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Jul 2021 · 64
Winged word
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
The winged tower of snow-white ice ghosts in the crystal clear, annihilated air; the ****** Spirit dropped little by little into the wedding of petals! You would have to return home if you could get into a homosexual existence! crouch in melancholy silence into the placental fog of maternal, bean-redeeming kills! Kharübdisz, the gaping underworld, his vision-mouth stretched, seems to be strained: the living is searching among the excavated fragments of memory, living alive! Crippled, paralyzed-bandsa of Ordas' saw teeth Death pulls back from the presence of the past! It can be hard to find redemptive antibodies in the forgetful amphorae of minds!
It used to be a happier sunshine Why tomorrow disappeared wandering in the afterlife?! - On the scales of our birth, you measure the beginning and end of Alpha and Omega with Sisyphus' pettiness! Even so, the afflicted Spirit bounces back from its vulnerable, avitt soul; in the present, another imagined danger can often catch up! The old guardian era always repeats itself in black and white! There is no way out of deeply winding, spirally balding roads! Eltiport, as a fat worm, we are all already on the fringes of our round; in a miserable world that has long degenerated for itself, in a fragmented world, questions backfire with an eternal, aimless rotation!
Where does the word of human humanity stay?! The bigger fish were sitting at the expense of others, a tor company tormenting themselves with chirping, business-like pedlar vigets! "In a wooden box that can be locked like a pebble, like a ark of the covenant, our fatal heart throws three more fates for the last time!"
Jul 2021 · 53
Symphony without notes
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
A soul-seeing series of stifling silence, sacred romance, beautification, sincere compliments, chivalrous kindness - when someone knelt down, because their heart-oath was obliged to do so and because that would be dictated by etiquette! It would be good to remember everything then and humbly wolf-eye the motherland again! Why do we feel a flow that wounded, earthly lights can become transient in us?! Our life-confession that we have left to people every day may wipe out all sins!
It is rare for a person from his past to stray back into a hesitant present! Our talkative silence always has a severed neck! Today, they make favors of pseudo-messiahs, and they don't even know for themselves whether the greedy career desire will squeeze out more favors from them? - It's a shame to shiver and sigh for secret sound, suggestive, noticeable noises! The noise of squeezed heart sounds should be deciphered in ecstasy squirrels, strokes that can be snapped out as strings! Cheering, aggravated oppression echoes in silence while its festive culture settles on me!
Arbitrary, **** phlegmas endlessly step into the mud! In the soft sigh of Fugitive Twilight, a drunken, honey-like moment of Eden trembled: swan-tender ducks cherished their heart-loving hearts with their velvet caresses! Our dreams were puffed up with superstitious desires by the longing vibrations of the Universe! Immortal desires in our cell-deep loneliness were carefully concealed by our heart-cups!
The only scientists of the secrets of passion-sighs trembling through the ladik of the mammoths; memorable Wings of weightless imagination from time to time captivate the living! “Leave your shattering, raven-black locks free, while your superstitious broomsticks tremble at the tastes of the Universe
Jul 2021 · 53
Collecting tinsel
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
Whether the character s intention; a lustful, insidious, skillful will that will pave the way for petty self-interest to further liar-careerist paths! In an influential, constantly administered reality, everything has already sunk to the ground of one possible Impression Information! - Organized back into itself, another elk stroking a woman grows up as a bagpipe, holding even a valuable conscience for sale in exchange for fatter jobs!
The partisan court rejects the legitimate grievances of the people with real sincerity without a sock: paid shop window sensational lawsuits are needed for paid and false witnesses accustomed to flea markets! In imaginary fright, it is often believable to besiege ordinary peoples with bills instead of revenues stipulated in contracts! At the same time, we all carry the picture on our own: how will the wheel of our destiny turn without the help of certain helpers in the twilight of our old age, which can be sunk into an oldster pose?!
We have known for a long time, and many rely on it: in the labyrinths of compromises, trampled atonement can rarely occur; in our unreconciled torments there is still the trembling cry of wounded pains that tremble and groan! Many swear by the Hungarian lifestyles enriched with ecstasy, and when the era of realizations may have come a long time ago, everyone washes the ***** and forgiving sins of their pasts alone! - The collector's tinsel is already multiplying in human culture standards, it is easy to die in the sure prospect.
Jul 2021 · 45
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
Gnashing of teeth, re-established, **** sermons on the gaping paths of aging wakefulness! In the depths of our vulnerable souls, we carry the annihilated orphan, the vulnerable child, in the same way! We are already deliberately holding our children's ears so that we cannot hear the curses of ferocious, absolute adults, their everyday, shameful betrayals! A single, tiny word of sparks, a nasty, sighed thought, and everyone already felt and knew: the conspiracy of exclaimed wise men dried on lips sewn like a supplication! Even crying-eyed silence is telling less and less! Among his aching self-pain, he himself freezes into stone, and as a afflicted Sisyphus he can no longer guess, his vastly buffalo-heavy stone blocks will have to be carried by him all the time!
You can no longer stand out in the world, and you can hardly survive: everyone is just emphasizing themselves, the other self looks like superficial face shop windows! Harmony, as a light, mundane sedative, cannot serve as a cure for the restless who have been slapped on the head! A squeaking subconscious half-dream attracts me, and embracing it with understanding love, if I let the unpredictable, mischievous things happen! Behind the inner walls of personality, the roaring, quarreling outside world is still purring! The cracked shadow spots of curved mirrors are deepened by magpies under superstitious eyes, minute-grooves! Even in their daily robot life, we fall from the top down to the swirling depths and we want to cling strongly to the angelic greetings that can be realized even on earth!
The perceptual intellect gradually turns back into itself! The metamorphosis formula of an imagined dream can only succeed together
Jul 2021 · 60
Memorial back and look
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
It would be good to return as the stray, loving silences of a wandering wanderer who wants to go home! When outstretched swan hands caress the caress in the imaginary fog of rocking dreams, the sleeper as a dreamer, and his eternally heritable symbiosis below and above may come together! The body-warm protective shelter can no longer be worth anything if there could be no pounding-throbbing sound-sigh left for the emotional heart! In Alantos Being, we have been disappointed many times when, in the flames of the enchanted moment, we explored the soul of Adam-Eve as a treasure trove of dividing cell molecules, and by secretly driving her entire blood tunnel out of awe, out of curiosity!
In the dawn light of rising suns, the shadows of daytime objects also grow up! Falling, intoxicated, consciously wild self-expression heard his anthem in our faithful, unruly hearts; from the fringes of instincts a wild vortex burst upon us, like an unquenchable hunger; the miracle of the Universe found in us may have demanded more and more of both of us and suddenly we became children again; curious little foolish toys of Time who were driven by desire and who could not understand many things! In the animalized torments of pleasures, the intoxicating demand for Freedom squeezed again; how much more mature richness this earthly happiness could have been than the scream-sharp torment!
We hid in a gnashing of teeth like they were ready for everything, and they regretted a lot of things! - All human feelings are daring to love and give! - The prison cage of the narrowing Time is already chewing, and the candlelit holy dinners of the past have moved away from us! With leaking romances, we can still preserve our memories for a short time!
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
Faced with tense contradictions every day, we are waiting hesitantly! Our self-interested world, degraded to bipolar, has already dissolved itself and our differences are equally shameful and ridiculous! Behind the semblances of luxury, yawning colonies of misery would shout for their right-tipped, useless voices, and yet all petty merits will become hungry; an insignificant sand-eye can quickly get stuck in a chain of Congo chains of great connections!
Excretion in saliva, as well as in love, started soon! Absurd evidence is hibernated or put in self-destruct boxes because Pavlov’s theory is also grotesque, reluctantly absurd! Stumbling in the light-shadows of the present, the out-wasting and the border of need is still moving more and more alarmed! - Many crowds of people on the periphery are deliberately basing themselves on well-sounding reputations in the deliberately idiotic idiocy of pop culture, brainwashed Reality shows!
Even our stunned resignation from troubled Freudi nightmares can help us less and less; grinning, vile Jackals and Minutes-blue people stare into the calvaries of our everyday lives! In our double consciousness, our onion peel personality preserves our selfish-pathetic secrets! It is as if we are inheriting through the secret channels of biologies the power of our uninteresting, selfish, selfish worlds! - As a figure, you are both tense and anxious at the same time on a secret formula, and forgetting your stepfather, inhuman Time, you wear out nicely, slowly
Jul 2021 · 39
You frailty
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
In the complex fullness of moments, even a hesitant step can tread on a butterfly carelessly! With a swirling, frightened rainbow wing marching richly into proud freedom! Hesitantly tumbling, the lonely silence can also hurt: the eye perseveres searching for punctuation engraved in a wall, while the claw rays of the accompanying moonlight appear on a ominous veil of nights! We also deliberately closed the proud sighs of our eloquent words to our hearings!
