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Sep 2021 · 66
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
The prodigal son on the outskirts of Tartarus stops soon, contemplating contemplatively: the edges of hell with a omen and a cheap tomb and a swirling-throbbing wind shining like a Sisyphean stone! Seeing ready-made, you can find dense darkness on your own who looks into your soul: selfish clumsiness! We always trusted the buoyancy! He tormented our minds until our forgiveness for Doom no longer runs! His existence interrupts his Golgotha district and falls into a chasm if he is not careful! He fluffs up his ravine-like food like a soft linguist scratching his consciousness, which immediately cut his fears in his ears!
Who are the dots of a starving conscience: has he done all that was left and what was needed? Did you care for the cats' legacy?! As a farewell prophet, he sends a message to the world with frustrated shadows from his fiery eyes! Among the gnomes who uttered the words of flea-souls hoeing in typa, He is still a Man! Even among a multitude of law-free spontaneous line walls, one cannot be completely satisfied and happy! "Many remained among the naked, who cast out the holy mockery as a mocked mockery, and were immediately turned back into animals!"
In their luxury robes, they invited those who compromised with themselves to a parade! Everyone feeds themselves with a fearful loneliness, as an insidious parasite grows and the Insecurity of Being lives from them! This is how we ***** in our relationships with unrecognizable contours! "We're deliberately scared of hiding, killer looks!" Blood-freezing deeds like guarding lighthouses can quickly rise and even collapse! "It would be good to cling to the sincerity hidden in the proud depths of pupils."
Sep 2021 · 59
Femslash deficiency
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
It cuts into my face the immutable fact of Time as it has passed, the pre-ordained Coal-Lack, the life-giving presence — the Uncertain! When, stepping out of the door of security, he stumbles upon the *****, rattling structure of my limp-strong thunder-wind limbs! My non-selfish self-giving is dulling, much more the lack of opportunities to be offered again! I was busy with daily evening questions! A dubious experience lurks between my long-running fears and then re-emerging fears, exercising his limbs like the wild lurking on the column!
A stifling awakening also deepens in aborted moments when I have already successfully postponed everything! The daytime period is handing out half-dreams graciously, and can’t wait to get bitten into it by yawning! In the night, both the counting and the vigilant shadow begin to feverishly ponder! Slowly, sneezing, the restrained will also hides in my heart! An old, stifled movement is more of a selfish burden on everyone! Our shadows, if we don't take care of ourselves, pass on to others without a word!
Beyond the memories of the body, continents of storms are raging! When twisting desires pressed us as a stamp of Loyalty?! Stunned and sobbing, none of them dared to break to the top; among the galactic excuses of hated pasts, we all somehow hurried through! - The punishment imposed pays with poor naivety! Even on a planned night, it is often the case that geller falls into one reckoning! Everyone can feel the depleting moons that account for life on their own skin! The thread of yesterday - maybe - just shatters between our memories! How many missing-healing stitches are needed to heal wounds?
Sep 2021 · 52
Executioner and plague
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Shamelessly long-successful procrastination of Being again! Remaining intent and will are already out of print! Some don’t care what a ****** percentage of reward-kitsch s wall! Out of cowardice, when it comes to everyone’s pathetic life, beware of color signs! What we wanted to be different seems like selfish goals on the junk horizon! The end of the track doesn't interest many enough, and everyone is wrong if they think the strange calm will come from within the Spirit!
As we grow up, we are constantly confident that we can survive our childhoods! Every memory of the past is slowly disappearing like a grain of wheat rolled out! Can a superstitious, whisper of love still flow into our honestly listening ears?! Or is it just all this incapable, alamus fad?!

The light petals are still chasing someone else’s ash-blush! "As a rear-view mirror, you should look into each other's research-alert eyes one last time, discover what the other is most interested in!" In infinite Time, a small man trembles many times before himself, trembling; clowning and self-pity in the conscience is sure to fit! Defense lies in every attack! The calculated cowards of retreats often hair each other!
Loyalty is still leaking from dripping wounds! Everyone is just walking through the Congo rooms of Being.
Sep 2021 · 37
Dead Race
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Alien-lips touch the wells of Almighty pleasures on the first night! Inside, you can still feel a heartbeat-pounding heartbeat if you took greedy sips from the wild drink of immortal instincts! As if something forgivable, ancient sin would draw them into the self-giving Nirvana desert of the Universe! And it is not possible to feel and say enough, realizing that the other half of their souls are pounding beside us with a bud-opener and every kiss is a donor-redeemer grace! What a seductive sound can sound like a symphony of silence in our ears listening alone, so that we can re-fly from the flames of emotions to the beating hearts as Phoenician birds re-creating themselves!
We would only dare to drink from it even more boldly: to offer anything with open-minded eyes from the open book-soul, to sincerely slow down the broken, tiny details of moments before the magic of the superstitious ghost finally fades away! "We walk up and down in an extraordinary holy rampage in the wedding ports of blood molecules!" Every glance dropped must be an exact mirror, otherwise it makes no sense! From the noise of distant seasons, we are all coming back unpolished; our single head soon hurts into the steady grabbing of targets that started to rust!
The difference between the straightforward pitfalls of distance can hardly be appreciated by anyone; Start-up places are getting harder and harder in infinite space - in the paradise of plans, even a stuck insect is harder to thrive! The imaginary Dreams are stuck in the pathetic, naked snail shapes of my chubby body! They need to compete more and more and it is more and more difficult for me to stay a Human!
Sep 2021 · 74
Hungry sensation
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
His rolled-out gold money is collected by adult chitens of vulnerable, snoozing Being! Gerontocracy no longer matters much if pampering, material well-being is the universal goal of everything! Celebrity deeds circulating like a balloon for up to three days first start to let go, then burst out sensationally hungry! Oblivion strikes a hollow depth in our beating, perforated hearts anyway! Because every collision is another solid blunder on the Ladder of the Spirit!
And if we don't grow walnut casing ourselves, we can soon suffer a series of injuries and new abyss wounds! What kind of expelled pits do you have to stumble across before every exploiter can reach shore?! - As the face of a match flame, many of them are lurking for prey concerts, and may be the happiest in their top-rated plans, once the calculated deception and deceptive gambling have been proven! The real will can only be revealed from seduced, smaller shreds of chatter!
Who is listening to the Future in telephone silence? If one does not take care of oneself, Fate can stumble back! Kandi's summon-blue people are lurking at all times and they are wondering: who can benefit more?! If you still keep the Loyalty love with a pure heart, when can you know that it will betray you with ease? With your teeth clenched, you may or may not cry, and your selfish rights, shrouded in Protestant silence, will chuckle - but there is no one and where! "On the drunken backs of sluggish nights, the Guards dawn on red algae twilight!" A worn handkerchief bursts like a barge stuck in an alley bed of streets! Immovable stones grind the Truth from themselves
Sep 2021 · 52
Message to Existence
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Insignificant details in the buzzing pace of Being: orphaned, late-sunflower yellow hair trembles in the wind, always turning to face the Sun like one preparing for an unfinished showdown! Withered petals die when dried barren, yet keep your head raised! You no longer intentionally forced overbearing, haughty contempt! Whoever offended should live only, but alone: separately! My rage time often puts me in the right place when I’m just trying! Meaningless, yet logical determination lives on; my inner biology, like a timed clockwork, clicks frantically instead of me!
The cannibal appetite of worlds is fattened again and again by a destructive instinct of greed! Unnoticed, prolonged trust also befriends themselves for a long time; he is determined to show himself to benefactors! The lush-lying butterfly-dance of superstitious-eyes cannot heal insidious worm-chewed wounds! "I would like to turn my back on all the evils that can be done so that I can only remember the Beautiful!"
No matter how humiliating I had to accept: an insidious, lake-wide world would wash my solidified brain if I left! - The world-beautiful beauty of the seedless in the scorching sun cannot produce laurels in this superficial existence! Starting with a shower of tears, wailing sounds like every futile call for help! On the threshold of merciful defeat, the blood-wound of dawn erupts again; forgot to turn off the leather hose tap! Jealous demand tops even filled with Man's misunderstanding! Angels with redemptive fear already hold their terrible glorias.
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Every selfish annihilation in prideful, lived in insult, continues and makes an insidious trap! I always look back at the sad little boy's face in horror, hiding in slender, cracked mirror fragments, and I want to protect the trapped, lasting fear as well! As a growling worm, anyone tramples the limits of my wound; I could never back down again! Thin little shards of Judas moonshine hurt my skin when a balmy moonlight trembles hauntingly on the prison wall of my room! Rested, my troubled, million-wounded, perforated heart in the two eyes of heaven found in happiness!
It would be good to tremble together into deep, raven-feathered broomstick lashes and my frightened pagan soul would chuckle in the redemptions of kisses! "I'm still intentionally playing the naive navel among adults!" As a good Hamlet, I would only be available for humanity! My soul would wish for the donations of compassion and brass, not even my residual reserve pride will be forgotten! You should have learned by all from rich-eyes dripping-honey ditches lit up; I keep packing in and out already pathetic myself!
