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Phia Aug 2016
If you want to keep me in your life
Then prove it to me.
I want to be there for you.
But only if you let me.
Say the words and I'll let you go.
Phia Aug 2016
I cannot stop the storm
But I will shield you from the rain
I will do whatever I can
To help you ease your pain.

I cannot keep your world from crumbling
But I'll help you start again
And if you need help picking up the pieces
I will lend a hand.

I cannot keep you from walking away
But just know I would love it
If you stayed
Phia Aug 2016
If the demons
Are sitting on your lungs
And stealing all the air from you,
I will put my lips to yours
And breathe life back into you.
Phia Aug 2016
When the storms rage
Don't be afraid
for I will am here
Until the end of
Our days.
Phia Aug 2016
Ask for a planet I'll give you a galaxy.
Ask for a word I'll write you a poem.
I will do anything to see you happy.
Phia Aug 2016
Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough
To have you next to me
But for now I'll just have
To keep you in my poetry
Phia Aug 2016
You asked me why I haven't left yet.
I haven't left because you are worth fighting for.
I haven't left because you mean the world to me.
You brought light into a world I thought was doomed to be dark forever.
I haven't left because you didn't give up on me.
I haven't left because I can honestly say,
I think I'm in love with you
For jack
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