In no man's land a wreath of thorns has been woven out of sorrow! Wounded resentment is more easily absorbed into the depths of the Spirit; the burden of accents can permeate every well-groomed, spicy sentence because it is throbbing and present, like a sick plague! As a child orphaned by ugly deeds: I am embarrassed with terrified eyes at the same time, and I do not know if you will be complimented by a merciful, angelic goodness in the manner of Don Quoijotek. "I can only let silent anyone I sincerely want!" My melancholy pleasure, immersed in lethargy, would still be good to share with the babysitter; in the captivating Universe, we could all be together even in the moods we can experience, and it would be unnecessary to further complicate the rules of our secret childish rhymes in a hundred ways!
The smallness of our details is often heard through the purities of decipherable communications; the latent curses of envy-jealousy are already crystallizing in the marshland of hateful temper! There is no longer much meaning in the word consolation, where human intention alone can make up tempers! - Disembodied anxious, great dreads in the depths of eternal-childish souls: the smell of rotting rot flows in prodigal hearts! Even in my few minutes of imagination, it was enough to marry misleading lies! It is better to get out at the very beginning from the protection of conceivable emotions, and let the snowman alone melt into the beautified memory of summer
Jul 2021 · 53
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
An aggressive world crowded with noise! We can listen to less and less soul-lifting, cheerful harmony! The everyday throbbing heartbeat of our existence also continues to knock purposefully! In our handshakes, a false, lazy consolation message, our human reality is often destroyed in our search for truth, tuned with faith! We will have a greedy urge to own us; from the yelling, threatening throats soon killer blade loud! - A cry of silence is barely audible, silent in the distance!
In the same way, the identity consciousness of our selfish defiance era is shattered by the non-merciful poultry ****! - The promised Hope that it is and will make sense to persevere to the final limits with raised, stubborn heads is also more and more delayed! - In a crumpled self-doubt, how long can the selfish confrontation of the accountable Being last ?! Deliberately doubts everything from Reality dreams! A familiar, loving hand leans gently on the caress on the unbreakable wall of the expander, and he leads and encourages us with encouragement!
We are already capable of anything for small-scale recognitions! If necessary: let's tread, wade, and skip intentionally set barriers to Life so that only our egos can develop freely! In masks or exaggerated make-up concrete, we dare to look into the all-seeing eyes of others because we dread the awareness that our telltale gaze may unravel at any time unconcerned! - Trapped in desires and renunciations, our calculated lies benefit and we distort our own distorted souls in the hope of success!
Among the needs, the curse of superficial prosperity already promises everyone! Because of your role-playing, you are already afraid to look wolfishly at yourself in the secrets of crooked mirrors! This is how your self-defense is fulfilled!
Jul 2021 · 70
Heard betrayal
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
Spotlight is the Shadow; cheap, alamus fame from curious eyes that started to sting! The shipwrecked Soul stuck in the depths of the cell glows by itself like continually self-igniting cleansing fires! Witnessing true pearl tears runs away like a thin line of pencils in the trenches of torturous faces, who else can see the point?! At any moment, - if the illuminating memory has long since gone bankrupt - it can fall on us, like an award-winning plaster, the gap-widening oblivion!
Selfish-stubborn Chances of being can still surround you! The beautifying mea double proved to be little for them! No one with a determined will could build any son-calf palaces without a fruitful relationship behind him! In speaking your honest truths, should you be afraid of true realizations in fear ?! Or just the bred, "how am I?" - is the thread of the conversations stuck alone? Most people today still tolerate - even in pursuit - half solutions! They have to bargain again and again with their uncharacteristic lying words; if we want to make the actual changes all through!
Our history of pop culture will become complicit, as will the Human Being condemned to innocence! We also fall into the alms of the promises of our half-truths! Between our confrontations, everyone is already trying to compare with skill; the new ideology sermons likewise deceive hesitant witnesses, and conscious evidence goes to trial against the truth! - Listen to the compromise as many as the victim is guilty! The fattest Buddha snowmen are made of snow-white skies from swan-feather falling plaster! The lesson of empathy tolerance should be re-taught in a dimly dimmed shock
Jul 2021 · 69
Late imagination
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
A swan feather scarf on his angel-winged shoulders as a heavy carrying load alone; braids her brown-midnight hair, dripping twilight nectar from her long fingertips! I'm listening to your friend's voice even better! The panting gears in my head recall my phone conversations on the canvas of my memories; as if you were reading derogatory sermons out loud so otherworldly! An unexpected excitement flows through the ponderings of Executioner Time! It would have been better for us to cling more boldly to our beating hearts while the superstitious moment could last!
We have all given up our tangible, existing, sacred reality! When can the heart listen to feelings lost in confrontations?! Our human inclinations are incapable of transcending boundaries into damnation! Srub is still lounging in bed in exchange for a dream career that can be exploited many times, and then she is indignantly surprised that the baby project may have arrived prematurely! In the depths of the Spirit's cellar, a small child cries softly: one should contemplate the Real with the pearl maturity of eyes!
Dignity is already fragile, with which it always reveals its consciously constructed incognito! Your petal being is deliberately exalted in your lying eyes; you yourself feel unable to put everything on a new foundation without inner redemption! Wash your hair in extended moon turns in balmy moonlight! On it hangs its already distressed, otherworldly loneliness, like the bars of a prisoner that cannot be unlocked with lattice padlocks! - An Alpine scramble for murderous maximalism is becoming more and more unbearable: in the midst of timeless expectations, when the imagined, superstitious body would be embraced by the aching lack of a shaky little child as a suffering instruction sticks to my body!
Can we still feel in the other's soul that we need each other?!
Jul 2021 · 72
Torn between wonders
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
How do storm-torn Golgotha wounds regenerate? The handrails of Being no longer forget while the diagonals of rays intersect! The redemptive hope breaks through the gaps in torn heartbeats: it hurries hesitantly like a wounded memory! You should snuggle into a handful of wills, it won't be too late! It would certainly be good to cling to protective handcuffs among our fears of brackish water! As a chased herd, career-breaking vile snakes and skin-excited naked truth can never be proven by childish vulnerability!
Silence settles on the stray soul! Unnoticed stealth through the catacombs of the inner self; the romantic moments left on the pillow also leave a mark on our crumpled faces! The witness is waiting to awaken in a common, alienated solitude! - The Universe is buzzing from the islands of instinct depths, while patience is often ashamed of itself, why couldn't it be more persistent and resilient?! We constantly deceive ourselves in our imagined dreams as well!
It is becoming obscure, like the faith of selfish love, the honey of early mornings, and the world is becoming more and more excluded! In the midst of silent contemplation, it would be so good to rest: to bow our heads to the arms of the Dear Petal! Radiant happiness, as a pleasant, satiated immortality, would lean towards us kindly; I would call Him back to me from infinite times, and I would not stare at the prodigal Nirvana, who had turned into Nothing, with melancholy orphaned eyes!
I was a broken bird wing I always couldn’t be taught to fly, at most just to fall! With the heavy burdens of Reality, I would always squeeze and know: it is up to me to start with my inner security
Jul 2021 · 50
Time-consuming profile
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
My faded Sisyphus face! Frame yourself with unshaven shadows! A tangle of tufts of fur tangled with each other, a chaotic mess in Samson! In the detail of cracked silent mirrors, a deserted, extravagant silhouette looks wolfish with itself: a matter-of-fact, earthly copy of itself! The feeling of eclipse surrounds me many times, and not a single point of a pinpoint — it deceives me with the hopes of Prometheus hopes into an ever-increasing uncertainty, my eternally restless spirit!
Silent holy hatred sneaks at me on every level! the message of thinning handshakes sneaks into lagging sound noises! The distance on my face between my inner self is getting bigger! He would be freed in the orphaned arms of a prisoner-embracing love trapped in me, and even now he cannot be himself: a child of Peter Pan-complex! The Blonde Time escapes on its own, too; my gaze captivated the bowed scars of my long-vulnerable sadness! Determined perseverance, if not - but it would drive me to do sincere humility, to strive for the good and the people! Behind the scenes, you have to behave in a resilient way and grow up for the tasks provided!
My light-thirsty soul was stolen early in the dark! Meter’s Kharüddiszi’s mouth gaping more and more when I face myself with chattering children on my own! "How could the disassembled minutes be reassembled?!" Redeeming Death cannot bring mild or secured dissolution if our inner demons are chasing and haunting us
Jul 2021 · 38
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
Shattered amulets of long-gone memory loves are phosphorescent on a flickering blind; I struggle with the eternal child-soul at night! My excited memory makes fun of me every day, as if I were out of time and the shadows of the past settled on my soul with legal continuity! - In itself, the cosmic Deficiency yawns as much as the depth in the craters! Superstitious pleasure superstitious in the cells of molecules also escapes by shattering the throbbing existence of bleeding stones!