You can only thrive in outdoor churn confusion with a healthy umbilical cord, which is still waiting back and forth! Anyone can see with melancholy eyes I dared to stare at human races! My own donkey skin figure is ready yet I can't sell myself! "I filter the details of the dust particles through myself - even in daylight they can only see them if I want to!" The only goal may remain to preserve the goodness of Man in recurring, damaging events.
Sep 2021 · 44
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
His crashed, bewitched attention often became nothing; smeared memory will be all emotions! I would run away from the softly sinking, roaring winds! The surviving Tomorrow will shake in a fluttering duck movement! The short closing word zigzags to itself! I would be scattered in countless tiny pieces of pile in the eyes of the faithful Dear, so that even the pearl of redeeming tears could convey happiness! My dizzy atoms are just orbiting on their own like a continuous maze spiral!
Little by little, the Past is becoming more and more demanding every day! My dry-puffing sandbag life falls into a ravine if I leave! The corkscrews of a few promises can no longer make you feverish: in the above-ground band, I am still trying to gather my soul energies as much as they could stay! How long can I stay intact even in a postponed passage?! Crowded steps like a limping Hephaestus are deliberately shot; pinned gaping high like a pathetic, petty trophy!
A barely shadow of my sadness is projected on my barely-smiling face! In a single throbbing rib, my petal heart, which has started to punch, is forced to throb, because all the wounds can only be felt on its own! In the expectations set to the forefront, new tragedies can be born from moments that are poorly shaped! Punishment for star-shaped dropped feces! For sultry-speaking women, a complacent compliment is no longer worth it; they are all in love with their stun counterparts! I often wonder about the promises of flat handshakes!
Sep 2021 · 77
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
The slowly melted joy boards of the Face are wounded by fat tears! A mixture of melancholy and sorrow seems to weary arabesques! The forgiveness of faithful shadows is always accompanied by diligence! The details that are still real are rebelling in my restless soul! As we gradually prepare for the space shortage on our own, Nirvana-Nothing is getting pregnant! The idea of perfection in vain settles in health-manic, unruly heads, instead of finally reconciling with oneself!
As a powerful vaccine, emotional indifference affects emotions! Survivor dread is getting harder to unravel from an accident of annihilation! In the intoxication of truth, Man often wounds on his own! The only remedy among the breathing living is the death of the Deed, to which perhaps everyone is watching; In the water of Life, a truth-needle and an anchor are needed at the same time! Every career is a bit of a loaded weapon clenched to our temple! Uninitiated reconciliation with the inevitable is impossible! In the tin cloak of shadows, massive, shipwrecked despair collapses!
Like a waving spider thread, crypt-faces snuggle in the curves of depths! Exacerbated wrinkles on the faces moved, sad grooves! Water washes — galloping with everyday burdens is getting harder to make friends with! With cowardly rabbit-souls like Updike heroes, many people ask in the air because they can’t do anything else! "I would learn to make friends again, but many times I would push the landscape out of my sight;" I ***** between red stigma spots like an astronaut fired at aimlessness! I roar around me in concentric circles; one hundred kilos of human bullets! My childhood is ridiculously ridiculed many times.
Sep 2021 · 55
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Deer eyes glistening richly with mirad stars shine in my eyes: possible and impossible! As treasures, I keep even happier memories of a miserable, sad Being and rippled waves of tears like restless waterfalls flowing into Nirvana-nothing! Growing above our heads every whole day, but also in pieces, we cross our borders and limitations! In slow-moving universe kisses, how long can you keep Faithful Love, which cannot slam the gates of the open Spirit and betray you in ambush?!
We can see our selfish fears in unison and maybe even overcome them! Even our unwashed shirts are all drowning in sobs! A four-day mustache bribes me first to leave, then it stings hell-prickly! Missing scissors are straining his breathing throat and he is having a silent debate with his continuing Existence! Why is superstition of the superstitious Kisses of the Universe lacking in Human Faithfulness?!
Body s Soul is not always united in the same dimension! A disembodied crypt-like face stares back at me from the loneliness of cracked mirrors: interrogates and asks! "Why didn't you do everything for your secure relationships, and why did you miss so many worthy opportunities to be sure to fill out for someone?!"

- A wave of movement rocking even in the eyes of superstitious stars; movements are fragmented by the rock! In a falling motion, only suicides can still be vigilant! In horizontal silence, the Eye caresses vertical gazes! “Everyone is disappointed in their youthful cry that they barely tried to stay children
Sep 2021 · 88
Incredible walk
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
A hot threat sizzles between the volcanic thighs of an exotically censored lady! Immediate and immortal annihilation in wasteland, like the superstitious formula of the Universe that everyone is already curious about! In a humiliating, apocalyptic failure to the ground, the beating heart forces itself into chess games! You will become a traitor if you try to believe in style - pretty, human phenomena! We explode into ourselves when we have to deliberately endure the pitfalls of failure!
The onion-dark shells of human personalities may not be allowed to be peeled by anyone other than the one we truly love so as not to be hurt; we have learned an eternal idea from the sincere pearls of tears, and a mischievous-grimacing little man lives with us in the depths of the onion peel soul! Even without rebellion, we can rarely fit into the creative-wanting community! Ingenuity and cunning purpose is rarely if it fits into our honor!
It would be good to step out of every curve mirror and accept that Reality is also a certain form of Appearance! Betrayals will encourage truths to dust off; the awe-inspiring shadow of Being is a motos-well in the depths of complex souls! As an orphaned antenna, the Child can only lonely, abandoned in our beating hearts: even a few can understand his unknown-familiar word!
A cherished swamp of a chubby face-case, if you are tense you can't make friends, build new relationships as much as you want! Our familiar fingers stroke through the year-rings of our memories and cut off our unnecessary remnants! "In our life, dripping killer nails are cynically pricked, waking you up!"
Sep 2021 · 64
Top and bottom view
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Because it can never be like the stagnant stagnant waters of everyday life! Being hanging on iris flowers can hardly resist the insidious traps that set traps! We all stepped into a planned but clumsy crash! You would be set up as a strange puppet operating on the ground, if you could survive what might just be your terrace! The rainbow is set on the trap screen of our fears and it is not possible to know exactly: how far can the border and the end point last as long as we can remain human?!
-Numberful, lustful envy among the pores of our nettle skin! The ****** **** of passions is still spasmodically yours, but you already feel it: heart sounds group in troubled noises! Every profitable handshake-Yes, as if shaken in your shame already, that you can’t stay almost to yourself! "This is how you surrender to the dictatorship of bloodthirsty tyrannical careers!" All your pathetic attempts are aimless, vile blunder! Once upon a time, like Lazarus, you can't wait for the rocks to shatter in front of your towers: and you shouldn't consider the unhappy as guilty, but wounded-hearted to be comforted!
The fluttering smiles of butterflies bred in dented corners of the mouth are rare, if you can find them: every traitorous gaze stabs another Cain’s gaze into the sincere eyes of others! All trembling, naughty fears are also pain! He who, as a child, will be terrified incompletely in the superficial world of the Living also for disproportionate dreaded nothingness! You can’t pull yourself out of your trampled past that always surrounds me during my time! The deceitful eye hides spawned honeyballs until someone finds a companion…
Sep 2021 · 41
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
In the folds of the crypt chain of your face, the invisible moves with you and Time is getting old! The exaggerated eyes of selfish people don’t take the point either: a real victim of vile dream image weights; how can a sausage fence be fenced on the porches of possible appearances And the eternal second fiddlers are already ahead of the winners! - Initially, a cat-and-mouse resists the dictated formulas of Time Changes that Measure Existence with trying competition, and the no-escape gift of the vicious circle is knocking headless over our heads!
Constant depth and sudden height embody the zigzag of cheap, easily cracking ladders of beaten careers! As one who has already deliberately become familiar with himself in the Secret of Death, he can only confess himself to himself now in all confessions! “Inaccurate, restless accelerating Hopes for Life can gradually erase our past memories that we all clung to together! So it's not good to mix with squeaky mass misery! A creative-active personality should not be allowed to be ****** in by crowded stagnation!
On its own, it often uses more when we walk than matured autumn-leafed, silent trees! What pattern can we use to achieve the desired consciousness of happiness?! As a ragged clay man, we force several pseudo-personalities at once out of compulsion on ourselves; our crawling selves will all be on a leash! We should treat everything with a protesting self in a friendly way! The stubborn denial of our slashing selfishness still increases our lack of self-confidence! Why is there always a smell of threat that is consciously unknown?! The final destruction can be felt bone-penetrating
Sep 2021 · 94
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
In the sonata stops of rarely recognizable sounds, when the secretly resounding sound subsides in a chain of universal cocoons; even between pipcs-superstitious lips, all fears of ancient-bitter screams! In all times, food is necessary for the soul and stomach! In the universes, eye-stars illuminate secret Planets of the Spirit as we finally fly out of our secure parental home, our mother’s bean-palm palm! We always get out of silently-abandoned Nirvana ends!

