportunity to share the appropriate lie.

My feet met the ground with an awkward force,

Streets I’d walked a thousand times over
suddenly felt unfamiliar
as I fixated on new details
the cracks in my ribs let in new light.

A white butterfly found me.
AK Dec 2015
I try to open my eyes
But feel an ache as
another seam rips
down the middle of my heart.

Hungover from the tiny white screen
I stared at for hours.
Investigating your once love-drunk smile.

Stumbling to the bathroom,
I meet my shower in desperation.

Hoping the water running down my chest
will act as a threat and
fix the ever-widening tear.

I emerge wet
to find a foggy reflection.

I’m beyond repair.
AK Dec 2015
everything was so primal.
heartbeat, nerves,

desire upon your arrival.
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