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 Mar 2017 Cam
Caitlin Nesbit
Finding love
where only lust resides
is like
stopping the moon's pull
on the oceans' tides.
 Mar 2017 Cam
Caitlin Nesbit
It breaks my heart
to watch the women around me
allow men

to silence their song,
mute their colors,
smolder their fire.

Love is meant to lift us up,
not destroy our existence.
 Mar 2017 Cam
Caitlin Nesbit
I've found it easier this way-
to **** things up before they even begin.
resisting vulnerability.
avoiding the ruse of misleading men.
 Mar 2017 Cam
Caitlin Nesbit
The strokes of your tongue
could rival those
of a Picasso painting.
 Mar 2017 Cam
Gray Roxanne
Read between my lines, I tell you.
Read between my lines.
It shouldn’t be so hard for you to understand
That I love you more than anyone ever knew.
Please just read between my lines
And decipher the code
That I will love you ‘til the end of time
And I hope you love me too.

Read between the lines, my sweetheart
Before I depart into the snow
For I need you to keep sound in your mind
The fact that I will never let you go

I know I may sound crazy
But all I say is true
At least to me, and I know
It’s true to you,
 Mar 2017 Cam
Where are you going
my little one...
my precious son?
Why are you taking
my baby from me?

Close my eyes
and you're two...
Close my eyes
and you're four...
Close my eyes
and you're walking
right out of the door.

Where are you going
my little one...
my precious son?
You just keep growing
too quickly for me.

Close my eyes
and you're eight...
Close my eyes
and you're ten...
Close my eyes
and I just want
to hold you again.

Where are you going
my little one...
my precious son?
You've no way of knowing
how proud you make me.

Close my eyes
you're in school...
Close my eyes
and you're grown...
Close my eyes
and you're a father
precious son of your own.
This is more of a lullaby then poem. I used to sing it to my son when he was a lil guy. He's 22 now!!! Where does the time go?!
 Mar 2017 Cam
Hailey Allen
 Mar 2017 Cam
Hailey Allen
If I could get a simple like
Just a little heart
Than I'd smile very soft
It would be a tiny start

If I could get a like
It would make my day
I would spread some needed joy
And make love come your way

If I could get a like
I would party all day long
And would hug my dearest friend
Plus, sing a little song

If I could get a like
I would write until I'm dust
I'd write a lovely poem
Read it if you must!

Please like!
A simple like can make a difference! It can encourage someone to keep writing.
 Mar 2017 Cam
Sometimes I forget
how innocent you still are.
With the soul of an angel,
you're my shining star.
As sweet as pure sugar
with a heart made of gold.
A miniature miracle
for my arms to hold.
Your purity and hope,
your limitless dreams...
Sometimes I forget
what being a child really means.
So live wild and carefree
and sing your heart out!
Laugh till your tummy hurts,
feel happiness throughout!
Dance like no ones watching,
let nothing dim your view...
Sometimes I forget
to let you, just be you.
So, on those bad days
when I'm grumpy or mad,
if I say, "knock that off!!"
and it makes you sad...
Just remember, I love you,
more then words can ever say!
For you are the sunshine
that brightens my every day-

Sometimes I forget...
I couldn't have asked for a better daughter! Love that girl
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