A Target ball rolled to me guaranteed the formulas of hard-to-obtain dreams; I can only like a *****, puffy tub in the eyes of outside observers! Watchtower, a pathetic powder foot of creation - from above it is full of all small and false prisoners!
The injured house wall slowly wears off its bullet-infested blood drop! It’s getting harder to find humane people in springy spots hidden in sidewalk edges! Many times, while driving the imagery and playing the amused fool, I peek out into the curious world with such alert eyes as an interested little child who would like to be friends with sincerity, and who can't understand what kitten lady-butters and ball-bellies are?! From my starving instincts, I would sneak back to my shipwrecked childhood, and in the besieged harbors I would hear the insignificant waves of light vibrating at the same wavelengths cherished traitors only in the march of sincere emotions!

“My startling sympathy quickly fades away and then returns to someone else’s forehead; my teary eyes are always crying! I also have to measure the love gazes woven from tearful petals on the measuring chain of my wounded soul in order! All trust: a maze dead end too
Sep 2021 · 55
Cheap disappointment
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Even with a beak-filled Prophet's throat, you shouldn't always catch a red mouth! I sit in foaming-scented, pear-colored solutions and maybe even get money for other waste products one day! The boiling bath and the unworthy, humiliated cold water are let down at once! Let the child-minded fool just freeze!

The water level of conscious survival always crumbles a bit: just enough to allow the infected, salivating manure to drip through the veins! Every day, some people like to change newer and more fashionable snakeskins! The self-agile little team of my Selfish Death is farming around the alleys of my body! The flashing handle of the out-entrance as a shelter option is given only to a few-rare! - I know for a long time! With every new excess of air, I multiply the sad loneliness of the Earth!
My body often searches for the greedily roaring Nirvana non-existence and often searches for the judging Moirák's hand like a needle-gray, plump thread! With strange-butane, fading humility, I still listen to the soft sighs lurking on the walls of petal heart-cups, and stepping out of my concentric circles, I move closer to something assurable, conscious Unknown! - The jingling damnation of tears repeatedly falls-taps well-deep on the restless prison wall of my Soul!

Naked messages from lazy bodies can always be misunderstood! It might be better to beware of the enviable-hyena ambush of gym binoculars! I can hardly feel the flavor of the steaming kisses in a lukewarm-balmy night! The orphaned tentacles of twin leeches clung to the golden reserves of lady-butchers lying in green one after the other! Greedy tongues licked in mature abundance, while it would have been better to start our acquaintance with a conversation before the cheap disappointment!
Aug 2021 · 61
Inverted gunpowder
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Actions intricate wick squeaking sky, glowing opportunities breeding farm! An aging buddy of longings! What else is driving you?! The selfishness of our memories is sure to break our murderous indifference! Bronze-brown, hibernated dreams are vented by a superstitious, exotic look: it looks like a rose window with colorful glass shards making its way to itself!
It is better to count the pathetic Fragments of Life for ourselves every day that can be restarted: full of wound-spirits in our souls! Fear, dread, sits side by side, as if evacuated to interiors! You can see stars gloriously shining, in which the formula of immortal love is still moving! A single proud light will split through our broken selves! Only the one who can really understand and disappear can enter my beating heart! I should exist in Being; to know and always depend on the whims of the given vulnerable situation?!
Why can’t we clarify human concepts as morals of an independent individual?! "I arrived on deliberate sidings, not like a conscience guarding hearts, but like an arrow fired more boldly from tense nerves!" - It comes to the edge of the breathable surface every third day! My creative goodness is both barren and skinny! The cloud is afraid of angels! Maybe everyone can guess I lost selfishly and I would say goodbye to the world in every living smile! My beating, melancholy heart tasted a sure crisis many times when he saw through true emotions!
Bleed lazily through all the afflicted, junk Dawn: the overweight Horizon! The wind also stabs as a wound! True tears fell from cracked, grim cloud blocks…
Aug 2021 · 51
In Mouse Holes
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
I was limping with stumbling footsteps, in the twilight of moonlight! Side-lurking, fierce trees stood chained, saluting; attention! Trembling animal sediment, in an ominous silence, I kept expecting the expelled darkness to break into the light! My tears, unstoppable tears were trembling and anxious, and they had finally stopped there! In a roaring sense of danger, I must have exclaimed and recognized myself; only on the side of my immortal Beloved could holy Peace have been created now; I had already doubled my playful, childhood self, and it would have been good to know it safe: I could still alleviate the wrath of Man!
"Vultures pushed back and forth and none of them asked, 'Can you help me with something?' "I would have liked to hide in a mountain of celestial cosmos blades of grass!" Unnoticed as a timid hedgehog music in the caves of Avar-piles!
I should still find the One-One stray ray that glows and guards in the darkness at the same time because it wants to protect! Chopped cloves of cheese between the lips of the two crescents also turn happiness into a balmy, radiant night radiating flame of happiness!
"Our little pathetic disasters could not have illuminated the situation any better: we always stop sympathetically before the freedom of entrances!" For many, it’s already a momentary, Heaven’s joy to be able to chew conspicuously on the screens of public tabloid channels while also replacing the week leader with dwarves! The superstitious lady often guided me with *******! Among the gorilla-faced, inflated Colossus Titans, I don’t even feel good anymore; it would have been nice to have romantic, budding, romantic kisses!
Stimulated igniters are threatened by small, word-of-mouth pus pushers, and the proud opportunity to ascend and escape must also come to mice hiding in mouse holes
Aug 2021 · 47
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
The alarming darkness of the nights is all frozen in the annihilation of the bleeding days! There is no more caring, admonishing paternal word that you can bring back to the gloomy, Nirvana Present! Stigma-tears total shipwrecked, bribing, orphaned soul of the childish boy! He still clings to the memories of the past and would continue to cry, his memories frozen in convulsions! The era of a happy return is definitely behind us!
Every living room has been transformed into an empty backwater! With a raging, question-raising answer, the mortal fool sleeps in his dream like this: the sudden adult! He is becoming more and more self-confident! Friendly shadows become minute-and-sudden freezing aliens! - Everyday line of our dreaded fears is a gun shot in the brain! "This Life was a traitor and unfair, so he left everyone alone and squeezed him out!" We denied ourselves in thousands of forms through the tunnels of tomorrow if we wanted to survive! In the lights of rusty lunar worlds, our betraying pasts are still being wounded! With every filigree step, our earthly orbit will surely end!
If Man is left to himself, expelled, in solitude: there will be a wandering Shadow Spirit for a while, who I should take care of! You're stuck out for a horizon of extended time in your life! At the dawn of the next days, we all wake up to our kidnapped tomorrow! Our former peacetime face is rain-clad inside! "Stuck cats and old vultures are chasing men, and after graining heirloom, grains of sand remain in the waters of soul-wells!"
Aug 2021 · 66
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
He kept silent, grinning with an arrogant-fat bladder around his neck while despised like an open shark's mouth! In a hundred times targeted, smelly days, everyone has become a traitor because he could not have selfish, vulnerable trust in the offenders! Striking an apple orphanage in my wandering years, I trembled as a descendant; I couldn’t stand alone to bring back the backlog living in memories! With crying depths of crypt, I should look into wolf eyes at all times, until a small child, who still had to forgive me, boasted in tombs!
I already felt bitterly on my skin: the closing muscles of the giver of human goodness soon relaxed, and if I wanted to, I couldn’t keep what was mine forever! "I could never survive unscathed with a stubborn, childish feeling!" A dying yellow wind like the dying candle flame: shadows of faint silence wandered between the living ****! I have to settle into the empty gloom; my crusting borders should be protected even further - we would fall into darkness together!
It might be better to let go of my accumulated horrors so that I can get rid of the distressing and withering burden! On the threshold of Existence, the fatally swollen unforgivable is interrupted; in a strange, lukewarmly splashed exhibitionist world, as a witness, I have to hide and hide unchecked! "All the good news is frozen as a lie on talkative lips!" I also grinded myself a little into my series of selfish failures! My heart: dark, drummer, holey hole! You can only judge this foolish, ******* world! For inexpensive, mouse-rattling cries, you can’t advance long-lasting relationships
Aug 2021 · 83
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Cleansing fire in the home of falling tears; they have long ignited the sand of Being! Betrayed Butterfly Mothers Rarely Remember Universe Kisses! The moment of Heaven was anxious, when the ancient-confidential secrets of two bodies were revealed to each other by adolescent hearts! They understood their own happiness alone depends on themselves! Because all doomsday and loneliness depend uncertainly on a rope dance, it is a march towards the future! As a serene earth runner, he carries his unknown pawn, humiliating something broken in order!
