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 Apr 2017 Adrian Newman
She is always afraid of waking up

Because her dreams die when she does

Her dreams fade away

fades away into reality

fades away


Too busy to write so I'll just repost this old piece of mine
 Apr 2017 Adrian Newman
Last night
I lifted my head
to the sky
not so far away
like my dog on the porch
to the songs of the frogs
singing up a storm
I asked her, sweet mutt
of mine to interpret
their words
and she looked at me
as if to say
just listen my friend
they sing of the wind
and the pines
the ocean
that great saltwater dish
where we were born
and the coming
of a great tide
and how we should be
more kind
to our Mother
the Earth tomorrow
on her Birthday
they sing instructions
and warnings
of obituaries heard
in a thunderous warming
then she sighed
and closed her eyes
thumping her tail
in time with the chorous
as the moon
raised his great blind eye
up over the forest.
Earth Day 2017.
Seeing the changes
floating away with the stream
give back my childhood
Trying out another haiku.
I deleted every line
That said I ever loved you
Regretted every song
That I had ever wrote you
I can't possibly erase them
They're all a part of me
Reminders of a bad decision
Yeah, that sounds like me
My heart just full of stupid
My head just full of dumb
My works just full of love
And now it's all undone.
And I hate myself with each one I find again.

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words, I can't express enough how happy I am that I actually made Daily poem <3
Read every line etched on my face
That tells of the time along with the place

Where a story this old
Will not go untold

Look in my eyes that have been clearer most days
And the secrets they hold that they won't give away

The ones collected in my youth
If you must know the truth

And the hands that I have with the ache and the hurt
Arthritic most times in their twists and their turns

But still able to wave to the dead
Friends that have left

With the buckling of knees and the thinning of hair
As my hearing in and out leaves for somewhere other than here

And these brittle bones that are cold
With the shivers of old

The mirror on the wall no longer reflects my memory
Holds nothing I want nor do I care to see

Just look at this body to read
Life's story
She had deep deportation eyes
Raven's feather hair
Skin as sweet as molasses
And of the same color there

Her name was never Lita
At least no two times the same
She wore the same old pair of sandals
Learning fast how to play the game

She would let you so close
But never there within
Her body was her refuge
A faultless heart so full of sin

She never took what was not belonging
The world owed her a lot
If she broke the piggy bank
It was all that she had got

In the blackness of the white room
Full of pressed rats and warthogs
She said it was their damnation
A Titanic corting through the fog

The winter came early that season
She felt the heat of I.C.E.
Her skates were best blade thin
Not thick enough for her own device

She had deep deportation eyes
The last time I saw her around
I don't see her at all now
Thinking that makes me frown
Corting - aberration of the Spanish word cortina - drapes or curtains . Here the fog acts as a curtain . Much of this if from the album 'Wheels on Fire' by "Cream".  Especially the songs "White Room" and "Pressed Rat and Warthog".
You've got that sunshine in your soul
that pep in your step
girl you make the music loose control with that
pep in your step
Girl you don't realize
what you doing to me
got that smile that lights up the town
girl I want to keep you around
 Feb 2017 Adrian Newman
Do you remember what it was like
When adults spoke words
That we were too young to understand?
Do you remember what it was like
When we were programmed by our parents?
They explained meanings of words,
Trained us in diciplines
And spoke truths
We were too inexpirienced to deeply understand?

Do you remember what it was like
To see a bridge for the first time?
To really see it and wonder
Why it was there and purpose it served?
Something so mundaine today
Back then we just trusted
That if it was there,
Then there must've been
A good reason for it.
We trusted that everything
We saw and heard was true.

don't lie to children

Has it ever occurred to you
That everything we see for the first time
Is being viewed without judgement.
We don't know what it is.
It is up to those who explain it
To remain equally unjudgemental
So we can make up our own minds.
Do you realise that life
Is still a surprise to young eyes?
Don't program them wrong.

Do you realise the responsability
To purify your own mind
Before you speak it
To inexpirienced ears.
If you teach hate, you will see it
Everywhere you go.
Someone once said
if you plant a tree, it will never grow to become grass
So stop demanding it to...
it will always be a tree.
But you help it become
Happier and healthier.

They won't become what you want them to become.
They will become that which they hold a potential for.
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