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 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
I inhale
Fresh air
Produced by my
Dear friends
The trees and flowers and plants

I give it back to you

Well look at that,
We do have something in common after all;
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
Nom De Plume
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
Nom De Plume
Life is a path.
That once you take,
It disappears.
Every step you take,
Is a step towards your goal.
You cannot step back.

Life is a pen
Swiftly moving.
Never stopping.
Once you make a mark,
It's permanent.
You cannot erase.

Life is a Pandora's Box.
Full of surprises,
Full of excitement.
Once you open it,
Your life begins.
You cannot close it.

Life is a path.
Life is a pen.
Life is a Pandora's Box
That you can never forget.
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
Regardless the pain
the day to day suffering
try to maintain
a sane mind.

Depressing thoughts will come
naturally like the weather
creating dark, shadowy clouds within mind.
Your life might become frozen,
put in standstill bind
but stay calm, try to unwind
be aware of the coming sunshine.

Overcoming adversity
refines the spirit, creating true beauty
in how you now have the ability
to help others with their insecurities.
You can be their purity,
the living example of what could be.
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
Jacob Giggey
Back Down, I say.
My own voice struggles for strength and footing
against the tide of lies.
Stop It Now, I say.
I know the truth, I know I shouldn't,
feeding the voices isn't wise.
But it's so easy,
to get lost in the words,
like an addiction,
I hate the need,
I hate the urge,
I hate the truth,
I love the hate.
But then, sometimes, out of nowhere, I arise.
Lifting off the icy stone floor of which I often fall,
I feel myself begin to crawl, I ****** up and rise again,
standing tall I breathe in the light, no longer feeling quite so small,
I find a door that leads me down an endless hall,
Unknown urgency flares within and I start to run,
to where it all began,
I retrace the steps that must have brought me here.
Until suddenly I'm back to a younger me,
watching from above
I see how I was,
Happy, kind, loving, innocent, careless, carefree,
I was alive.
I stay and watch as years go by,
slowly at first I see a change,
quicker the images pass,
now I'm able to see,
the invisible chains that snuck up and captured me.
I re-watch my struggles,
I rehear my pleas.
Countless times I'd cried out for me not to be me.
Fear and pain became a cage
prison bars,
smaller and smaller,
squeezing tighter and tighter,
isolating from the happy world outside.
What's this?
A mirror?
An escape?
Taking the slender ornate handle,
the fragile oval of glass,
incapable of untruth,
I cautiously peer into me.
Expecting nothingness,
a single tear gathers,
as it falls it triggers an onslaught of followers.
A shocked laughed bursts forth like a gasp,
they quicken until I'm laughing like I've not in years
fueling joyful tears,
they wet my aching smiling cheeks.
It wasn't nothing,
that I saw in my own eyes.
It was love.
It was, always has been,
always will be,
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
Natalie Walker
I have days so low
I wonder if gravity is depressed—
maybe his tight hugs
around our ankles
were not enough
of a connection,
so the Earth trembles
until she splits
and gravity drags us
to her burning hot core
In a way we all are like gravity
pulling each other in
hard, fast, recklessly
desperately wanting some
perfect planet
to see our
inner-most core

Yet why must we bring each other down
to let each other in?
You don’t have to choke me to hug you
You don’t have to shovel away my surface
to see what lies beneath
I’ll show you
layer by layer,
I will shed my surface
and shine brighter than
the stars of the greatest magnitude.”
Natalie M. Walker
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
Erin Schwartz
 Sep 2015 Yorkobi
Erin Schwartz
In life
You realize there is a difference between living
And living
One may go through life wondering what could be
Others may go through life having everything they want to get finished, finished
Why go through life wondering
When you can wonder on and discover what is all around you

There will always be a need to see new things
Whether it be sights, people or foods
But what about happiness
Some people go through life wondering what it would be like to see happiness
While others seek more than that

For me, happiness is sometimes found
But also sometimes lost
It's discovered and rediscovered a million times over
But how can that be true when happiness isn't truly a thing to find

Happiness is an idea you have to create for yourself  
It doesn't just happen
So why do people sit around and expect happiness to just waltz on into their lives

I realize now I have to work to find the happiness I have been longing for
Feelings of fulfillment and joy don't just come to you
They have to be created through the mind set of positivity

How can you expect it to rain in the middle of a drought without praying first
So my question for you is
How can you expect happiness to come to you without actually working for it
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