Saturated with fear, the solitude of Calvary always chased me further and further into the cauldron of pitching shadows! "Lightning claw chisels injure the darkening linen of the sky like a tickling horror!" I close my eyes quickly and I don't know if the temptation of the afterlife can call me from there, or who could have stayed here while still struggling?! With the use of memories, is it possible to overcome the hardships of everyday lakes?
I’m still on guard: between apostate, boyish sorrows and insane despair! The ring of skinny fingers curved to zero already lacks all understanding handshakes! Granting formula for grants! I would love to appreciate earthly love if this current sensationalist, vile age, would once again appreciate the gavaller gestures of my chivalry! Every cherry's masquerade and columnar saint is already a executioner; ticking assassin, whose commodity, cheap trophy of the female superstitious body!
From the atrium of swollen *******, in a volcanic wave of fur lips, when can a heart become a lover? Can the Hesperids, trained in virginity, give birth to monsters?! - A luminous soul is still raging in me and waiting for Someone…
Aug 2021 · 60
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Through the eyes, like explorer-blind gaps, roaring bulldog pupils are set on a cloak! Gravity balance is pulled up daily and then shatters immediately! The orphaned, cowardly child can only become a human being with great difficulty; the offensive darkness is groaning within me, constantly asking for food of greedy fear! Innocent scratch if I could just be on the Life palette! All over Earth I could really sobbing while my voice was deafening! I inherited the guilty face of the perpetrators and fled in vain from the selfish radar of the murderers!
My days are dwindling like a swaying black spot and I don't know: Will I be next?! My shadow that wants to make friends shakes every day and measures my goodness! Maybe I hunted in vain for the happiness I deserved and researched! Clicking minutes of time wheels; perilous series of trials and tribulations - they could have been just happy assassinations! Will a vigilant watcher be left out of the whirlpool of my whispering brain who could unravel my confidential secrets? Every lone star injects nutritious, concentrated compressed material from itself! I exist as a single, cruel crack: it is already being digested by villages!
In my difficult lessons, I would have to harness my karakan courage on my own to learn to stand up with my head held high for things to happen! In my years squeezed into rings of the year, exotic beauties held blind mirrors in front of themselves, and they couldn't see it either, because their jingling, fake canary hearts were dizzy with longing materiality! None of the donkey ladders of radiant happiness had anything to do with it! I am already hanging from my chubby head on a self-torture, like a replaceable pumpkin head, and I would be waiting for One-Love, who will provide a safe haven
Aug 2021 · 115
This or that way
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
I have already laid everything on the bottom of the well; my grumpy, grimacing face can be searched by few! They can't open a whole walnut casing like a secret box with open keys! Mident's stretching-haunting, offensive dark rubbing his fingernails into me and that's why many times balmy nights startle me from frightening waggling wolves! On a severely-silent orphaned dervish scale, I measure my bugs daily as portions of meat and try to correct them! I envelop my spiky hedgehog soul, and I rarely believe words that are tickling!
As a slimy snail, I would try the bizarre rules of survival; and I can't really, completely happen like someone who's really alive - just hurt! I am forced to stand for a long time, otherwise little kings will trample the Man in me at any time! No one is buying a serious game today! Disposable, *****-life-destroying ***** have come! Playful demons had already exhausted everyone immediately; in this current home, hand-pulling has been reduced to fashion!
Sizzling like silent straw and barely staying in one place; tread, leave traces in endless fields! In a hurry, a thousand people are lurking towards me and infected rudeness is nestled on each of their lips! My desperate dreads often subside and I have no way to break out of demonic spells! "From my selfish pain, my dear could redeem me forever!" And will there still come an era when, in the outstretched hand, the throbbing cups of our hearts will throb for each other?!
Aug 2021 · 78
Omega-Alpha time
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Today I tried to please many a little again! I didn't change it, at most to my disadvantages! I hid my soul under the petals of onion peel, and with my camel-lazy self I closed a circle of tevelus many times! I knew a long time ago, who's galloping me, who's trampling me? Who's the girl?! - I'm still hurting from grievances and atrophies! My turning days continue to get worse; in my senseless throbbing I could be left alone with my memories!
Duster of dust in a crumbly darkness; pulled down from heights into yawning ravines, even a sure fall closer and closer; my candle patience is running out! Walking on rusty, leafy leaves, I travel instead of snapping stepping shoes! I went to the ground many times! The golden rule of urbanized, diluted media is devouring our brain cells; we **** in the dizzying lies of superficial feelings of life! When will the thorn of hope of the irreplaceable Mind break the paths he has tried for himself ?!
In the cheap-handshakes of Promise Spotlights, you will be ox-eyed and gullible with ease! - In my leaking wounds, an evergreen, clinging aggastyan tendril is flourishing and he has come to break his way to this land and to find the happiness he deserves: all deceit and lies! The tiny flocks of Dionysus silky boys are immediately wound up by even more chic sensation!
It would hurt even more sadly and it hurts like an abscess, a fused tooth; you chanted in me like a red friendly alarm-**** your conscious scared and spit my punching-drumming heart for someone! Does betrayal promise to last?!
Aug 2021 · 76
Vulnerable vulnerability
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Locked in the destined bone cage of the Universe, our everyday life promises a lasting struggle; torment-beating, comic We long for the pleasures of being and want even more! The mature, immortal presence will soon be lost if we choose only cheap, earthly pleasures! A suffocating lack of self-confidence and an overcrowded social Sisyphean loneliness always flourish in the placental doubts carried out among the rattling ravens of worlds!
Our world-shattered, wounded-dreams are rarely if they can come true! Our haunting nights are all stolen by our battle sweats! Your deep soul hears the melancholy-hesitant echo sounds of the created, murderous silence! How much more selfish, stubborn weight can you still have? To the expressable mercy hurts the teeth of all of us, to relieve the soul-tearing beast-pain! It carries dreams and desires as a pillar weight, but the creative thought, from which the Redeeming Difference falls on you, is even further away!
Because as soon as the defiance of remembrance comes, somehow the Southern Company Future always becomes senile! This introverted, contemplative consciousness looks at this ******* I give and take; blurred, confidential They sell their Loyalists as used underwear for a petty greeting of consciences! They can rarely scrape humanity for themselves from the pathetic sediment of Indifference, a secret moral pedestal! They would also easily drill into the offered, mild-paying Hope - if it depended on it - they could hope for a proper reward for their career!
In every new opportunity, the Death-flirtatious competence of humiliation weeps alone! - Sensationalist, foolish ideas to radically increase the number of degrees are accumulating and multiplying in the hives of obscure minds; little girl-faced mannequins stand as grinning canaries; sacrificial porcelain doll sense
Aug 2021 · 57
Bribed dark
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Thanks to me and the ever-expanding, deep chasm is lowering my saw teeth more and more! In the depths of a self-pitying ghost-soul, he disintegrates himself; where the insecure Nirvana fears, the conscious insecure, can expand like black holes in the vast fabric of Times! My deceived life also carries a constantly wounding space with Sisyphean burdens! On my lonely nights, who sinned in crocodile tears, no one could have found the pathetic, battle-treasures, melodic drops of my true pearls in themselves: my multiplied, excluded pain worthily shared! The stray world is flowing through me already! It would be good to cling to the testifying, motherly eyes with a little boy's orphanage!
A single, knife-hesitant ray of chocolate-brown Gioconda eyes is enough for a true-honest couple to realize if they really want to! It is rare to build card castles from dreams torn to pieces! "A gray horde of shadows is pushing between people, and the bribed darkness is starting to gather deep and deep in every well!" The underworldly filth of the otherworldly eggs pushes and pushes everyone into fear, crying an orphaned little child!
Spilled indifference takes possession of the used hope! The murderer also crashes into the road in silence; in me you are trembling with small dreams shattered into billions of pieces so that you can selfishly stubbornly defend the vulnerable boundaries of my vulnerable Soul! In the half-consciousness of squeaky renunciations, Time, as an precious priceless treasure, pies and stares in the mirror: it sees my pensive-orphaned face every day and fills the inner wall of my skull with intrusive thoughts! “Hermit loneliness reconciles with my differences, even my heart attack-heart is digesting itself more and more.
Aug 2021 · 107
Cursed stony back
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
With cut wings and squandered dreams, it would have been good to continue! It can be opened with an open-eyed eye to shout to see if it will still be possible to save Humanity from a mortal soul! In every minute of the Universe that we steal from life, we cry the vulnerability of our presence in hundreds of forms! The pain screaming into melody is preserved by a long-lasting cello or cello; a shattered rainbow of light washes our souls bare naked! Mysterious twilight reigns in petals that are pounding for each other, trembling in the gestures of shaky superstitious kisses, thundering to earth-installed Heaven!
