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 Jan 2020 Tinku
once upon a time
long ago
there was a you and me

i knew you once
and it was nice
silence was comfy
and we didnt have to try

i knew you once
long ago
you shared your secrets
and i shared mine

i knew you once
long ago
but where did you go...?
argh, i miss you.
 Dec 2018 Tinku
Shruti Dadhich
Bit by bit
It's eating me...
- the depression!!!

Bit by bit
I'm drowning...
- in this melancholy's ocean!!!

Firstly my toes,
Then my legs,
Then my nose,
& now the one left is just melancholy & not me!!!

I can no more breathe!
But I can see,
I can feel,
Myself fading away,
In this never ending fountain of melancholy...

I have gone on that side of this ocean all alone...
Now left is merely melancholy
& faded me,
All those fake lovers & relatives being gone...
I want to cry, but tears not coming out,
With my heart bleeding,
But tongue frozen out.....
 Dec 2018 Tinku
Shruti Dadhich
Don't you worry, my love!
Cause I believe we'll meet!

Yes, we'll meet,
Beyond this night, beyond this sky,
The two love birds'll fly...

Don't you shed these pious diamonds, my sweet!
Cause we'll again meet,
We'll meet when the moon'll be kissed by the sea,
& when the sun will go to take rest,
On his beloved, night's breast...

Don't you be gloomy, my heart!
Cause we'll meet,
In the deadly silence,  & midnight's dark,
So bright will the two spirits spark...

Don't you look back again, at this separation, my dearest!
Cause this is our last separation,
& a step to make us the closest!

We'll meet when our souls will be free from all these humanly binds,
When this body & all these relations will be left behind,
When we won't have any fear,
& in land of love,
We'll be welcomed with flying colour...

Then these songs of melancholy we won't have to repeate,
& I know we'll definitely meet....
Although love is a thing I haven't ever been through & so don't know much about it, but I read a very sad & real love story today, & this is all what came out of my heart... I know that I can't just change the story,  so I imagined the story of future,  & wrote it accordingly...
 Nov 2018 Tinku
Shruti Dadhich
If the birds start singing just for you,
       & the moon seems dancing & along with you,                                        *○ '
If the leaves start clapping on your ridiculous dance,                             ♤
           & the angels have appeard near the moon & light their flashes upon you to capture your image,          ☆

If the flowers blossom just for you,  
          & the mirror showing you the most beautiful,                                         *

If you are smiling eternally for no reason,
.....then congratulations dear!!!!
        You are the happiest person!!!!
I think this is my first happy poem ever!!!
Don't know what would be your reaction to this, cause have no idea of how to pen this happiness...
      Written in my happiest moments, this happiness is given to me by my so sweet & loving friends on  hellopoetry, & by the sweetest & my most special, my 100th follower _ELSA_!!!
Thank you all for this happiness!!!
 Nov 2018 Tinku
Shruti Dadhich
Can't wait for a 100th follower now...
Desperate to know who will be the 100th one... I want to know it before my birthday, so fingers crossed for that!!!
 Nov 2018 Tinku
Shruti Dadhich
After the sun goes to rest in the curtains of darkness,
& after I shut the curtains of consciousness,

After the day's hot winds get converted in the evening cool ones,
& after with my all works I'm done,

After the stars start dancing on
night's lullabies,
& after all the movements of this world get freeze,

After the night jasmine opens up to bathe in night's shower,
& after I feel & again try to forget this loneliness's fear,

After these tides, by this moon, get seduced,
& after I think of getting this tiredness & stress reduced,

After there left is merely the darkness's marks,
& after from my face I wash away all the masks,

After the world sleeps
on the bed of night,
on the pillow of dreams,
in the blanket of silence,
& all the light did night sweep,
I'm ready to sleep....
Sometime out of my heart!!!
The first two lines emerged in my heart during last sleepless night,  & when I woke up thankfully I remembered them, & finally converted these lines in a poem....
I think night is the most beautiful gift of God to us, isn't it???
 Jan 2015 Tinku
 Jan 2015 Tinku
Even the most beautiful flower
Needs to be daily showered with water
For it to grow lovelier
Or else it will wither.

Just like our dreams and aspirations,
We need daily inspirations
For us to keep going
Or else our hearts will stop hoping.
Let us make our dreams come true. Gather every bit of inspiration we can get so we can still pursue and fight for what we really long to have. Don't give up, don't lose hope! :)
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