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6d · 54
Sudden Rain
Don't run away
run into the  lightning

the thunder
and the storm and

wash thoroughly
in the torrential drops

because as they say
a little sudden rain

hurt anyone
Jul 18 · 27
Dog Days Of Summer
Whit Howland Jul 18
We all do
search that is

for the sand
that slipped

the hour glass

so I don't fault you
for walking the halls

room to room
don't worry

we'll see him again
and each other
Jun 28 · 54
Tuning a Banjo
Whit Howland Jun 28
With every turn
and twist

of the silver knobs
and tightening

of the nylon strings
the dream

becomes less milky
and gauzy

so the real picture
can begin to focus
A word painting with a straight forward message.
Jun 24 · 83
Blue Canoe
Whit Howland Jun 24
slightly crooked
it hangs

but a painting
none the less

of a not-so-perfect

that carried us
down rivers

and out to sea
as we journeyed

far and wide
Another Rod McKuen homage
Jun 23 · 170
...and other sorrows
Whit Howland Jun 23
the street you describe
I've never been there

but I have kicked a bedsheet
a time or two

and maybe I've reached
for cigarettes

I've been hot and cold
more cold blooded

you might say
in the true snake sense
An homage to Rod McKuen
Jun 23 · 196
Cats on a bed
Whit Howland Jun 23

is what I've

made with age
and life

I love you

is what I wrote
this morning

on last night's
cocktail napkin
Jun 21 · 59
Jazz in the rain
Whit Howland Jun 21
lightning flashes

and the rain
pit pats on the roof

my fingers
snap crackle pop

and I'm distracted now
but I'll get back on track

as soon as I see
a rainbow
Whit Howland Jun 19
a dead mouse floats
where water has puddled

in the driveway

and a  whiff of skunk

it must have taken port
from last night's storm

in the garage

a slow rusty drip
falls from the gutter

so many early morning

so many clues
and so many McGuffins

to distract
An impressionistic word painting
Jun 16 · 56
Whit Howland Jun 16
muscles twitch
moonlight radiates
though still soft

a voice

or otherwise

An impressionistic word painting
Jun 16 · 190
Father's Day
Whit Howland Jun 16
a sharp blade

after shaving

from a gnarled wooden

or is it the sound
of your gravelly singing

and the many guitars
you've  owned and played

or the feel of stubble
or the smell of cologne

I don't know

but I'll can and will say
at the risk of selfishness

is your day is
mine too

and a day
will never be enough
Happy Father's Day to my Dad who I am fortunate to still have in my life.
Jun 15 · 74
Upon Our Aniversary
Whit Howland Jun 15
pond water

with a stick

became muddy

we were

but are much
clearer now

and no journey
was ever necessary

you and I made a home
right here

at the edge
among the reeds
A word painting with a straightforward message.
Jun 10 · 72
Up Late
Whit Howland Jun 10
The Moon glows
as the night ages

and I grow old
with it
Jun 2 · 24
Blue Monday #2
Whit Howland Jun 2
After the swirls
a glimpse into a crystal ball

your life
and what it could be

or should be


it's gone

back to the world
dyed melancholy

and blue
May 31 · 178
Good Humor Man
Whit Howland May 31
Distant bells

getting louder
as he comes

down the street
a bright white truck

rolling toward us
and if we hurry

we can scavenge through
kitchen drawers

and scrounge up
just enough change

for an ice cream

we can make it work

we always do
May 30 · 136
Greeting Card Sentiments
Whit Howland May 30
When every day's
a struggle

to keep your head
above water

may solace be found
in words so preciously

by a printing press

with sprinkles
and milky images
Whit Howland May 28
Silhouetted trees
against a dusky sky

and it's only been a week
but already

too long

but hey
what can I say

we got a little hot
and things got a little weird

but no it's not
at least

I don't think
it's too late

that is
May 27 · 39
Memorial Day
Whit Howland May 27
The Red White
and Blue


of the flag
hangs on the wall

in my den
and I have a whale of a time

keeping it straight

is messy
and not everyone enjoys it

but I won't give up
on that painting

nor you
and I hope you

won't give up
on me
A word painting with a straight forward message
May 27 · 176
Tornado Warning
Whit Howland May 27
like wind
a creaking door

three messages
in three hours
and nothing

but cicadas
which are even worse
then crickets
Whit Howland May 21
Not a pigeon
mind you

just a middle-aged man
whose shoulders burn

while trying

to ***** back in the cover
on the ceiling light
May 18 · 30
Toy Saxophone
Whit Howland May 18
Blows notes
and simple chords

little gold

to be exact

jump in

the water's nice

the water's cold

Cold or nice
you take your pick
Some more Jazz poetry
May 17 · 160
Lawn Day
Whit Howland May 17
Gas powered

to my ears

row after row
of tangled grass


and gray branches

and hauled away
one dump truck

at a time
May 17 · 44
Paper Clip
Whit Howland May 17
I'll attach it to your coat
with a metal clip

this note

you keep saying
I should open up to you

and this brevity
on yellow scratch paper

should tell you

you need to know
May 17 · 109
Ballpoint Pen
Whit Howland May 17
Like good help
a smooth glide  is hard to find

that perfect pen that rolls
with  the flow

of your words and music
across the paper
More Jazz poetry.
May 16 · 46
Blue Sky and Daffodils
Whit Howland May 16
Give me some
if this is Heaven

red gold

pressed against
solid blue sky

without a cloud
in sight

if this is Heaven
give me some
Another short Jazz Word Painting
May 16 · 41
Whit Howland May 16

like someone
poked a stick

in some pond water
and stirred up mud

the past is swirling

A short Jazz Word Painting
Apr 27 · 60
Whit Howland Apr 27
but there was a time
when we loved it