Excited forgiveness is heard through the retina of the narrator's eyes and he asks for an assured audience! Survivable times can only be understood and learned only gradually! Our destiny is also im already inevitable; everything is built on scattered quicksand castles if we let our eternal moments of this existence be lost! You can hardly understand the essence of divisive differences! The compulsions of selfish, wild interests, the promises of self-deceiving, fierce pursuits, vile money!
The drowsiness of riches in meaningful minutes is rarely if you help! You can rarely buy a handful of happiness! Doubt and Hope, like two opposing traps, surround us in a mundane everyday life, and our flesh is bitten together by the stigmatized curse of our souls! "In the powerlessness of the insidious nights that hide our sins, vile scammers also escape with hypocrisy and fidelity!" They sip greedily sipping their glass of revenge, the iris intoxication of spoiling careers! This is how we stretch ourselves to the junk power of redeeming money! Let us not miss our common judgments with the avit desolation of their luxury-tyrannical sense of life.
With cut wings and squandered dreams, it would have been good to continue! It can be opened with an open-eyed eye to shout to see if it will still be possible to save Humanity from a mortal soul! In every minute of the Universe that we steal from life, we cry the vulnerability of our presence in hundreds of forms! The pain screaming into melody is preserved by a long-lasting cello or cello; a shattered rainbow of light washes our souls bare naked! Mysterious twilight reigns in petals that are pounding for each other, trembling in the gestures of shaky superstitious kisses, thundering to earth-installed Heaven!
Excited forgiveness is heard through the retina of the narrator's eyes and he asks for an assured audience! Survivable times can only be understood and learned only gradually! Our destiny is also im already inevitable; everything is built on scattered quicksand castles if we let our eternal moments of this existence be lost! You can hardly understand the essence of divisive differences! The compulsions of selfish, wild interests, the promises of self-deceiving, fierce pursuits, vile money!
The drowsiness of riches in meaningful minutes is rarely if you help! You can rarely buy a handful of happiness! Doubt and Hope, like two opposing traps, surround us in a mundane everyday life, and our flesh is bitten together by the stigmatized curse of our souls! "In the powerlessness of the insidious nights that hide our sins, vile scammers also escape with hypocrisy and fidelity!" They sip greedily sipping their glass of revenge, the iris intoxication of spoiling careers! This is how we stretch ourselves to the junk power of redeeming money! Let us not miss our common judgments with the avit desolation of their luxury-tyrannical sense of life.
Aug 2021 · 66
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Leaning against the alley walls of our passing years, the silent silence followed in silence. On the hanging rope of Nirvana between time and space, the body of Adam ourselves looks into the depths of the gaping gaps! On the memorable journeys - where in hand - we go together begging-repenting heart also shivering; afraid to drive home will rarely! In common struggles of being, interdependence carries our own selfish Destiny! It has become a meat-cutting edge, for alamous, squeaky deeds and petty words!
Our wakefulness is gradually chewed and ground by the blinded Time! Luxury lives, like open, publicly imprisoned prisons, alternate their lives with seeming prosperities like fragrant lingerie, what more can the future bring them? "As an eternal wandering alien, you should have clung to the Being Sheaths with lasting roots until it's too late!" Choke Being Vacuum always digests its best! Self-beliefs can easily be swept away by the intoxication of the moment! Our committed guilt will continue in the depths of our beating hearts!
In a dazzling parade of eyes, we cross in search of our own lives, snarling rays flash on the surface of curved mirrors, snarling clouds! Giant, fornicate fists seem to be elongated, haunting shadows of fear at night: selfish reflections of ourselves! Everyone travels the counted highways of the times alone! - Hesitant attention could still stretch your neck ample; the lonely loneliness of exiled stateless people makes you think and closes around! Amid rapidly spreading shadows, wordless devastation destroys the night of friendship.
Aug 2021 · 52
Broken-voiced petition
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Blurred in the crowded details of reality, the lamp-lighting lights of rising dawns quickly disappear, fading; between depth and height there can hardly be a way out only full of screaming gaps! Space will be transformed into sounds; in a stroking-gentle touch with a single love fingertip, there is a pronounced, eternal emotion: wide pupils radiating happiness, longing for the immortality of leaping minutes, which is deliberately distorted by the magical power of visions!
True Seers always ***** and live in the usual, uninhabited light! Vulnerable pain opens its petals for a long time and would call on the Beloved of its loyalty! The survivable calvary of everyday life is roaring in groups in stunning looks! - Stations of quests ring in the shells of ears like cracked bell tongues in haunting vocals! Creatures that have gone wild in fallible will not be affected by forgiveness! As a selfishly greedy antrocious, they live only for themselves!
Already everywhere there are so many selfish, calculating hand-washing Pilate houses voluntarily in exchange for star-bombing gases; this is how lonely Golgotha people become exiles! "A broken-sounding judgment-requiem begs for melancholy orphanage into the night: No one should be a debtor-mercenary of insidious greed!" - Smiling with handcuffs, they can stab anyone in the back; it ripens when ripe and smells of stings The Silence of Betrayals!
Like a bad conscience, I am coding wandering between four walls with my selfish sins: my missed opportunities are confronted daily by the formula of my fears! A constant sense of danger forces you to wake up urgently
Aug 2021 · 53
Strange vision
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Whispering a dagger of danger in a hundred figures a day is raised to me by my snarling Present! I run out of rails for suicides under my feet; clicking heartbeats scratched my face ditches! The station of retired inheritance cannot wait for me! It would be good to engrave the conscious, submissive formulas of my fears in the exile walls of minutes, and with the jumping Time, it is as if the Hope is stumbling into a vacuum and sooner or later Hope will escape! A tiny network of cells strikes each other every second; locked in a stubborn prison of my fateful state, my chances of stopping are dwindling!
I consciously measure my significant statistical life! I’m going to be in self-danger escapes instead of the Beloved one I have to cling to! A clicking, wild rumble rips through the cell wall of my eardrum, echoing the judgmental word of my pounding heart! - In crazy, imagined reality-show worlds, consciously thinking intellect is thrown out useless! My discouragement can only be overwritten by a pair of walnut-brown Gioconda eyes; if the enduring, angelic miracle could still be rocked around balmy moonlight romances! I have an apocalyptic rejection of the trembling of my little boy, my limb; the shackled agony is numb!
Today, humanity pays attention to appearances and sensations! Uncut diamonds are rarely discovered from the ancient roar of shining, reflector-buzzing: misconceptions, glittering pleasures of tinsel reign over easy-to-buy, cheap souls that vulnerable people have nothing to do with.
Aug 2021 · 58
Waiting on your head
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Ordinary space carries you out and rushes away from everyday worries! In his distressed anxieties, the redeeming peace can hardly be persuaded by others who hear the consolation that passes through the night-broken dreams: "There will be nothing wrong!" "He looks like a hesitant little child who confesses sin in us!" Messianic hopes have been replaced by extravagances! An active human mind is playing with trickling pieces of thought, while your new plans are sure to be born!
In the depths of instinct, the love of the Universe and the joys of appearances were once being prepared to create new degrees of hope with our common will! We rushed through the superficiality of our modern age with a driven soul; secretly, superstitious eyes don't even miss the precious minutes, when the heart and the taste of the universe-cherishing kisses are pounding to a beat?! A terrible, prickly fog is raging in us! - Choking parallels, bitter anxieties do not spare the cage-silence either; silent sore wait anxious out of ghost eyes!
Stars little joy how to staple the secrets of the eyes?! As a roar of steps, the troubled Spirit first knocks and then echoes as a footprint of hearts! You digest your members yourself! It is no longer possible to start with cheap promises conceived in the filth of times! A runaway memory seems to never want to remember enough again - it immerses itself in the lake of Léthe-forgetting rivers! Throbbing anticipation of hope-gold is ringing in vain all in vain!
On the extinct platform of dead tracks, the rusty assembly of hope is wasting
Aug 2021 · 54
With conscious guilt
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
In my eyes, childish fears wander in alarm; my rustling petty faith in my late manhood makes me cry! Terrible resentment is spreading in the trenches of my gray, bleeding soul! Substantial intent is starting to gather! As a prisoner, I am forced to stare around grid days! As a sick chest, I shudder around myself! I feel an unmoved resignation in missed opportunities that don’t support - but haunt me!
My expectations are already wasting time! My selfish decay is also sharpened by needle-sharp teeth, it hurts more and more, it chews and chews! - A despair terrifying in my beating heart like a series of new tachycardia landslides: destructive, loneliness of consciousness seeps through the cracks of annual rings! On cold nights, mold-and-white wax puppets, like prostitutes, exploitable indifferent people stutter on each other! - Fates, limited by their destiny, calmed down, battered by tragedies, are Being walking towards the unknown!
Between my crouching contemplations, there is an eternal, mischievous piece of moment: while the fierce law of Executioner times stays with me! Maybe even someone can wait for me to continue! The everyday robot continues to run within the wrinkled boundaries of Being! The completed imperfection also has a separate law! The distant insecure always fills itself with a semi-obscurity: that’s why it can happen that I always come back to myself, I turn back!
