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A Psalmist Feb 2019
I find my days are stuck                                                                                  
                                                                  Swinging between two extremes  
                                                                                                      And sorrow  
I would love to remain on one end                                                                
                                                                                But even more than that  

I just wish that my days would be                                                                 Still
A Psalmist Feb 2019
Yeah, I'm good (to talk about it now)
I don't care where we eat (as long as it's together)
Work was fine (considering I'm discontent with my job)
Nothing is wrong (this is just who I am)
I love you (more than my words will ever say)
An internal processor practicing being more forthcoming
A Psalmist Feb 2019
We are all statistics for someone's narrative
But statistics are only numbers
Until you know their story.
Because then, those stats have a name
a face. a meaning. a purpose.

When you look at people,
don't count numbers,
because you can't see numbers
without being numb...
A Psalmist Feb 2019
The passing seconds of all of my days
Lead to me being pulled into your longing gaze
Every fleeting moment in this prolonged past time
Snatches the life that I thought was mine
My intent was never to stare
But now, I'm stuck in a glare
Your dazzling tide has brought me slowly in
Luring me from where I had been
Past the safety of the breakers, my inhibitions
Into your world, full submission
Fully submerged, content if I die
Caught up in your rip current eyes
You think this only happens in movies/TV until it happens to you
A Psalmist Nov 2017
You know me.
You see me,
But you don't really see "me".
You see me as what you want me to be:
Either still a green
Or a not-yet red,
But never yellow.

But why do I care?
Because let's be real,
I'm never around long enough
for your liking anyway.
A Psalmist Nov 2017
10 miles 'til empty
And I am almost there,
Been driving all night
To get to Nowhere.
Throughout the night
I've been left with my thoughts,
Focusing on the end
So I don't get lost.

     5 miles 'til empty
     And my journey's almost done.
     The new beginning
     is on the horizon.
     I packed up my life
     To see what's in store
     Because the old me
     Desperately wanted more.

            2 miles 'til empty
            And my heart is racing fast
            Because of my tank
            And all that has passed.
            Will this life be better?
            Will it keep me satisfied?
            I will only know
            At the end of this ride.

                    0 miles 'til empty
                   And I am now here,
                   Alone in this place
                   With only my fear.
                   In this isolation
                   I realize the truth
                   That I really did love
                   the life of my youth.

                              my heart is empty,
                              it's all my fault.
                              my rebirthing journey
                              has come to a halt.
                              i don’t want to be here.
                              i wish i never came.
                              i want to go back
                              to when things were the same.

                                             My tank is empty
                                             But my hope is not.
                                             I’ll head straight back
                                             With only my thoughts.
                                             Each step I take
                                             Is one step closer
                                             To getting off
                                             This roller coaster.

10,000 miles ‘til home
And I’m almost there,
I’ll walk through the night
To end this nightmare.
The distance is great
But this first step is a start
In returning back to
The home of my heart.
We all want change, but we really don't know what we have until it's gone. Take a moment and see the good around you. Be thankful for your life, even if you wish it were different.
A Psalmist Nov 2017
Send Nudes
No, not you. Me.
No, not like that. I'll keep My clothes on.
Can I send nudes:
Myself, stripped.
Stripped of facades
Of pride
Of the masquerades.
Can I send you me:
the me of private
of insecurity,
the me I am when no one else is around.
Because no one knows that **** me,
and thus
I don't ever feel truly wanted.
Or truly known.
Can you bear it?
If I were to bare it?
Just let me know.
So, should I
Send Nudes?
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