so much
we named a magazine


with the title in white block letters
against a small red square

and glossy pages
in between
Apr 26 · 47
Vending Machine
Whit Howland Apr 26
It was the gray
and blue wrapper
so ugly

that made it
the Zero

the candy bar

nobody ever wanted
and because of that
nobody ever knew

how it tasted

but yet I miss it
just like the ability
to pull a lever

and hear
the crinkling sound
of candy coming down

the shoot
A word painting.
Apr 21 · 166
Whit Howland Apr 21
a spectrum of colors


and greens

lightning rain

and gray clouds

along with the calm
after the storm
A straight up word painting.
Apr 13 · 62
Whit Howland Apr 13
Blue sky


the first butterfly
of the season

and a lawnmower

for that last
bit of gas


you ask

point is something
usually lead

and almost always
on the end of a pencil
An absurdist word painting
Apr 12 · 28
Miles Davis Trumpet
Whit Howland Apr 12

I found your journal

in the attic
the black one

with a gold lock
I pried open

what I wonder


do I dare
try and decipher

your hen scratches

I guess the bigger question
do I dare

disturb the universe
An  abstract word painting
Apr 11 · 37
Jazz Notes
Whit Howland Apr 11
white it shines in the cold sun

of this early Spring day
with the corrugated door

rolled up
the uniformed driver

dollying packages
down the silver ramp

a Fed Ex truck
parked outside my window
An imagistic word painting.
Apr 9 · 59
Blue Bottle#2
Whit Howland Apr 9
I'm staring

at a blue bottle
with bubbles

in the wavy glass
that is as thick as


the world ends
when we have no more

and similes

to describe it
An abstract word painting
Apr 7 · 114
Thank you, Elliot
Whit Howland Apr 7
Some say the TeCh#
is not what it should be -

and they might be right

                                    but w/o

hELL0      pOEtry

weLL (I don't want to speculate)

All I want T@ saY is that
this sight and all my friendS on iT!

MEAN more
                                     to ME

Than you WIll EvER

Some abstRact browniE POINTs in the style of E.E. Cummings
Apr 7 · 183
Box of Tissues
Whit Howland Apr 7
In his              
plaid sport coat

pulling tissues
from his paper sack head

flinging them

bathroom jokes


a comedic
unknown soldier

known only
to God
Another whimsical  poetic riff.
Apr 6 · 118
The Night Club Years
Whit Howland Apr 6
Mood swings

see saws

but definitely
not monkey bars

and what does it matter

you don't write
or call

I get it though

you're too busy
but aren't we all
A moody abstract riff
Apr 6 · 154
Roadside Attraction
Whit Howland Apr 6
Or trap
for tourists

but not travelers
and searchers

who'd find gold
and platinum

in the two headed

or snake
with a spooned tongue

and they would
bank on it
A whimsical word painting
Apr 5 · 151
Whit Howland Apr 5
you say you
love me

and immediately
I look for strings

and a hand
up your back
An absurdist word painting
Apr 3 · 173
Solar Eclipse
Whit Howland Apr 3
we sit in a park

on the grass
as the day turns


we fail to see
but most of all

we  struggle
An abstract word painting
Mar 31 · 47
Easter Sunday
Whit Howland Mar 31
A hardboiled egg
on the counter

dyed blue

staring at me
at six am

he is risen
and unfortunately

so did I
Abstract impressionism
Mar 24 · 257
A fence in the dunes
Whit Howland Mar 24
planted in the sand

lashed together
with rusty wire

while scraggly reeds peak in out
And up around them

I am there and yet

I never was
More Imagism
Whit Howland Mar 23
Cotton whites

sock shirts
and drawers

still fresh with the scent
of laundry soap


in a crisp March wind
on a gray weathered rope

they say pictures
last forever

but not this one

fading fast between
the plastic and acidic pages
An imagist word painting.
Mar 22 · 64
Woody Allen
Whit Howland Mar 22
A silver nicrophone

rapid fire punchlines
in one long sentence

that snakes its way
to your funny bone
Mar 21 · 252
Burlesque Theatre
Whit Howland Mar 21
Warbling pigeons
in the park crazy

from the heat

a dizzying spin
on a paint-chipped

merry-go round

a greased slide down
hot metal

into a gravel pit

a burning sunset
but don't rub your eyes
Impressionistic absurdism
Feb 29 · 90
Cleaning House
Whit Howland Feb 29
moves broom

in a sweeping

causing dirt
and dustball

to scurry
across the floor


piles upon piles
of detritus

we become
the things we hover

and focus on
for far too long
Feb 21 · 85
Winter Grass
Whit Howland Feb 21
were not seen

the grass is soon

to be green
and you and I

have toiled scraped

and finally


a much needed
Feb 18 · 113
Quitting Time
Whit Howland Feb 18
A blast of the whistle
and a slide down the dinosaur

it's quitting time

for life to  begin
A childish word painting/poem
Feb 17 · 180
Whit Howland Feb 17

and bulbous sneezer
that is touched
by a feather

to make it
and tickle

the funnybone
Another foray into childrens poetry
Feb 17 · 69
Top Hat From Monopoly
Whit Howland Feb 17
A silver shiny

of a handsome

for a little tuxedoed man

with a walrus

who's bald

and wears pockets
that are fat
My foray into children's poetry.
Whit Howland Feb 16
but definately

not and act of God

no warning given
and no discernable

just a hurling big canvas
painted with pastels

at best
A whimsical word painting.
Feb 16 · 42
Whit Howland Feb 16
Leather oil
and smell

figures into it

and crack  of the bat

as well as
the other senses

and food
food is for action

not for thought
as we grasp at straws

and other metaphors
we appropriate mix

and call
Another abstract impressionistic word painting.
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