The Avar-rotten smell of fermentation ventilates me; the plundered tears of my face are trickled and torn by a blade-edged wind! Every minute I start to realize my stubborn guilt, and between my doubts, the remnants of faith are becoming more and more weak!
Aug 2021 · 51
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
I accept more and more convulsive loneliness every day; as a violent shipwreck, the iris-like planks of rotting trees can even be a life-saving remedy! On hesitant intentions, everyone washes their own hands and conspires again! Promises received as gifts from others are similar to vague piles, ambiguous-tapping intentions! Dew diamond beads make it harder and harder to clean the shutters on wounded faces! Echoes of echoing silence echo inward; the invisible-silent light-shadows ring around him; a self-procrastinated moment is a fleeting waste in the footsteps of my whimsical will!
My eyes, which are often examined, search for the dreams of dawns: they search, scan for something elusive, unattainable, so that the sincere Truth can come to the purity of Winter! Our timeless earthly existences carry the jacket shadows this way: their selfish sight-honesty is often revealed! The wallpaper of the little boy's sadness weighs heavily; sobbing in your longing, teary eyes, the stigma of my half-orphanage would cry out one last time! My rumbling ventricles, which are constantly punctured, can also look like convex cavities!
My silent killer is my demanding drum, and every second there is another incomprehensible countdown bomb that is making an explosive! More than a thousand organized thoughts flow through my active brainstorms, and yet the existing, feasible Future - even after so many years - is increasingly welcomed by the shadows of uncertainty
Aug 2021 · 76
Back-not-silent silences
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
It would have been good to be tired from behind the expanding back of Times just to watch the nesses of the creeping vibrations! My worried fears Sisyphus chubby sat right on my face! Waste of time evokes the past even when we have deliberately fled the escaped distances! Light mercy also feeds on silent contemplations! There are many times sobbing beeps in my child's soul! It is still lucky to cling to knocked shreds with both hands!
Killing silence repeatedly calls to himself, "Do it, because it may be too late tomorrow!" "Expelled, fearful Loneliness in my aging, anxious members, and I am afraid that the eternal Beloved, who has given me shared, throbbing heartbeats, will never know me again!" "White sweaty, superstitious sunlight first scans, then loses its strange rings in the cracks of my face: something very strange is happening now!"
As a strangled embers, proud mundane romances would still be on fire; as successful prey-sneakers, lowly net throwers shrink their teeth! - In my silences, the echo sounds doubled, and even now I don't feel all my organized thoughts fluttering, and it's getting harder and harder to find their real place! The presses that create desires have all turned against me too! Executioner-Time-grated straitjacket is waiting for human lives to be wasted! They are called by the tiny, treasure worlds of nothingness and all memories of a sizzling, snow-capped door slam; if you call your conscience you often back down in front of your face - back is rarely listened to!
The connection of known beings was made up of petty nuances of silences! Being only three steps away, if I dare - they would break up if I let them be small-style grabs!
Aug 2021 · 66
Love alert
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
He pinned his drowningly amber, amber waterfall into an artistic bun — hoping that others would see his two eyes, illuminating his entire Cleopatra face; a whispering hyena desire throbbed in the air as he awoke with respect! A wary, shameful admiration trembles with aimless balm on her peony lips; mulish alienation appeals to someone who sincerely loves, it has become a bit alienable! His silver-white handcuff-ducks, the universe-desire of his delicate fingers trembled with an electric discharge when the little bell called in his bell-ringing heartbeat!
Little boy with sadness - he shouldn't have answered - feeling the cheap secrets, the enchanted heart could easily raise a cathedral! Cupid's tired arrow always misses something else and falls to the ground in helpless paralysis? Nor can it be a painkiller to selfishly wickedly injure a person who is lost and can rarely find a home without help!
Essential Soul foods are deliberately lost sight of and left to be lost! The hell machines and wreckage stars that make us oblivious to everyday life, the compulsion to comply: The pessimistic, exhibitionist layer of celebrity measurements is chased by small-style goros every day: when every minute person expects a low reputation! Rose petal bodies like feverish brothel stops ask for and provide natural services! And none of the fairies trapped in exhibitionism ask, "Would you like a little chatter?" - In small-style fame, it is still better for some to bathe than to cuddle after hard, hunger-hungry entrants!
Every path in our spiral-existence runs like an endless patient curve, and it’s better to pick out strangers so you can find out how much you really feel?!
Aug 2021 · 51
Recurring hope
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Raging-resting sea circles are already enticing the drunken pupil ship: seeing his seeing love-stricken boy should be lifted out of the universe of light of the Universe once and for all so that he can exist with more courageous determination! He cherishes the black crystals of shadows many times with deceptive eyes and many times they hardly know what to do with fragile reflections! The perfect annihilation of the feeling of Eden itself: In a single all-promising kiss, in the laughing crossfire of silently confessing gazes, in the always sincere rippling of tears, the confession of truth seems to be plucking signs!
Humiliated insult and suicidal offense are tattooed on a restless soul! Common sense stops on the petty prey-winning paths of the vile cat-and-mouse wars, and only ruthless deeds matter! - Every minute is a killing click in the depths of the soul and in a knife-edge silence it is not possible to know exactly who can remain an eternal Friend and who is an enemy?! The stuttering Moon has asked for permission many times before it can detect its tooth protein for good! Taxi-yellow anxiety is already related to the suffocating darkness!
They pedal many times like dogs and enter a self-carved stack of darkness! Today, being a **** and a celebrity taho is a way of life, and the cultural alliance of brains is being persecuted by many and quoted before the Inquisition of Idiot Branches! It would also be better to empty the dishes of Infinite Time, which are full of intentional deficiencies! In the infant light while rehearsals kneaded my limbs, my face remained a sad kid face! How predictably can the judge be smart, who is forced to listen to testimonies on a daily basis?! Even in recurring hopes, we believe less and less
Aug 2021 · 50
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
In his superstitious eyes, a tingling, false, flirtatious caress is born when he looks at the other in a self-giving way and deepens the given encounter every second; confessions made in the atrium of purple-petal flaming hearts are made and the dream charm of ****** kisses is seldom if you can give comfort! In mutual-beneficial blindness to each other, a solid telepathy of thoughts flows back and forth in the secrets of the eyes! Excited trembling travels its way through the channel tunnels of throbbing blood vessels, and each other's souls glowing in restless love suddenly migrate through the chemistry of the body!
The little secrets of our hearts, pounding in the rhythm of flowing, refractive pulsations, are all coming together! And he continued to ring-knead its members from cell tissues that could be built further! Can he find in his absolute adulthood, as others have demanded of him, a childish, more playful face and, through it, can he still marvel at the blind spots of falling vulnerabilities? From time to time, only the heart trembles, bleeding drums in every miscarriage clamp socket! In the past, every burned minute memory supports another squeaky mouse! "Where is the giving, protective Angel with wings, spread with his human goodness?!"
In his superstitious voice, he keeps whispering, "He still loves and forgives my childhoods!" - They would squeeze each other's outstretched hands so that we could still cling to the hopeful possibilities of moments and hope; point traumatic enrichment can be interrupted somewhere like an invisible thread! There are more and more tragedy-like ordeals, even rats on sinking ships: no one is comforted by the vulnerable crying of ourselves.
Aug 2021 · 71
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
The off-line state of inhumanity follows! The silly era of toast shame is long gone! In the depths of every gaze spiced with enchanting exoticism, the tempting profit-seeking is curiously alert! Celebrity-infested retinas are now covered in a thick cataract: Spectacular charity is just fashion in front of the screens! Flirtatious cyber-droids, collegiate diva queens give each other V.I.P. parties on the corner of crowded, fluffy fork districts and rags with milk thrive everywhere!
Pacemaker performs a digital countdown no matter how many times the Live One clings to his throbbing heartbeat with all his efforts! Even in constant ******, we can no longer be completely self-centered and ostentatious to the core! “Self-seeking, fleeing queens enjoy the public life of shop windows while not even noticing: they have become public prostitutes with the promises of prosperity! Even in the plasticized vibrations of faces that can be predicted over time, we cannot safely navigate and recognize the essence of a child's party, who was once protected by a guarding-protecting, caring conscience!
In Kripa-larval gazes, the twilight darkness fits just as well as the gaps in the gaps left behind! Even a burning forgotten lamp; star myriads are scattered superstitiously by the human eye, while the inner values of the other are finally found! For the last time, we could embrace proud shores built from our memories to feel like we were once Humans and not just acting, pathetic wrecks! "As if everyone had pathetically forgotten where he came from and his bitter struggle, which it all involved."
