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 Apr 2016 TW
 Apr 2016 TW
I just want to roll over
and fall asleep,
instead of feeling
the pain crash
over me in waves.
 Apr 2016 TW
James Ellis
Sing to me of the times
When we were younger
When the garden still thrived
And the sun still shined

You never made it out
I guess it was your choice
When I caught that plane
Is when it all changed

I never met your kids
Did they reach their dreams?
Do you still think of me?
Are you what you wanted to be?

I rode past the garden today
Watered it with my tears
It reminded me I'm alive
And then I saw the sun shine
 Apr 2016 TW
Chris Thomas
I bite down on a sliver of silver
That connects your lip to outer space
I cleanse the stars of all diseases
But find my heart cannot keep pace

I bite down on a sliver of turquoise
A talisman fit for an everyman king
But like the rings around Saturn
Escape velocity is hindered upon your string
Poach me of my skin
And coat me instead with rust
I awake to a lute playing out of tune
Causing my dormant senses to all combust

Teach me to be a vulture
To sink my talons far beyond the surface
So many sharp facets, so many blunt edges
And my one and only distorted purpose

Darting in and out of atmosphere
A slave to bloodstained convictions
You own all the lands between life and death
And all the roads between fact and fiction
 Apr 2016 TW
Jack Jenkins
A hollow whisper
Despairing this broken heart
I loved you so much
 Apr 2016 TW
 Apr 2016 TW
Love is not a feeling. It is a universe in itself
With stars the colours of our smiles and meteors the textures of our embraces.
Stop telling me I cannot love you endlessly if we are to die in a thousand years.
Our hearts may stop beating but our love shall not.

My words roll out of my tongue; big bangs creating galaxies and galaxies of everlasting life.
I can love you forever.

Beyond my life is the lives of the universes we've created together.

All because of our hearts.

All because I love you too much to leave this world without giving you millions of stars and galaxies like roses in a bouquet.

All because I love you.

I can love you forever.
 Apr 2016 TW
 Apr 2016 TW
Is this thing on...?
A blue planet walks up to a
microphone, to tell a joke
or read a spoken word poem.

But no one hears,
for IT is coughing and choking...

i am a steward,
stewards are, we all,
every breathing human
has this duty to, the Sphere
with at most, one atmosphere,
no replacement part, no spares
get filled with awe at the beauty
if it is the inspiration to do the duty,
save your woe, save the fear,

use your eyes to share with your soul,
the toll, that bidpedal greed heads have
charged the future wee ones, you tell them "this is
not the planet you are looking for"

but it is the Living, that this Planet is dying for.

This Earth-toned marble and this garbled poetry
is as much responsibility that this Steward can
handle responsibly, alone,

I don't want to be alone in this,
go see the sights, walk in bliss that...
the contract for cleaning the whole
Planet, is up for tender,

and we know, it will go to the lowest bidder,
and not the lowest
common denominator,
in this case one,
we have one Sun, one Moon,
it starts with One,...
my soap box broke
it is recycled stuff,
we have all heard or read this by now,
...sure this is a rant, not magical mystical poetry,
woefully thrown together, like climate change
and weather, and global warming,
what is the harm in
...that, we live in a volatile and dangerous place,
the peace we find,

always has a layer of manufactured dirt,
or made from plastic, and as for air, it needs
a 'do over', where most of you are sitting,
reading this, please care,
I am not able to do much alone.
Earthday Prompt
 Apr 2016 TW
Anna Zapalska
 Apr 2016 TW
Anna Zapalska
So, let's go crazy tonight...
In separated beds,
In separated bodies,
In empty embraces...

So, let's go crazy tonight
Go into the eyes of lonely night
And see the truth beyond your self...
And feel my long hair of unfinished poems...

So let's go crazy tonight and light me up...
 Apr 2016 TW
VS aka Jason Cole
They met one late summer
In one great summer year
He was all she needed
She was all he feared

They meshed together quickly
Like corresponding colors
Soon she danced in his head at night
He stopped thinking of others

But fearing she would leave him
He turned and he fled
Then thinking she might grieve him
He turned back instead

Too late Mr. Lonesome
She dances for some other
Her satin skin and sunshine grin
You'll nevermore discover

Like clever wind her love swirled in
And softly blew your cover
Too late Mr. Lonesome
You may never find another
Song poem. Maybe just spin that chorus a few more times to fade.
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