I hide with petty dwarf sadness for moments when the piece In time, perhaps, the interdependence of loneliness and the proud compulsion of loneliness could be solved by the Force of Being! Insecure as a useless burden, Life carries with it! A radiant, dark twilight looms over the best of my cursed humanity; the compulsion of indifference and yet conscious resistance argues and kills itself in me!
The expropriated profit-making of prostituted, money-seeking egos is driven by a cleverly calculating lustful gaze! And in the kissing flood of multiplied, exotic butterflies, he carries the winking pride along the life-miserable, detectable differences, who is a more artistic merchant in his desires and feelings! With the consciousness of mercenary, the Man, with his empty instincts, forced into his greedy existence, is still more and more misled, so that he can finally descend into inhumanity!

"Above me, as you may already know, the warrior, the caller, the pallos-right, the ordered Destiny strikes the homestead like tiny, small pebbles rumbling in words, waiting for the protection and forgiveness of the Beloved!
Jul 2021 · 66
Far from familiar
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
Far from familiar
As a receding acquaintance, I can only squint at my memories that have been left wasted in my past! In the blurred, stifled space, the perceptible distances also grew in my own soul! In outstretched present tenses, I can still see how much more the prodigal Man has changed! His inner onion peel self deliberately lattices itself into beginning dreams; see into hibernation wakefulness! On urgent desires, I would bear the universal right to happiness if I could still get a time off!
Every heart-warming, proud feeling that a deficiency-filling memory can only give has become a stir! My throbbing heartbeat consciously sounds up! Quite a few more preserved surprise excitement is glowing! The well-known mercy still sniffs in the atria of my soul! This earthly court is forcing him to make a conscious compromise - so I won't let him go either: seeing me often can rarely make atonement! Like a monotonous, sane prophecy, it will quickly come in if I don’t take care of the Infinite Baby’s Footprint!
"I'd like to see someone shine lovingly and hopefully in hope and lead me to the other shore!" The powderiness of my Adam’s skin, as homophobic, often blushes into the ****** of the unveiled joy; thighs flirtatious silks like drunk, little beetles crawling in rays of light! “I still listen to the thumps in my young wounded heart that sound like a sea roar; that the cacophonic harmony called bipolar, born and worn by a proud chain of chaos, is changing!
In a single definite movement and in the images of crooked mirrors, a wiggling oldster offspring wakes me cunningly again as another playable role
Jul 2021 · 58
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
In my creative, restless brain, millions of electric sparks transmit new thoughts to my boiling, throbbing heart! In the conscious-planned battles of tomorrow, child-playful intentions can erupt; a noble-proud Shadow of Light as a secret protector, a plasma-crystal rattartin, tears through the many golden grains of sand in the syrupy, spawned air, and according to the laws of the Real, you can measure the defiant listening of the karakan! "If I weigh myself strictly, others are almost always unique and few!"
The superficial, exhibitionist world is pathetic, little boy I see around me s horrible confrontation in the sacred right of accountability, relentless trampling! In the orderly interior of the closed circles of heart-petals, the greatest gift can be won only by gradual cognition and understanding: eternal Trust! Whoever instinctively desires humanity must always be a part of incomprehension ?! "I've tried to do compliment Don Quixote foolishly many times on the altar of kindness, caught dating!" In my dreams, I tried to express myself in Whole!
Eventually, perhaps, I can only be a sore Missing myself, if the immortal happiness of moments escapes! Can there still be someone who will notice the fallen Man in me, and with the eternal and beautiful love of the Cosmos of the Universe will give me a giggle for shelter in me! As a hiding place, we could taste the twilight lips of each other’s little accomplices drop by drop patiently, like honey! Spraying drops of sweat would obediently scatter the veiled mirror of our souls for the happiness to be found.
Jul 2021 · 46
Appear in a crossfire
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
In the loneliness of the four walls deliberately fenced, he is unknowingly attracted to a dream: my breath rumbles in and out like a hammering heart rhythm disorder of hero lovers; tiny finely tactile swan hands search the chested jungle hair of their chests, even with the curious diligence of the dear-loving head of the Dear tender lily, he is constantly searching to beat many millirads of diligent, pumping blood molecules pounding for him!
We murmur cherishing, little secrets into each other's ears, we call each other even with immortal tenderness! We talk to each other through secret, telepathic channels; our breathing heartbeat, which can be safely guessed from the superstitious music of the gaze-filled flirtation movements, can complement one another! In our love nest, even boredom is evolving, saturated with new content!
Gradually, a consciously composed emotion-catharsis spiced with romance is embedded in our flesh: inside and out, we gossip with well-intentioned naturalness like lurking little animals, watching where the other half disguises itself in unearthly sacred beauty! - As a re-created Phoenix miracles, we still rotate in the fertile desires of fertility on the scales and petals of true pearls! We greet each other in each other's immortal radiant eyes!
The superstitious sight of sunlight makes our childlike souls, even in our innocence, mature! In this tyrannical, shattering world, we would expect secured redemption from each other so that we could no longer tremble in the yawning, gaping clutches of tomorrow
Jul 2021 · 77
Reproductive burdens
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
In vain would many useless dreams be cherished by the proud consciousness, but the serpentine-killer Being spikes are constantly injuring our arms! In the cracked crevices of roof tiles, like a straining medical temper, he stretches the boundaries of insidious water drops of insidious water drops; thief as a stalactite of icicles weaving icicles the cherishing roof of the home house! In the spaces of my accumulating, commissioning years, I meditate many times long! Let me ****** you calmly rabbit tail, undigested miracle!
How much can my faithful culture be worth in the unfaithful-unworthy present?! The eternal-child's heart-busting harbor-kills comforted them with their rocking dreams and message that on the heart-stage of the games we can always be one-of-a-kind Unity halves of our other half! What kind of noble service existence can it be, which returns to its spiral circles selfishly, while mourning the past and the future at the same time?! - The fallen human heart would wink towards intoxicating, exotic romances, and honey could easily become bitter in the face of its petals!
There is already such a vicious, disenfranchised grace in the flirtation of angels that an orphaned shipwrecker can only understand with stuttering; in all innocent, childish sadness I mourn the volatile movement of my blonde being! I watch as a frightened, petty animal that dreams voluntarily fall into the redemptive Nirvana Gorge into nothingness! Conversely, I carry skewed shadows alternately in my soul and in my curving back as well! "Behind the backs of silence, the well-conscious, sneezing ness digs a pit:" You can rarely defy yourself alone with your destiny! " - Days of residual embers glowing in my green eyes pond, and I would wait for my liberating Beloved!
Jul 2021 · 51
Foreword to inhumanity
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
In an apocalyptic snowstorm, an unbearable, prophetic wind cries out to Cassandra! The shadow of his coat is held together tightly, and with a penitent, bowed head, the vulnerable man stubbornly defies the restless, shackled elements of nature! In a self-limiting, exhibitionist world, the worker stretches his aching, lustful fibers like a worn-out, junk sweater! They also bleed into a rarely healing, constantly producing past wound; he kicks in silent silence, his sigh sighing softly among the bone limbs of trees, petal-moonlight swaying! Gray, melancholy shadows carve themselves into their flesh many times! Its color-worn, twilight-lipped wilting, grimacing grimaces, sneaky, little betrayals surround it like devilish cages-dreamy desires! - They flash and kiss, multiplying every day at diva-goddesses parade-***** parties!
Man turns to himself and makes an account. It contemplates like a vision image. Fear is also gradually impoverishing in him; and he blows on everyone without petty reasons, and he is angry at the retreat! - The Lack of our ruins started to become empty too! Being, as a soaring matchstick memory, itself is often extinct! The balmy-proud night would still deceive itself, but the half-hearted and hesitant twilight aches through the dilute darkness!
The wounded will soon perish! “Tiny light mutants dance all the way in the enchanted spells of eyes like interrogating like a collapsed pit, like the crying eyes of a sinless scapegoat! The minute-moment of contemplation of being is resting tachycardically!
Jul 2021 · 53
Sleeping fragments
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
The sound of murderous silence can already be heard in our crooked minds. Shadow-struck landscapes, peninsula debris wander all night in us and are increasingly addressed in our inner selves! Our hidden, petty secrets cannot be uttered by the essence of cheap, flattering words: the romance of our desires could be felt better and a whole, meaningful human life could be traversed in the star myriads of our saddened dreams! Wounded souls interrogating themselves along the streets of Time roam like goal-lost ghosts; with numbing consciousness they would expect dissolution from superstitious kisses and the immortal pleasures of the metamorphoses of the Universe!