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
The tongue-wrench meandering between his superstitious rose-lips barely fits in the lock; the mischievous fidelity of desolation glows on his burning lips! His curtained face obscures all receptive pleasures, the giving, human-centered Universe! We continue to snuggle into the non-passing cover for the very first miscarriage sign! Our walkable, throbbing heart-circles will all return to themselves by the time they finally land! The grotesque mirror, in which everything can be seen the other way around, stretches silent, truthful tears on their faces!
In the depths of the rainbow of pupils preserves all spells, enchanted ancestral moments of conscience! When romantic instincts are adventuring on anonymous-unknown paths: it is better to be immersed in finite weightlessness with a companion than the happiness of hero lovers under veil waterfalls! - Comprehensible and perceptible score lines in the pulsating, decipherable atrium of heart-petals; translucent, blade-thin delicate crust can carve out for yourself sweet love! They get closer and closer to ourselves, while they have all traversed the secret cells of their bodies - and yet, in the warming fire of ****** kisses, the distance between two souls becomes more and more invisible!
Many times words of enchanting branching are more likely to hurt than caress! The roaring, beading draws breakable glass beads! Self-consciously falls into the Phoenix ash, who chooses his true emotions! The honey-steam of bodies glowing in good, muddy silence, in fine sweat, is hospitable: spreading out its limbs! - The Fraction reigns benevolently over us with the present reckoning, and takes everything into points! Verbatim, human voices are embodied into fractions for years, while from a distance an emotional cello monologue tears through the fabric of immortal romances
Aug 2021 · 53
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
The stripped-down, monologues are already without costumes: bare prison cages without mattresses! The junk legend is becoming a deceptive educator! The enchanted charm becomes a volatile reality: tears lurking in deer stars! - The deep-jerking destruction of Decayed Twilight frees up the distorted darkness! The underworlds banding as carnivores are showing off and I should be themselves! I would try to believe, with childlike confidence, perhaps the Goodness present in everyone, the urge to come to the rescue — on the wings of the merciful Angel! If there could be a secret tunnel that would not seem so complicated to go through the Trials of Being! For a single moment, I could see the petal-hearted dear Lady comforting and healing with her gaze!
Unconditional love, involuntary devotion is merely the crumb of fairy tales; my palpable half-anxiety reigns in the depths of the well of my wandering soul and makes a sound countless times when interrogated! The mystery of restless Shadows can promise neither salvation nor reassurance! Secretly lurking ghost worms chase and chase each other through the bars of nights even bump into blind walls themselves!
Perhaps, if I could have more time left, I could endure it more boldly, how could it be possible to be loving my conscience broken down into parts?! "In the swan's lap, the hope of the angels could rock to a redemptive dream: in my narrowness, the lost child, who could not grow up, could be sniffed into a sniffing game!"
As another survivable option in the night, a bat-flying dawn always rips itself through with new life; look at my soul and see with your heart, that you may understand what is still moving?
Aug 2021 · 64
Dropped footprints
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
In the eyes of a little boy, one who pays close attention can see within himself the pieces of his carrying, wearing edges; he would cling to the memories of thick, cotton-hugged hugs against the everyday sunburn of strangers, **** phlegm, if he could be more karakan-recovered! Dark shadow makeup imprisons the eye-craters of honest faces; you can already feel the otherworldly state of lasting collapse if your melancholy sadness promises to be lasting! - In vain! You can only remain a lost forest walker, an eccentric marmot in a self-incense world, as if everyone: jampec men, fashionable canary angels, are all prostituting themselves in the hope of survival, which is a guarantee of appearance, which one can stay smarter and more refined?!
Today, the valid distinction between People is back in vogue: Prosperity, privileges distracted from luxury, computer-lying smiles despised as concances in soft puddle views! Exotic mask shadows are floating on their faces forever, and it is not known: where might the superior childish self have looked, who watched the games from the background all the time?! The sure path is becoming more and more inexperienced, and those who can't stand washing their faces in animal feeders or serve false interests - as a puppet in a shop window, can soon be overtaken by the forbidden fate of precipitations! The dwindling middle class is also becoming stagnant; is lazy when it comes to the holy time of deeds and actions long ago! When will our footprints dropped on the streets, in throbbing heartbeats, lead us back to ourselves?
Aug 2021 · 66
Last chance
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Sparkling neon lights, whimpering with sparkling laughing spheres, miracles can rarely be born! In sparkling, challenged, columnar lanes, crowded minute-people march in crowded, otherworldly rows! Festive gifts also look like foamed drywall, and the shining, shining smiles shine more like artificial liver grimaces!
The transitional period of peaceful tranquility may soon lead to convertibility! “Hopes of appearances glistening in squinting eyes sway with rusty credulity as if anything could change here! Infamous-famous people are selfishly interested in self-interest advertising tricks and distribute free food, and if they listen to the click of non-flashing flashes in a self-adoring way, they step down without a word! - Skeleton-armed trees ritually descend shamanic dancing on their own, babies wrapped in blankets in the depths of the underworld are still trembling!
With shrunken-squirmed penguins-Sisyphus, they can barely want to talk! Everyone is imbued with bone-penetrating, ice-cold selfishness; relationships also begin to rot unnoticed, as the love of loyalty is measured by luxury and prosperity by “some”! - Everyone feels and already knows that he is in no way willing to put up with loss; the onion peel of their personality is punctured, and they intentionally move into a subdued terrestrial Twilight zone, where they are already enslaved as slaves of money!
Flourish-white estasy faces in intoxication would still try to balance the last ones on the iris-lifted staircase before total, helpless dream image hibernation could finally begin! Love is becoming more and more inconsolable, it should be redeemed with tolerant empathy until it is too late
Aug 2021 · 57
Frosted age picture
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Brutally exhibitionist, neo-superficial, cyber era! Inwardly infinite questions, man has also become a sinking multicultural receiving machine; shares information, accepts and already knows the "how am I?" - also digitally cheats on networks cheat windows! Everyone longs for a carefree, careless stone-richness, and that would immediately caress and lie with their bare limbs in the big, lukewarm Nothing! From a new perspective, the money-centric world still revolves around a cage that is still imprisoned; it has become a selfish, selfish gathering of degraded, animalized necessities of life!
The more glass deals a sole proprietor engages in, the more fruitful his or her milk business is, even on average fourteen-hour shifts a day, you can get tachycardia or, for consideration, turn your invested, remaining life into suicide! - Burnt-out ***** wrecks may remain from people emptied into mere cages; cared out pet wants everyone to be! Those who have finally called for minority existence are now swaying for new tracks! Crowns the hearts of many with fame in the evening; and many times everyone behaves: selfish, hypocritical phlegm in showcase-likeness, as if they had a contract with the national association of Spanish wax manufacturers!
Why does it have to float in the rings of dream careers and existence-pulling chasms as a lost hour pointer and pointer of every self-confessing deer-face?! - Feasible memories of desires and instincts are also embodied as despised, ripple dreams
Aug 2021 · 82
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
You stayed forever indebted, home-stuck sticky! Nirvana-son of misfortune, nesting for nothing! Nobody's chase! You have long since denied yourself from the Executioner Squadron and the future-marchers have left it here as prey! In the catacomb flights of your cut-off dreams, like watchful moles, you often wander in disillusionment with yourself! Dying despair also seems to be deliberately overwhelmed; you couldn’t fit in between superficial worlds! No one can comfort your bloodthirsty eyes crying on a bag!
The petrified seal of the collected footprints will continue to bleed in your heart in a drum! "As your eternal companion, eternal fear and dreadful doubt still strikes you!" You deliberately don’t gass before dressed means! You may have had enough of squeaking in front of a lot of forbidden doors and stigma padlocks: as a selfish recidivist, you can't get your shadow-loving, redeeming loneliness from happiness either! "Superstitious deer eyes would call you desert spawning lights to give a shadow to your heart!"
On your knocking window, the Silence Seekers are waiting for you as a dense mass of nights at night! - Used personality traits like ragged seizures lurk in a pile! He whispers before sweeping secrets and then captivates the unsuspecting; silence still anchors in restless hearts! By pulling on invisible antennae needles, how can sincere trust be achieved?! Savior, love urge?! Gemstones raised from stone terrify awake-cheeky walkers hiding in night robes! "It's a long-learned mimic of playful ease."
Aug 2021 · 73
Threatening indifference
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Because wherever you look today, you can see the party ****** of beggar-lived, petty oligarchs, half-God snobs, diva-bachans! Unceasingly suspicious of the sudden coming of flashing fame, glaring flashes gossip-bang! Deafened depths reign in the home of our rainbow retinas under the forehead, as they can only notice the riches of appearances, the advertisers of luxury lifestyle tricks, whose billions of ringing music are just vile change!
From the everyday stories of despised mob prophecies, an eccentric miracle beetle is selected by the grinding media machine, and boldly believed to be by the rings of proud lies; a valuable link for human species! The tense of lingering promises can be the word-jokes of lowly jealousy and hatred hidden in preaching voices, appointed innocent! In the lap of the much-suspected Underworlds, a slender, little minute-human blue room is created every day! In snoring vulture-eye cavities, cheerfully stirling-flirting eye-***** are watching! We consciously strive for the increasingly familiar emptiness!
