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 May 2015 JAM
It’s the magic pill
That pollutes our will
Lives under lamp lights
When strangers
Walk by at night
Passing each other
In a suspicious state

It lives in Press releases
About diseases

It lives in the never will be
Terrorist attacks
Turns foreigners and strangers
Into a clear and present danger

The twenty four hour sensationalist
News stations that press it
The politician’s platforms
That always expresses this

Born from the boogeyman
Under the bed
That now lives
In our heads

Makes men more malleable
The pill
Some find very easy to swallow
No matter if it neglects the fact

 May 2015 JAM
Jax levii
 May 2015 JAM
Jax levii
"Just tired"
He muttered

But you could tell it wasn't
Just the lack of sleep

But lack of hope
And happiness

That made him
Act the way he did.
 May 2015 JAM
there was a little fish he lived underneath
below the sea so blue on a great big reef
he loved to swim around in and out of reed
this was his favorite place and where he loved to feed

oneday he was swimming he heard a little cry
somewhere very close somewhere near by
fish he swam around to see what it could be
fish he was so clever a clever fish was he

then he saw some bubbles rising in the air
fish he took a look to see what was there
it was a little crab trying to break free
caught up in the **** very stuck was he.

fish began to chew all around the ****
he chewed and chewed and chewed
till the crab was freed

crab he was so happy at what the fish had done
free again once more now he could have some fun
they played along together as happy as can be
in there home so deep beneath the deep blue sea
 May 2015 JAM
i like to comb the beach to see what i can find
anything of interest the tide as left behind
looking through the **** that is lying there
maybe find a treasure that is very rare

maybe find a bottle with a little note
or may be find a piece of a sunken boat
there are many thing washed up by the sea
lots of little treasures lying there for free
 May 2015 JAM
Walter W Hoelbling
you have the feeling
days go by
   in a sequence of unnerving sameness
punctuated only by familiar rituals
   without alternation

a sluggish stream of time
   a history
  of not really noteworthy past events
and similar future ones

everything stays the same
   nothing changes

eternal boredom

this is hell

         * *
 May 2015 JAM
Francie Lynch
You have the handshakes,
I'll take the slaps on the back.
There's no estate, no kids.

You have the helloes,
I, the good-byes.

No mediator is necessary,
I've medidated on this
And concluded,
This friendship.
 May 2015 JAM
Peter Simon
Have you ever seen a night sky so clear;
So clear that there’s not even a sign of the moon’s existence?

Well, I’m under one right now
The street is empty and the darkness is silent
No rustling of leaves or bushes,
No hums of crickets singing in chorus

Window drapes are down
And they’re all black instead of yellow
Streetlights are the only source of light
And that telephone booth standing steadily alone on the corner

Hands inside my hoodie’s pocket, I go in it
I pick the phone up and started dialing a number
When suddenly all the lights go out
In a blink of an eye, and the world is in total darkness

Everything is quieter than ever
Then the wind comes whooshing
The thunder begins applauding
The lighting started like camera flashes

Raindrops as big as golf ***** fall from the sky
And the way they hit the roof of the booth,
I almost believe they’re as heavy
Inside the booth I still get wet from all the sweat

Then, as if on cue, the storm dies
Quietness floods again
The booth light flickers but that’s all
Streetlights never come back

Hesitating for a moment, I slowly go out
I look up and the sky isn’t just a black canvas anymore;
It’s now filled with blots of white ink
Glittered to life

I kick the waters not yet ****** up by the drains
I look at how calm they are
Mirroring the beautiful night sky painted
I can definitely say I’m top and under the cosmos
 May 2015 JAM
just a memory
 May 2015 JAM
I'm tired
too tired to care
I'm trying so hard
I know its not enough

I can't be fixed
please don't try
I'll be dead and gone
and you'll  move on

I just cant do this anymore
the days will go on,
but I will not

I am done
done with this misery people call "life:"
what's the point of life,
if we don't enjoy it?

Why do I live,
if the suffering is inevitable?
and don't ever stop feeling numb
when can I be done and gone?
i'm just a memory,
nothing art all
 May 2015 JAM
Chitra Nair
 May 2015 JAM
Chitra Nair
No matter how much you deny,
A lot of people don't know,
What really does go,
On in your mysterious mind;

They say you're ordinary,
Sweet, simple and soft;
But I know you better,
You're enigmatic and a hopeless fool;

I see right through you,
I see right past your innocent smile,
I see right past your sweet voice,
I see that you're a lonesome being with no choice;

To you, trust is a treasure,
Which has no measure;
To you, trust is a luxury,
That you cannot afford to lose;

You have a biased view,
About this world;
You think everyone is waiting,
To hurt you real bad;

You think the world wants,
You to fall deep into a bottomless pit,
You think they'd love to see,
The light in your eyes unlit;

According to you,
Sharing your secret,
Is like giving away,
Your credit card;

You may be a strong person,
But right now,
You're cautious, fearful and downright scared,
You're scratched, bruised and disfiguring-ly scarred;  

You'd rather ****** your own family,
Than share your deepest thoughts,
You'd rather become a detached, holy saint,
Than give anybody the access to your heart;

To you, trust is a treasure,
Which has no measure;
To you, trust is a luxury,
That you cannot afford to lose;

But my dear, don't you see,
That you're a trapped bird,
Locked in a golden cage
Totally not free;

But my dear, don't you know,
That we, your people, aren't your real foes;
Your real nemesis, my dear,
Is you;

At first, your thoughts may seem mild,
But after a while,
They'll start running wild,
Staining, tainting and darkening your pure, pure soul;

Your poisonous thoughts will,
Take away the goodness of your heart,
Take away the humanity within you,
And carefully replace it with -

Fiery, scalding, burning anger,
Cold, grudging bitterness,
And a deep, carnivorous hunger,
To annihilate the ones who love you;

So, stop being so mistrustful,
Open out your heart
Slowly at first,
Then all at once;

Do not fear being backstabbed,
Because no matter what,
There shall always be people,
Who will be there for you;

Do not fear getting heartbroken,
Because, my friend, you're so strong,
And there are thousands of others,
Who'd help you mend your heart;

Do not fear everybody,
There might be ten people,
Who might hurt you,
But a thousand more who love you;

Contrary to what you think,
Pushing away the world,
Will make you sadder,
Not safer;
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