Enlightened consciousness is crystal clear to ourselves. In the subconscious of beating hearts, why are we afraid of a trembling flow of dreadful responses? We would be happy to put down the burden of our Sisyphean existence many times with pleasure so that the clutches of our endless orphanage that are bound together can be dissolved! "I'm getting more and more ominous torment at the expense of my days!" His tormented petals would still be cherished by the half-nailed soul; ringing a call for help selfish-calculating profiteers!
The safe havens of consciousness are still marred by doubts! Due to human mortality, another sadistic Judas is being created. In the washed-out parallel of the world, ordas-chaos wolf-blinds echo like threatening barkings! - The daily bread of our betrayals is spreading: because it is seldom anything else that the self-prostituting, treacherous age can do! Dreaming, I am still waiting for the redemptive romance, if my despair comforts me with new hopes! I am often ashamed to see his loyal lovers swapped by an exotic nymph!
Jul 2021 · 55
Apocalypse swirl
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
The Universe's balmy blood molecules, its invigorating growl, are fading. Two loving hearts beating as one are echoing secretly even silently in the stifled silence. Like a glass, a zealous, greedy Being, like tiny glass beads on the sacred surface of waters, s form rings of years from solid, advanced thoughts to a massive imagination! The dusk-dark purple cloak of the descending, like the blood-red holy drink of the Gods, embraces the bodies of immortal loves with a petal touch! "You know, they're still asleep awake, and yet the benign, buzzing dream sickness gently surprises them with their aimless deception!"
They can no longer see each other in the confessional mirrors of superstitious moments - but two sentient souls who, as the bride of their secret vows, have forever engaged the Universe among themselves! The darkness is knocking from the outside, approaching, and from the chasm of shadow-depths a new candle light is still guarded by a happy-satisfied gaze on the radiant unwillingness; they also gift each other’s pleasures like this!
- Intoxication and torture seem to be tensed and washed in harmony, even as the ice melts! They can only trust themselves and hope! In my horror-filled soul, the hurricane voice of horrible, raging despair deafens and destroys even the fragments of my common sense! Apocalyptic storms have long taught us a human lesson: "Be afraid of anyone who only hurts or speaks to you!" "The handcuffs of my incidents surround me!"
The light of laughing Executioner lightnings shines in unison and sinks deep into the cell! With a trembling mouth, I wanted to murmur a prayer for True-Faithful Love! His doomsday trombone freezes my beautifying words of compliment into my shipwrecked soul. Closed with my miserable misery, I listen to the bloodthirsty groans of my often pounding, perforated heart as a final judgment: where could I have mistaken my broken life?!
Jul 2021 · 56
Approximate distances
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
In my heart, the clicking, dropped beat of your golden heart will remain for life: something you could still be justifiably proud of today! In your vicinity, I feel, again, a child can be left shipwrecked, my dear soul, and I don’t have to hide if I want them to see my true self! Our expanding distances between each other seem to not even exist - they only bring us closer to the wedding of the Earthly Universes of immortal buds!
My fossilized memories like well-meditated muscles preserve the ashes-tender sketches of your superstitious, angelic body! And while I often see from the captivity of mirrors that I am graying and balding from the ever-galloping Time, your winged creature is reflected in me! The army of killer lymphocytes in Ordas-destroying snowstorms is growing in my blood molecule and you can stay away from me and be by my side because your work, which constantly requires glow and creativity, cannot tolerate the formulas of loose dilectantism!
My kid's heart longs for a harbor, a proud rock of your proud lap, while your cosmos shortage fills you up! Surrounding me are the ever-insidious spikes of small worm-tongues: let the Hermit-Alien also learn the servile order! My sense of defiance calling for flags is fairly angry with very many of them; sincerely disguised as useless with their promises led and deceived instead of real job opportunities! - In the sleepless craters of my eyes, the laughter of tear-stars for hesitant-secret joys shines even with a persistent flag!
On their sun-faced mornings, I could still write in your heart to bloom the Garden of Eden field, but only if you think of me!
Jul 2021 · 45
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
Gnashing of teeth, re-established, **** sermons on the gaping paths of aging wakefulness! In the depths of our vulnerable souls, we carry the annihilated orphan, the vulnerable child, in the same way! We are already deliberately holding our children's ears so that we cannot hear the curses of ferocious, absolute adults, their everyday, shameful betrayals! A single, tiny word of sparks, a nasty, sighed thought, and everyone already felt and knew: the conspiracy of exclaimed wise men dried on lips sewn like a supplication! Even crying-eyed silence is telling less and less! Among his aching self-pain, he himself freezes into stone, and as a afflicted Sisyphus he can no longer guess, his vastly buffalo-heavy stone blocks will have to be carried by him all the time!
You can no longer stand out in the world, and you can hardly survive: everyone is just emphasizing themselves, the other self looks like superficial face shop windows! Harmony, as a light, mundane sedative, cannot serve as a cure for the restless who have been slapped on the head! A squeaking subconscious half-dream attracts me, and embracing it with understanding love, if I let the unpredictable, mischievous things happen! Behind the inner walls of personality, the roaring, quarreling outside world is still purring! The cracked shadow spots of curved mirrors are deepened by magpies under superstitious eyes, minute-grooves! Even in their daily robot life, we fall from the top down to the swirling depths and we want to cling strongly to the angelic greetings that can be realized even on earth!
The perceptual intellect gradually turns back into itself! The metamorphosis formula of an imagined dream can only succeed together!
Jul 2021 · 50
Dimensional law
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
He pursues himself by becoming a Spirit-dark shadow deep in a secret, moral dimension; tense through obscurity and curved mirrors! Unswerving, unwavering progress towards your goal! Blood molecules secret, fighting mood from running runner already like pulsating nightmare pressure. The arrhythmia of passing is judging through the wall of throbbing heart-cavities and in new counting confessions! The thinking consciousness also gradually loses its mind and is terrified of an inexplicable secret conjecture!
Who could have made the mistake of not acquitting his sin?! - There is always going to be a stubbornly watching over the Maybe-Present! Disembodied tears flow through the magma-core of Snowdrop-Times and tears of stigma demanding each other appear on the retina of superstitious eyes! Even the imaginative imagination of something doesn’t help much anymore; circular, if you already have ninsen use. He dies quietly. In the trap feelings of existence, diverse cataclysmic ideas seize the protesting minds of creative, not yet brainwashed brains!
Even more than a trillion, more cells multiply themselves with renewed beliefs in hope, because they want to live at any cost and survive in the remnants of Nirvana tomorrow! The cacophonous wild noise of our celebrity-hugging ******* world is confluent and unrelenting - with its cheap superficiality, it is getting stuck! - Known: You can't give a command to a moral humanity! And if everything is about to be lost, let one find the soul strength within oneself that will lift it even further from the destruction of the Phoenix
Jul 2021 · 50
The face of things
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
As a broken blow to couch silent; vile powers change hands as lingerie; the self-rescue movement fell voluntarily, the Infinite long ago destroyed! Something took hold of the selfish Souls and split! Bone-white, the faithful blinds stumble into the uncertain future! History re-sells itself with **** faith and serves everyone else instead of self-esteem! The Angels' redemption wings weigh heavily into sticky mud, for they are full of Twilight wounds at the base of their backs; in cages, puppies are devoured by bargained jackals - and there is no way out!
One-way streets are designated as intentional dead ends to make a possible career impossible from others! The little ******* chirping cute mini-lives are bustling yet because they can’t mouse paths to dance wobbly! The researcher, the vigilant moon, also became a blind man; he can only sit lame and motionless contemplating! In the Cosmos captivity of loneliness, only howling dogs can hear their judgment! The Seer fantasizes about dreams that have fallen into a well! And the thirsty one still follows dreams!
Judgment is constantly foaming at the contemptuous mouth of intestinal lepers because they cannot accept the changing differences! Worms are also raised in their selfish mirrors by exotic Beauties; today the World itself is tearing apart the threads that can bind Man-Man! Goodness can soon escape from ourselves and only the killer tuna selfishness remains! "Neither can people with spiked-mouths really be the ones to show themselves: there is a desperate maze of labyrinths on indulgent Faces.
Jul 2021 · 60
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
The world is rocking in a web of indifference and phlegm! He jerks at the disliked Celeb zombies; you would think jerking your solid mind as a spear! Your secrets that you have survived to Man would gladly destroy you — your fisheye examining in chilled loneliness — yet you can't pierce! Indifference sprinkles him on fame with a sizable forgetfulness! Excess collagen showcases bounce off the plaster from silicone-glued kittens like scales; why is it appealing, however, that many of them do not notice the Essence during the external cicoma? Rather, it strangles this foolish-walked world with man’s son’s idiocy with the intention of burying crops!