Because we are becoming more and more indifferent to each other, which almost hurts in alarm! When we can look at ourselves, we remember and return at the same time! In sly smiles, we raise walls of temper against each other; in everyone doubled Heart beats, they just forget to “some” listen to his word! - Self-propelled shadow also falls into strands of light in intimate harmony - if you experience it! As Siamese twins, they cling to each other many times Past and Present! Maybe we’ve always wanted to be better than our own humiliated, false self-roles yesterday
Aug 2021 · 70
Neck shot
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
At first, an organically challengeable remnant grew quietly in the silence, while finally the verbose vocabulary was doomed to vile-alamous silence! only then could he taste the poisoned taste of everyday filthy-selong tongues! The star-dignity of self-esteem will soon be filled and then bled! Constantly bleeding grievances flowed through the party system of the phlegm-killer Being; and even inside, only rocks and coral islands proclaim the solitude of Golgotha, and that this may have meant something for sure at some point!
Life is a crouching, sizzling fairytale fair for a day: even if you devour yourself, you could eat at any time if you could get a finer wall or more laurels of privilege! Because everyone can guess: a single sense can only remain awake, which, like an encrypted radar on a lost formula, attracts a camp of materialistic spoofers and those for whom luxury is also a trophy! "Balding silence grew even more between the cracked parts of the distance: we became columnists-flatterers of foreigners!" Absorbing minutes give birth to muted golden spit, and in the absence of contacts, in the lowland areas, only the one who sold himself or pushed him in!
Condense to dilute increasingly curved mirrors! Heart dropped to the ground, who will be the lucky one to babble with his golden heart?! My murderous soot, like a small-style dog tag, an Amam business card, will be deliberately and trampled on, even though I never left myself! - Our present, who has been touring Calvary, is also shaky! It would have been good to run away from insidious secrets if I had known that his "reasons" would upset me! - The darkness of oblivion never unfolds, - but it falls to the depths of a chasm
Aug 2021 · 69
Hesitant, trembling step
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
In the depths of the mirror, deliberately shattered hopes tremble; crumbling lines on the sincere-crying pit-grooves of faces would shout! Beautifying tear ***** throbb in feathers! No one can know if the labyrinths of our emotions are sincere, whether the human heart is honest or liars?! In the counterfeit machines kept under brain control, even memory degrades and gives birth to Nirvana deserts!
What can be hidden in the deep? The childhood image of ourselves as absolute adults can be understood more and more often! Many times, the fact that computational thinking always stops in the way of emotions as profit-seeking and deliberately raises barriers! Deserved happiness is also just another, cherished air fortress: whoever deserves it can no longer walk! - Even in our horrible long-lasting minutes, we should consciously learn how to inherit development, the iron-solid Will and the hope that although our common affairs may soon be the pillars of destruction, we also have a little prerogative for lasting prosperity!
Many times it goes unnoticed that we are deliberately exhausted by a cheering deficit: but it could be good to live when empathy tolerance can make a difference with seemingly sought-after stereotypes, and instead of sincere condolences. I would appreciate it! And those who preached the tramples of once wicked soles should not be harmed by the testifying lesson: “Man! Love your neighbor! ”
Our reluctant words in graying moon faces tremble for each other and are still afraid when I would have to confess voluntarily.
Jul 2021 · 57
Sour fermentation
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
There is a glimmer of embers in the depths of the candlelight eyes: can pille madness remain intoxicating love or a deceived hope?! Those who march in the labyrinth of complex thoughts have a pale flower sign with a yew flower: stigma accents on the stretched bone hands raised to a gesture! Who could have endured more? Did you sin more?! In the fair-feelings of throbbing heartbeats, the memories of rhythm problems and petty problems are already knocking separately! Searching for self-marching opportunities on broken career paths in the waist, in the flash of an arrow, the even more profit builds a cheap card castle tomb!
Blood-red, wounded, wolf-blind at dusk, the unworthy Sisyphus, rolling cowardly stones on the expelled forehead of Times, also stops; addressed to him by selfish destiny! As fallen angels, everyone is already intentionally wearing other masks; hides the onion peel of his vulnerable soul! "The ripened vortex of our memories is constantly buzzing with tears!" A **** thrown in pink-petal clouds dances to the sky dancing! It operates as a changing pendulum with a promising, given word of the uttered and then forgotten promise!
As a cursed parasite that has settled on our lives as a cursed parasite, we are constantly threatened with Death by Execution of the Executioner! This is why we are consciously afraid of self-procreating love and maybe we are all trembling! "In times of internal burns, external self-digestion, it would have been good to believe that redemptive consolation could catch up in the image of a cherished precious Angel!" We want to scrape together our tired dreams with last-minute salvage pots; a swamp of polluting phlegm and vain arrogance covers free-thinking skulls! Only empathy tolerance could tear ice-hearted people apart!
Jul 2021 · 58
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
It multiplies itself into a Spirit wholly born out of nothing; staring at star-clocks seems like a fleeting minute at the Fate! The victim closes his eyes in front of his dream images of the creep of an uncertain future! In the ****** vortices of tomorrow's days, only the guards can be alert! It would be good to discover the roaring roar of your distant sea with true love, in brilliant-laughing eyes!
A human head shape, a congregation of grinning pebbles lurking around me from everywhere; instead of superstitious, romantic kisses nailed to papermen, the stray time quickly absorbs it! They tickle, hum, grin when our emotions of honesty have been lying for a long time! Stimulators of action set off chirping raiding, while more and more of the humble hideouts lurking in the ivory tower froze in silence! - Lava spit dropped on the full side of liar-insidious encouragers like house walls send green secretions; my heart pounding like a wounded rock deeply stopped by lightning!
Maybe I can’t even get rusty up the hillside anymore! My selfish orphanage has made its way nowhere in myself! My friendly handshakes, as a series of pathetic attempts to make lasting connections, are looked down upon in a selfish way: a bleak, otherworldly backdrop that many can’t eat or drink - it will soon go to heaven! This is how he will be naughty from simlis to his heart, because he is always scratching himself for himself! During the far-flung years, like the effervescence after the effervescence; there is a constant desire for lack! How many more movements remain in the memory space?
Jul 2021 · 61
Reverse things
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
I would do my long-standing business, but there is no need for hermit witnesses! crouching ferry usages, human wrecks are moving on self-deprecating for their own benefit and they are learning to be a further guttable Being! Self-exited, re-established wild hordes tread the compromising Order on the way! The smell of burnt human flesh also makes them more annoying! Drunken, bred with great power intoxication, phlegm-chirping, pseudo-preachers would dictate the changing trend, and if it was hand in hand, it would have long since lost its conscious, preservable dignity!
They carry a roaring Lator cross modestly, while under others they light bonfires! Péter Pán's complex seedlings for the bohemian youth are marching around their necks with a umbilical cord rope around their necks! - In our idyllic freedom of the press, they even sublimely search our thinking brains; a couple of wandering experiments and study formations will only be able to survive if the "some" want to and the people standing around the honeycombs nod - but with lonely wolf-witnesses stuck outside the circles, what else can they do if they are stuck in further fragments, constantly sinking will they be lost?!
He holds us up with his back, while the ruthless Fate plays with us well; Being gives us a broken, bittersweet realization! Waves swirling await us with a mixed warning of fear! At the final frontier, the only edge is often the only luck that can be turned with crooked fingers
Jul 2021 · 63
Formulas for hearts
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
He is already wandering around in the holy cauldron of sensual pleasures of the hero-loving Heart! Throwing fatally large ones in the deepening craters of bubbling cauldrons! The fillable Universe also feels unique! With the flaming, harmonious melodies of flames, he leaves the homes of invisible, secret telepathies at noon and finds himself a romantic-sweet sigh and a sonata of desire!
We kiss giving loyalty and love on each other's lips as an eternal gift! - Selfless service with a torturous homesick tremor is an even more difficult, burdensome task! Nor should it be a failure to bang once instinctive beats are finally released! Collecting slow heartbeats, we whisper into each other's eyes the secrets of our romantic immortality without words! At the boundary between depths and heights, we try to accept the most by gaining the most from each other!
Going from the inside out, we learn the seductive secrets of our hidden body; we build our homes that we thought were lost in each other’s petals! In every tiny sigh, in the filling molecules of desires, in every return, we can find ourselves again! - In all superstitious consciousness we can majestically be reborn and even destroyed as a Phoenix in the One-Whole eternity! - In the body of our body, our familiar movements seem to be realized again! We walk alongside the bumpy curves of tortured, sad paths of Being side by side with courage and spine support! Our fleeting selfish pains, if they exist, may seem to be immediately dissolved in the bonds of our radiant, eternal emotions
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