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  Mar 2022 Whit Howland
Mrs Timetable
Made for you
You didn't use it

Can't get it back
Gone forever

Always there...
Is it waiting for itself?

If you find out
Let me know

I need more...
Time you really know how it was spent
Whit Howland Mar 2022
I am sandwiched
like a slice of ham

two pieces of Wonder bread

and judgment

you measure my intellect
by my words

they are simple

you judge me
by my clothes

they are threadbare

but please don't judge me
any further

or measure

until you try me
with mustard and Mayonaise
Whit Howland Mar 2022
the weather was warm

with the sun sunny
side up

and the sky was a solid

and now
I must honestly ask you

what just happened
a cold snap

ok maybe
but seriously

Whit Howland Mar 2022
Like a giant hand
shaking a box of soap flakes
all over the place


wiping dry


the last gasp
or a new beginning
A word painting.
  Mar 2022 Whit Howland
Carlo C Gomez
Weddings and honeycombs.
Why do they give us the hives?
The keeper knows.

There's a buzz in the air.
It belongs to
the rudimentary happinesses:
The minor miracle of father's smile,
a morning breath of honey,
painting toy lips with
blood from mother's finger.

Deathless protagonists,
Mom and Dad,
our propolis.
They love us from afar.
They love us with what they are.

There's a buzz in the air.
There must bee!
They can't help loving
us little monsters,
who sting
and then say goodbye,
sting and say goodbye.

A linn begins to form
in the corner of their eye,
as wheat fields sway in the wind.

The innocent
and the beautiful
have no enemy, but time.

Whit Howland Mar 2022
take up thy bed and walk
is what you said
and though you were gentle

there was a force behind it
like a swift-moving river
more than enough to make me rise

put on my shoes
and take those first
wobbly steps

and eventually walk
and walk
and never

look back
  Mar 2022 Whit Howland
Carlo C Gomez
Tommy guns for insurance
And wads of sweaty cash
To build new empires with

But there are no guarantees
Crime, you see, doesn't pay
You can bank on it

So we already know how it ends:
They canceled his policy
And Dunaway with her
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