Yet on the wall of absurd stupidity the Mind bangs; the thought often revolves around like a ******* like a deceived drug! Play with everyone in the insidious Indifference! The heart of being is tormented by a wormy monster and the wounded Golgotha would already laugh at the torment to see his fate with pity! - A postmodern generation is chewing on fluffy pies! - Lambs born today, with their free gym passes, are rushing to Goddess laurels while the wisdom of the understanding and the power of the beating heart is lazy in their heads!
They fall into ecstasy at the sight of the very first kneaded gorilla: slackness and a shattering career desire are already wading through everyone he reaches! Torturous lusters scramble to scratch each other's cheeks! And with Lucer's red ****-clicking whips echoing the devastating evil! "Only the Thinkers are awake in the draft at the bottom of the potholes!"
Jul 2021 · 51
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
Shadows cast a price on me like a nervously raised bow string; curved mirror tiny, miturgist dwarf! My childhood is always listening to me! In the grip of a confused, uncertain Tomorrow, Loneliness falls on me at any time! Happy rains in your drops of tears I can not find myself! I exist even when I have to hide in disgust; the flock of insane people will not let go unless I surrender to My Truth! Who will hold my hand in a starless, eternal night? Who raises to comfort me, lest I fear the conscious uncertain ?!
Cowardice that wakes up in such hesitant movements and I can't know what it's worth in me ?! - Teach and subdue this **** World where one immediately sells the other and the Honesty of the People is a squeaky matchstick! Only once would the cry flare up into Nothing, which cannot be bribed; my journey could only be by someone next to lead me through the flames of danger! The shimmering moonlight palms to death, yawns at me in countless emaciated Solitude; with my selfish, petty life, konok defies! Height s Depth back again and behind me sensation-biting cats chirping with two jaws!
The madness of fame in the lives of ordinary souls is a contagious and condensed way; Times rolled sawed Hamlet's skull cherished by Yorick; among mazes, I am still rethinking my fragmentary options! The silence of the stamps will take me and the coral flower will not be obligatory; We should confess with apostolic lunatics who have remained faithful to themselves! "A shabby fugitive is looking back at me like a deliberate fugitive from the skin of a nightingale panther!" I am building a world on my own and I cannot show it to anyone
Jun 2021 · 57
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
A proud power that has sprung from desires: a *******-greedy worm that longs for more and more chews its bones and soul with a corpse that spreads into the flesh of people of ******* fame! The everyday life-sustaining instinct of survivors is shivering with vain, phlegmatic arrogance! The dazzling sparkle in the mirrors of the eyes breeds and valuablely shines new opportunities for those who have always longed for more; inherently dissatisfied with their lives!
Doctor chirps are already starting to gossip at small galas. In the same way, the crowded company is placed in an inquisition or on a pedestal, to whom, albeit faintly, care and honor matter! Some murderous blinking eyes hint at insidious games on drooping, hanging art mayor smiles! On shiny gold wires, freely tugging straw puppets are writhing themselves in a swamp! With deliberate intentions, they begin to destroy the possibilities with honey-glazed supplies, and shadow spots can remain on the former radiator in the place of exotic gazes!
Up to wind-shattered trembling lily petals; you want to cling to the shipwrecked angel-leaf soul even more boldly! The melancholy-cedar light circles that start to spawn dangle richly even though they know, and guess the accelerating career death may be their only fate! - Their immortal passions lurking in the crossfire of gazes seem translucent objects; the tears of the honey color of the sunshine left alone should be comforted Our selfless yet kind words may create loyalty…
Jun 2021 · 58
If it were true ...
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
If Sin had been true, it would have been done to self-deception! The faces of Eber-flattering, petting cockroaches are changing! The time for sure handshakes in loyalty is finally over; you wallow your humanity you can't give yourself up! You should forget the breaking monkeys and pass the **** whistleblower! Words that excite from the depths also shatter like sacred phrases, flowing like plastered plaster; captured in captivating schizophrenic mirrors on the Live! The minute of self-loss breaks down into parts amid terrible torments; silent silence recorded on a tape recorder is listened to even if the silly Hope has been trashed many times!
A deadly trap today is also a feigned pretense, you can not raise happiness or restless! In dominant, aggressive instincts, the Redeeming Paradise Island of the Peace Plate is soon immersed; Neanderthal gorillas chatter about existence struggles while barely thriving on more than two straws! Many sublime captives preach their sublime words twisted into biblical pathos! A complicit preacher as a peculiar mongrel mixture when colluding with the growths of petting; "How long can you endure this Nobody's Land?!"
Whom the haunting Moon shines through, he does not confess to himself that he sinned when he cowardly cowardly and did not allow the immortal Beloved to come near! Beaten like a closed, orphaned child, you feel the troubled explosions of your heart; your heart attack is getting worse! "Puffy monsters and their little chick dumplings will soon catch the chewed column wall!"
Jun 2021 · 105
Predicted pact
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Help is less and less coming from a knife-throwing hand backwards! Account for the perpetrator of the victim too! They are believing the freelancer with outlets! There are no longer organized forms in the breaking of seventious garments, but intentional, ugly flirtation prevails; in their murderous conquest, Alpine jokes are also immersed and then deliberately immersed! - Through dazzled sensationalist-eyed eyes, the Simplified Man also searches for obtainable Dreams! Tired and cared for its existence! Squeaky loves Gentle kiss, kind emotion becomes a moment in the stations of the Universe!
We are alluding to ourselves in the lunar moonlighting between our lies; collisions of intent rarely end in a romantic way! Any vacuum is already unbearable; if the treasure Dear flaming smile cannot welcome the flaming dawn! - Subordinate Fates disintegrate and evaporate! Traveling sorrows are reflected in testifying eyes; over-dramatized, brain-gesturing gestures still prevail on the stage of raging swings! Where might the playful smell of childhoods labeled innocent appear?!
Why does it exist that responsibility is being deliberately forgotten today? In a reprehensible, murderous look, insidious complicity flies and waits quietly: the benefits of trophy opportunities are worthy! You should win a kiss through petals and not for intent! In a period of foreseeable end-expectations, I would enjoy conscious, compassionate consolation: as mothers ’response to the heart-echoes of child-voices!
Jun 2021 · 72
The cargo discharge
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Painted bleeding site leaks real wound! What is now decomposing inside is still visible from the outside and can be recreated! Accurate-minute clicks-conscientious-minute clicks cause-and-loss Measurement of time! Because everyone is getting closer and closer to stretched ropes, which both tightens and tightens them at the same time! Being as a rampant life imprisonment task; its capacity is always doubtful! It's better not to get lost in the guards of generations of *****! Late-read wolf laws can quickly fool a child-naive man into the thousand!
The commission tree of pleasures has been deliberately picked! Those who have been quarreling early on can lie and become guest-condemning, insidious monsters when it comes to their selfish careers! With the protection of familiar tentacles, the Truth is also getting harder to probe! Killer-cynical gazes cross-stand increasingly dangerous! Selfishly, they will be Golems who can only keep promising! Dust in the eyes of foolish witnesses! It is difficult to rebuild from indelible blunders! Tensile strength of conditions is not yet safe to withstand everyone!
As a pop-up computing spring, it’s still getting harder and straighter! Conflicting cynical ditches in the folds of faces; behind every smile is a carnival at once: that’s why, sooner or later, everyone is stumbling down the alienated side! The dustable human-decency ramparts of the World are still wasting in the depths and cannot break out due to superficial jerks! Their cord-level measure is the only way of life greedy for those who get rich! "The Living is wasting good faith on a shattered, isolated floor, even if we try to make aimless circles!" As a lazy guard, the balloon-Man can quickly puncture
Jun 2021 · 55
The heritage
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
We are all interoperable! Clumps of hair cling to us at the gates of the inner, much-lost Spirit! We dream of finding a home while chasing the way of our selfish career and prosperity! Hypocritical, well-moved moods change everyone into cared-for thank you people! Who nods at the real play all selling himself for kilos and grams and his prestige squabbling! They deliberately subdue the refreshing knowledge, and the nourishment of the more curious spirits can only extend to another private life of Celeb sensations!
