Substances pass through me
Pulses of energy
And I go on
What am I doing?
Where am I going?
Why do I live?
I eat, drink, sleep, wake
Oxygen in
Carbon dioxide out
In, out
In, out
Even great thinkers
Struggle to answer
Why are we here?
Why am I here?
Food makes me strong
Air keeps me conscious
Water keeps me clean
Sunlight warms me
All very well
But why am I here?
Why am I here?
Why am I here?
I try to remember
That I can give love
Care for others
Change things round
And still
And yet
Air passes through me
Water and food
Cosmic rays
And then I recall
What I am
A dancing star
For one short lifetime
Child of this earth
Made of all things
That go up to make
The universe
As child of the earth
Should I drain my mother of all life?
Should I not repay her kindness
With work?
With love?
How could I repay
Each fruit tree
Each ocean
Each ray of sun
Each cloud
Each winter chill
Each burning flame
Each tiny seed
Each birth?
With words?
With care?
With work?
With love?
Each bacterium
That keeps me safe
Each system
That keeps me safe
Each being
That keeps me safe
Opens my eyes
And protects my life
The planet
The air
The oceans
The sunlight
The rivers and earth
And all living beings
They are my mother
They are my father
And to them all
I owe everything
20th November 2016