He who dares to confess in verses, when he kneels down as a sign of his faithfulness, immediately laughs with a simple wave; remains a target! The multiplied phlegm-tangled style is becoming more and more twisted by itself: those who have forgotten the Human Law and who are fair are already trampled on by indifferent arbitrariness. Idiots, giggle-etudes jingle throat-brain, hysterical kittens, whose only desire is to be able to show up in a deliberate-syrupy reality show with a self-promoting *** gesture! - All of us
they got lost between two points of light; With Sisyphus architecture, the tabloids and the public media are also constantly thinking about brainwashing! Sick pink will not be a balmy bronze brownness for bombarding bikini fairies lot, but even the teenage chick looks wrinkled in the artificially generated rays of solariums and thus conserved mummies! Even under their enchanting bikini line, vanity cellulite rashes occur! Easy-to-forget bachnalia ****** are struck in a whirlpool jacuzzi; but who can honor immortal love?!
Your little one, who has had a cigarette in his angel's mouthpiece, is potted in darkness, and irresponsible carelessness can give birth to new criminals!
Jun 2021 · 72
The conjuration of Being
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
As bridges, you’re trying to balance your scrapable, debris life! You already have all the ****, junk props! Between the tear-filled lines of your face listen to wasted unrealized dreams! Rise at your fingertips as a barrier wall are the columned towers of doubt; in the long shadows of your fear, magnetic anxiety attracts even more frightening dread! The diamond shards of the shop windows broken into the selfish blood-wave waves of your dawn judge public safety! Your face is resistant, passive ash! It is rarely reminiscent of fire! Tested tohonya; the bells break out of the rubber sponge! Being sharpens the knife over you and draws circles threateningly around your neck!
You may already know that you rarely get closer to your planned planned goal! A menacing cry ruffles your shipwrecked, sheltered moods; the words grind among the ancient millstones of your silence! Punched stone blocks in place of your heart drum even further! Wavy roots roll in your face, encrypted, chashing roads meander: you will slowly traverse in another dimension and your vowels may bark at the Moon!
The judgmental whips of your cry will snap into the calvaries of horde-like cat-and-mouse battles! The pain in your eyes holding true pearls has become palpable - but it is elusive! - Never have to build a bridge of memories! You’re more back to curved mirrors that show everything, and you want to believe: maybe even you can stay your chance!
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Every selfish annihilation in prideful, lived in insult, continues and makes an insidious trap! I always look back at the sad little boy's face in horror, hiding in slender, cracked mirror fragments, and I want to protect the trapped, lasting fear as well! As a growling worm, anyone tramples the limits of my wound; I could never back down again! Thin little shards of Judas moonshine hurt my skin when a balmy moonlight trembles hauntingly on the prison wall of my room! Rested, my troubled, million-wounded, perforated heart in the two eyes of heaven found in happiness!
It would be good to tremble together into deep, raven-feathered broomstick lashes and my frightened pagan soul would chuckle in the redemptions of kisses! "I'm still intentionally playing the naive navel among adults!" As a good Hamlet, I would only be available for humanity! My soul would wish for the donations of compassion and brass, not even my residual reserve pride will be forgotten! You should have learned by all from rich-eyes dripping-honey ditches lit up; I keep packing in and out already pathetic myself!
You can only thrive in outdoor churn confusion with a healthy umbilical cord, which is still waiting back and forth! Anyone can see with melancholy eyes I dared to stare at human races! My own donkey skin figure is ready yet I can't sell myself! "I filter the details of the dust particles through myself - even in daylight they can only see them if I want to!" The only goal may remain to preserve the goodness of Man in recurring, damaging events
Jun 2021 · 54
Executioner and plague
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Shamelessly long-successful procrastination of Being again! Remaining intent and will are already out of print! Some don’t care what a ****** percentage of reward-kitsch s wall! Out of cowardice, when it comes to everyone’s pathetic life, beware of color signs! What we wanted to be different seems like selfish goals on the junk horizon! The end of the track doesn't interest many enough, and everyone is wrong if they think the strange calm will come from within the Spirit!
As we grow up, we are constantly confident that we can survive our childhoods! Every memory of the past is slowly disappearing like a grain of wheat rolled out! Can a superstitious, whisper of love still flow into our honestly listening ears?! Or is it just all this incapable, alamus fad?! The light petals are still chasing someone else’s ash-blush! "As a rear-view mirror, you should look into each other's research-alert eyes one last time, discover what the other is most interested in!" In infinite Time, a small man trembles many times before himself, trembling; clowning and self-pity in the conscience is sure to fit! Defense lies in every attack! The calculated cowards of retreats often hair each other!
Loyalty is still leaking from dripping wounds! Everyone is just walking through the Congo rooms of Being
Jun 2021 · 67
Dropped beast
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Accompanied by sorrow and danger, a seagull scream splits through the air with lightning speed! The silly mood of happy hearts was soon challenged; trapping, false promises! With the unstoppable temper of the sea waves, it swells and the slap of my chasms and all the petty old-fashioned blows, the blade-sharp criticism of the sword against another deliberate Judgment against My Humanity are growing in me! The suffocating Solitude is already decomposing in everyone; trusting hearts are revealed to you with traps!
The wandering wanderer of split spaces: something constantly pursuing and encouraging, with my wandering destiny, deliberately confronting itself in the deserved dreams of the Universe! It breaks into pieces year after year, month after month My soul narrows boyishly and squeaks in its uncertain chasm; your gentle shock only a few researchers can’t understand! He who carries my chubby face lives in me and as a copy kid you get after a lost star! A swallowing career vortex flashes in the wreck of the unpredictable Future!
Sensationalist World spits on everyone first, then chews well on daredevils, minute-human, hysterical cedars grab fame cheaply! My selfishness can keep me awake alone; I stumble hesitantly, cluttered with myself, I confess my things are done! "I became a fugitive-wild as an alien emigrant among the former Human-Celeb craze!" My soul refraction is dull, I have suffered timed wounds on the lies of fools!
I guess if I die as a counterpoint in the rich, spawned light, will the immortal Beloved be lifted up with his golden-hearted nobility?
Jun 2021 · 46
Changes in cellularity
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Like fetuses hiding in the womb; you try to keep it a secret from your selfish-visceral world! As startled, your little animal would gradually chatter from time to time to finally fall out! The tears in your crater eyes swell into streams, reviving your self-creating, selfish dreams! In accelerating years, maybe motherhood women who can still understand your playful infancy are nursing! Like your rich self rebirths! Tiger-meekness is so good to rest between the paws of a mother tiger even now; an angry beast protecting your cub take care of you! Which would be better? You are slowly falling out of your rhythm of life!
You can also open your gentle selfishness and then all the additional protection can go there! In a trembling fever, in the stream of the Universe, they seek each other together. Loyalty-sparkling hands; torment in lust, light in the night! - Your uncertain Being Calvary seems to stretch on your bones like a bony seed; self-digesting wild fever surrounds you daily to devour you: your disintegrated chaotic future!
You may not know even a gracious moment what it has to offer you! In your ongoing life, you exist with a glowing self! In your stellar loneliness, your Executioner Time also seems to be graying, the beards of the dead under the ground will soon grow out! "In your beloved giver's immortal womb, perhaps the creaking Future is dormant somewhere!" Squeaking your bowed soul into the cherished homes of deer eyes! It does not move back to your trembling self during the sprouting man…
Jun 2021 · 63
Alchemy of the soul
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
A self-grinding thought of a hesitant train at night; only the Heart can guess the eternal secrets! He clings to the infinite desire of the Universe in hopes of kissing, and the desire for a sparkling phenomenon dissipates in the sadness of Finality! We are full of Eternity and as a pure contradiction we lie to ourselves! The blade edge of Kanganó Time boldly cuts off its possibilities for aspirants, and in the crossfires of lost gazes you will find the only precious Treasure hard to find!
Even so, our existence is a flutter of fire, a creation of fire-flame; we want to rise and rescue from the ground with will! In extended tranquility, it would be so good to relax even to slip into endless seas! I would accustom my heart to joy if I still had, and if my friends, who believed me eternal, could stay by my side in my difficult times! On the collapsing wall of Being and non-being hangs the renewing Being by the swirling Nihil-nothing; where will the coffees of Grace stay then ?! Frozen Solitude as melted darkness settles on the inner self to proliferate the Apocalpic culture!  
You should learn to trust again in a rainbow of joy! The feasible could still be dreamed back into the waves of reverie, and in the immeasurable night the broken Plans can only be understood by your immortal Beloved as a nurse wishing to rock! You would be wondering more and more about the holy moment for Someone to be saved from this earthly hell where you have always been left with a pathetic shipwreck! Don't let Maya's veil tempt you once and for all and bring her to death
Jun 2021 · 74
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
I'm a sore bunch of meat in the tidy mess! I would wake up from the daze if I could - someone will always be by my side! My brain is constantly filled with disturbing memory; sparkling self-awareness can often help you come up with more ideas! - Transient nothingness in the night and yet where the deserved pleasure of the Universe can make a nest, the immortal moment elevates to itself! They are attacked by bitter cold winds and the cheerful sun heat only permeates their heart-smiles!
The plucked lashes of the wind wave my face with their icy breath; in the smoothing of its water, the cold lack of Being often shines! Does everyone who became eligible for Death at birth fatten Human Death as a cancer ?! - Even now it transforms Experience s Time; deep well stars are blinking in my eyes could only come Someone who really wants to get to know me! A frozen dawn is shaken by my confession: "Do I have to cry out to the depths to be taken seriously ?!"
The footprint of Loyalty-Sworn Loves can still be discovered in the ashes of rock blocks and snail shells! The shakiness of Finality torments you many times! In every waking dream I try my selfish Death; after tomorrow, no more laurels can be created for me, and the happiness that can be found does not drop its only petals for me either! One could already silence my anxiety that surrounded me on my apostate days; where neither star nor light penetrates the primordial bottom of my ignorance: when can I rise again so that I can learn to believe in myself ?!
Jun 2021 · 63
Reverse things
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
I would do my long-standing business, but there is no need for hermit witnesses! crouching ferry usages, human wrecks are moving on self-deprecating for their own benefit and they are learning to be a further guttable Being! Self-exited, re-established wild hordes tread the compromising Order on the way! The smell of burnt human flesh also makes them more annoying! Drunken, bred with great power intoxication, phlegm-chirping, pseudo-preachers would dictate the changing trend, and if it was hand in hand, it would have long since lost its conscious, preservable dignity!
They carry a roaring Lator cross modestly, while under others they light bonfires! Péter Pán's complex seedlings for the bohemian youth are marching around their necks with a umbilical cord rope around their necks! - In our idyllic freedom of the press, they even sublimely search our thinking brains; a couple of wandering experiments and study formations will only be able to survive if the "some" want to and the people standing around the honeycombs nod - but with lonely wolf-witnesses stuck outside the circles, what else can they do if they are stuck in further fragments, constantly sinking will they be lost?!
He holds us up with his back, while the ruthless Fate plays with us well; Being gives us a broken, bittersweet realization! Waves swirling await us with a mixed warning of fear! At the final frontier, the only edge is often the only luck that can be turned with crooked fingers...
Jun 2021 · 39
Life panic on the cube
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
The formation of Golgotha-Nobody, who lives in the shadow walls of human lives, is growing! In negligible realities, the dream time that can be won is also running out! I would welcome the Shadow Petals that openly reveal themselves with empathy! Until you can reach everyone with its waves of true pearls, the pearly, sacred streams of redemptive crying, the momentary, tiny spark of truth is hardly authentic! Heart gates hidden hidden in the cage of ribs can open, but only who is worth it! Then the humble, alumous silence of the subconscious is torn apart: in me, the living myth of your astonished, childish curiosity still unfolds its magic flowers in the nests of eye-stars inside!
It is less and less possible to believe in happy promises with a good sense! When can they already notice the vulnerable, human prayer in the hearts flying embers, which he would beg for refuge for help?! - In selfish hermitage, permanent testimonies of manuscripts were deliberately exiled; which you should have been really proud of and satisfied with! Self-overwhelming, outlying big cities are more solemnly drowning than planting trees! The donkey degeneration of the future is devouring itself; multipopultural thief-slang fish bag with poison spit!
This now tattered, lousy Age dreams of appearance well-being, and even the housekeeper can keep order and sweep up the rubble of unusable waste materials! Testosterone titans kneaded in the Phantom-Atlantis world are only for grumpy, bikini fairy blues; barbaric idiocy occupies a living space and treats the nights of first dates as an ancient insult! "The affirmative Life Panic is in short supply in itself!"
Jun 2021 · 54
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Shattered amulets of long-gone memory loves are phosphorescent on a flickering blind; I struggle with the eternal child-soul at night! My excited memory makes fun of me every day, as if I were out of time and the shadows of the past settled on my soul with legal continuity! - In itself, the cosmic Deficiency yawns as much as the depth in the craters! Superstitious pleasure superstitious in the cells of molecules also escapes by shattering the throbbing existence of bleeding stones!
I hide with petty dwarf sadness for moments when the piece In time, perhaps, the interdependence of loneliness and the proud compulsion of loneliness could be solved by the Force of Being! Insecure as a useless burden, Life carries with it! A radiant, dark twilight looms over the best of my cursed humanity; the compulsion of indifference and yet conscious resistance argues and kills itself in me!
The expropriated profit-making of prostituted, money-seeking egos is driven by a cleverly calculating lustful gaze! And in the kissing flood of multiplied, exotic butterflies, he carries the winking pride along the life-miserable, detectable differences, who is a more artistic merchant in his desires and feelings! With the consciousness of mercenary, the Man, with his empty instincts, forced into his greedy existence, is still more and more misled, so that he can finally descend into inhumanity! "Above me, as you may already know, the warrior, the caller, the pallos-right, the ordered Destiny strikes the homestead like tiny, small pebbles rumbling in words, waiting for the protection and forgiveness of the Beloved!"
Jun 2021 · 47
Mixing stanza
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
I slowly fall into the depths of the vortex of my killer silences. Every Stigma Day I have to put up with the sins of the ******* world! They accuse me of uttered Judas ’words while my falling pearl of yoke dazzles me in a shattered shadow face! The distance of times stirs up and asks: "Let's see! How much could you learn from your lessons? ” - but no one deserves an answer, lingering, no-man's-house underpants!
It would be good to show the trenches of the shells of the shells of those times today to those who have ever kicked me in and out of me! - In my arms diligent blood molecules began to numb; an ever-threatening apocalyptic puzzle message weaving fears of death: can I wake up to the reality of an uncertain tomorrow?!
My heartbeat defying drumming beat but it would be nice to share now! I could listen to the tiny music of toddler, mini soles, while the immortal Dear Superstition would look at me with omnipotence, and in the lap of the harmonies he found, the two hearts would become one! In my faithful eternal-child soul, there would be no happier person than me! "Yet in the zigzag of my organized consciousness, it is as if connected spaces give the news with echo sounds: 'Take care, for the End may reach you sooner!'
I would interrogate this feeling in a deafening, delicate silence so that I could hear his excuse for Being, why do I have to break away from Being so soon?! "Imagination draws an infinite cosmos space around me, and I cannot trace the sincere truth that has consciously prepared me!"
Jun 2021 · 39
When Time vomits
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
How ungodly is this land that wildly Hyena's footprint Angel can barely enter ?! The inner soul-night falls to ashes, the pain sizzling into your soul screams! Because the moment thickens to an explosion; every barren Face is another cunning mirror from which we can fall out of our dreams! Those who can guess the plague of the Jackal of others can be fooled to run! Teasing the columns of light, the pathetic Giants of Indifference spit on the Present! Cosmos-space homestead in broken hearts as the only guest!
The one who sets out on the essential path behind mirrors wanders with a cherub face to see what really matters! - The breath of unavoidable questions obscures you! - Maybe Love is a hand grenade ?! The nuclei of the Universe unite in volcanic eruptions in superstitious moments! The tunnel is torn through the moonlight by lasting fear! Man, the eternal One-Inventor, bleeds in performance on angry scales! Existence: A recurring, flawless mistake that can be made many times?
And who makes more, more harmful mistakes ?! No one can protect you! Is that why I opened the borders of my palms ?! - Out there now knocking on closed-door societies you want to seek refuge! "Rings of the year on me and angelic shell-hahota!" - Vigilance over commonplace issues; desert sand has been thirsty forever! We call Death to ourselves in different forms every day; a proud and delicate game that can eat even raw meat and is constantly swallowing!
Only the sure, calculated End who doesn't run away from it can understand! "Time always vomits in its own fright - that's why I may be scared every day of the ghosts of my selfish shadow!
Jun 2021 · 40
The big scene of romance
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
The wedding ring of glass plates rolled in dark eyes; how much psychological recognition does it take for the eternity of the moment? Who cherishes the gates of the Universe that shine like human stars, and would you call them with a smile sincerely? On the bodies of Adam and Eve, the sweaters, the enchanting oaths whispered to the loving lips stick to each other as Beads of Truth: The self-rule of “I love you”! "Mysterious Wild West door squeaks signal a distress predictive of the siege campaign of cooling winds!" In our idyllic dreams we could be deep wells falling into ourselves and discovering the childlike essence of the other truthful in the lake mirrors of our souls, while we could cling to each other like snoring buckets!
Even in the face of each other, we tied our perpetual games in such a way that we can learn the rules of survival more boldly even in ever denser masses of love! Like ten dim and fierce wildcat eyes - so we watch in silence, out of ambush this unworthy Big World! In itself, with real honesty to illuminate the recognizable fear of a real Colombian deed! Like discovering insidiously vulnerable sins in heartbeats that betray ourselves! - When did nicknaming seductive stars tell true truths?
When we learn to cherish in another, the orphaned love can be brought together again by the all-embracing Loyalty! We could not deny our mutual compromises, while in the unfolding Universe of flaming kisses we felt to break out and always renew the other
Jun 2021 · 57
Slamming perspective
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
An intoxicating fluttering imagination is growing; intoxicating imagination associates constant thinking with wandering shadows in my mind! My shackled dreams continue to drop my pillow body close to the ground, and inside, a small child-deep despair sharpens his cunning dentures! My measured Time is dwindling sooner and I can already feel that nothing could have happened in vain, the confrontational, hyenic world continues to make a killer joke with me, because I was always forced to listen to his words naively-gullibly!
The reward of my shipwrecked destiny is to wear out the gears of fortune once and for all, and I may not have a chance to evolve towards happiness that will never be found again! "Among the shelters of blackened, crumpled, crouching shadows, I would kneel humbly rather than quote the Inquisition again!" I am tormented many times by my horrible fear of my conscious responsibilities that, perhaps, the hoped-for help will be left on purpose, and so anyone will be happy to wade through the prodigal ruins of my vain utility!
On the challenged grooves of my face, the infiltrating islands of light also show themselves beneath me; help rarely if they ask! I stand in the crowded space and let the imagination of wobbly balance roll in many times! I would like to address a romantic lady who, with a single glance of the Universe, can restore my being as a Man, and the right to still have hope for a life to continue; I would try to understand the increasingly confusing pop culture tabloid slangs, but I often get tired of the bleeding ulcers of spitting sermons!
My wandering memory would rather start and forget about it alone! The ordered, imposed length of my existence is back, it carries on itself!
Jun 2021 · 67
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
As a prisoner of Ordinary Times, we are gradually dying back to Time! Waiting for the stars, we can be filthy, prey of hordes soon, if we have to crouch in an unknown Future! Our passing is legal! You can't lift up to a happy vision! It has become an obsession that the universe eyes receive with closed petals and we cannot make happy the Angel who came to us voluntarily! "Out there we can know idiotic insane people are raising small realms and they are afraid of silence-screaming velvet - the poet is silent with intent in us, because he could not find a sure audition!"
We can only selfishly carry our offended souls to the secret reef of wakefulness; curved in the Present Time the liberated dream is therefore suspicious! A star-watching, alert lattice raven delel, and you would flee into space into the home of the naked Honesties, where the Truth of Faithfulness counts alone! - Our sobbing heart cries into silence at once: Interrogate us! "How did we get here ?!" "Many promising parables give birth to idolous moments in numb brains!" Suicidal nights fall into Moon Lake!
We cannot look back at the past of our past, because as Lot we freeze into salt! We will always feel the smell of concence that greedy wild herds are sure to follow! We can't run for a lifetime! Jasmine-scented kills shelter should be sought while Time is getting tighter! - The given Word has become a stripped, broken idol and can only wander; hatched by itself like a dream! The Watching Light is also an ancient statue of our dazzles
Jun 2021 · 65
What is missing?
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Something intimidated trembling stone, they may have smuggled a crumbled ancestral fragment into me at the beginning of my birth: wounded sunsets dipped in blood gold like hesitant Sisyphus keeps carrying me until cheap blood bills are imposed on my head - now something uncertainly trembling to the brim! Where precarious, barren and bleak beaches greet you, and Man can dwarf a bird-seeing eccentric!
More and more distressing tiny stones are scratching, tossing in me - I'm afraid the wounded part of my self can hardly be back again Whole, collapsible balanced! I still face myself many times in the face of a wolf: I will be a Neanderthal stone penetrating to the depth of my soul's disappointed well, once everyone has left and once his rich ******-biting emotions have been wiped out by breaking dilentants, trendy whims!
Instead of dog-bited tissues, I would cling to the healing tremors of redemptive kisses if Someone still recognized I needed to be lifted up to be in my fall - to be on par with others! - I watch as everything and everyone is running around, arrogantly, or in a hurry; this is how the Heart Relationships, which were believed to be eternal, break down, because the sacred handcuffs have rusted on their hinges - but somehow we should live and prosper, because his wound, who has suffered as a result of our being, is healing!
Inviting Indifferent Attracting Interest Has Nothing To Do! My disappointment often happens to win over me! - The dimness called lost is sprouting from my sad eyes; The shadow of death and haunting is more and more circling above my head if I let my mood triumph: I already understand something because I feel and only the Someone to be found would be left!
Jun 2021 · 95
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
My brain’s active feast is still a billion, mocking trouble-creating and destructive at the same time! Stake-no I should prefer times when I can only play for the pleasure of the game! Out there, in the minds of the Celebs chirping in roaring chaos, the thinking intellect lies on a deliberate wasteland! The jerkishness of the **** and the irresponsible quiver that handles it already torturously; dead money Future can't knock in the camp of the unrelated either! Fearful fear sets a rope for my greedy nerves and I should go through it alone!
The tabloid populist culture can still grow into a deliberate imperial water head! And like any ostrich head stuck in ignorant sand, it will surely burst sooner or later! You can play dust-lost at any time by playing your cards! A crimson, sluggish blush runs across stomach-turning poker faces and cramps his grinning wrinkles! After everyone's greedy money box, the runner is loitering! It is becoming increasingly difficult to recognize Human Values among the frusks parade in Armani suits and Gucci bags!
A pensive prisoner is also the one who sells his bombing body for the eternal, fame moments of Being, and he, too, could not learn the rules of Morality! In a tertiary life cage, warthogs are rubbing their noses to careers! The fever roses of conscious shame still tremble on the faces of Golgotha-walking people: the fact is soon recognized - they can do no different: if they want to prosper, they are bribing themselves out of necessity! Those who are called to the right and who struggle with decency are all on the crumbs - who was once Alfa and Omega alone is now being looted!
Who has grown his indifference armor, he also wastes a monster every day in his doubts
Jun 2021 · 59
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
In the company of haunting, worthless promisers and misdeeds, the idea of a prophet-hermit is still left alone: immortal romances would be needed for candlelit dreams, holy dinners, and not cheap, ******* words! How much hesitantly doomed human desire chews our unceasing innocent souls! It is as if a single deep-hidden thump echoes ready to erupt in the soul-deep and stares incessantly at the gaping abyss with the vigilant, dilated pupils!
Conductor and concrete reality commands are often confused; silent silences wall in themselves to make my desire! My panting heartbeat degenerates into a loud rumble, and in the secret alley of blood vessels I dream of the still livable moments of the Universe! Is it possible to prepare for the invisible future in the tangible Present?! - The unspokenness of my feelings still surrounds me: it flies away like a black petal butterfly, like a stray breeze, and then returns as an unexpected surprise!
My eternal child, who is startled in me, is short of me, because you can guess there is no spark of mercy left in unworthy human monsters! My thoughts entrusted to paper on the remnants of my shattered dreams contemplate like easily flying ship wonders! My soul-loneliness has been inhabited for a long time: I would try to express myself in the hidden, spiral-magnet formula of attraction and repulsion, not to mention the rest of my faith on recklessly screaming rails…
As an assassin, he lurks at me, he's watching, he'd be scouting if I left Being and he can't wait to take my head for others! The pain falls back on me! It would be good to find something next to Someone who accepts
Jun 2021 · 39
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
When critics pierced my tar skull with pieces of ice drumming! Not a single missing shore could be reached without being so shipwrecked! Vermet-digging careerists threw killers and daggers, and the merit became caressing puppets because they could get an opportunity from Being to start something that had begun again! Anointed redeemers could not keep the Order, and the guarding prophets also slept and listened in silence instead of their Judgment words!
Thick-necked and small-style stici pups were plowed in narrow mouse paths; to become unfaithful natives to demotion who is Man because to stay?! Boiling jampec squirrels and disco kittens are making their way up the donkey ladder of the fashion trend, while their hazelnut brains are getting narrower! Even the proud civis proves only by text and not by his deeds; insane, no-man's-house Aarnoks get the job first because they know: the brain-shrinking **** has become fashionable! - Wrapped in flag jacket wings, you can't make a difference with a single garaboncia!
You can only run and tolerate like you know your loss! He who has constantly professed his convinced Truth is all being branded a treasurer and trampled wherever he matures! Lampshade is all about preparation! A worthy accomplice may still be skillful, but he cannot catch scapegoat mice! Rats zigzag between familiar pairs of eyes and easily betray each other when it comes to getting them! - In the channels of the night ether in the Eve costume, Angels parodying with single-stranded petal bodies offer their superstitious charms; perhaps they unconsciously imagine that they can get to know anyone in this form! Is the time of the guardian heads of families wasted?!
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