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It’s common in the human race,
They helped their son to death.
Might as well have covered his face
And robbed him of his breath.
They gave him everything he wanted
The dear child of their hearts.
But their bestowal of gifts, a bit vaunted
Were about them from the start.

The parents wanted everyone to see
How well they treated their kid.
But when it came time to say ‘no’
They went someplace and hid.
They ironed out the bumps in the road
So the kids never had to learn
What they should do when that road
Takes a sudden calamitous turn.

So, the kids, ignoring all good sense
Listened to their peers instead
And started finding external means
To fill up the inside of their head.
They learned life could be postponed
And so could ever growing up.
They could find some kind excitement
In something rolled or in a cup.

And who was there to stop their plunge
Into a kind of lost weekend life?
It certainly wasn’t their father for sure
Or his confrontation-free wife.
No, they didn’t want to **** the kid off
Because that would mean strife.
Let’s just leave the kid alone and watch
As she meets her demise over life.

It all started out when parents chose to
Become their kid’s best friends.
So, who was there to teach them things
Like hard work and discipline?
Who showed them the rewards to be found
In learning to postpone gratification
When they were sitting in front of the TV
Grossing out on mental *******?
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
Everybody wants to roll with the cool times and say
yes when everybody wants yes and
no when everybody wants no but
when it comes down to it, none of that ever made
a real person, none of that ever taught somebody
how to love somebody else. And I think you'll find
in the end, when you don't know who wants yes or no
and when asked what those mean, you don't know
I'll still be here. Saying yes. Saying no. Telling the truth.
In the end, I know how to love. And I love you.
written from the perspective of God to me. Addressing the horrible relativism I've been seeing on twitter today.
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
I can't help the butterflies
I can't cage them, no
The pigment in my cheeks
Is a dead give away isn't it?
But I can't, can I?
I shouldn't, should I?
I want to? Will I?
There are limits,
I won't break,
promises I won't make
But a chance I would take
Yes, a chance I will take
I know I know
Time stained by a mind filled with **** as
I stepped on the mush covered soil
I dare not listen to the obscenities of fabled mouths and crooked smiles
They lie to me as the cockroaches scamper across the floor
Leaving their disease ridden tracks and their dead children to rot

Why do I walk on these calloused soles?
Blistered skin and **** drained sores fester with my very step of time
I'd rather crawl, crawl with no remorse or conscious left
Drained and tired muscles cramp as I feel their seizure on my tired bones
The pain crucifies me deep

More **** stirs inside, whispered voices of past enemies linger
Lies and more lies, you lying *******
You snapped the ******* life out of me
I lost my own mind waiting for someone to say "***** you, *******, who the hell are you?"
Arms scratched with the razor's edge
Drop the drip and watch the filth flow
A little mouthy rant with a deeper message, hope you.understand
Rain is crying on my window
Happy tears!
You took me into a love maze and left me there
Now I don't know the way out
I will wait here until you are back
But will you ever come for me?
I was blind in your love
I didn't realise you were never around
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
I fell in love with just your name
It kissed my mind
Like a thousand
Lights from above
Each day and night I fall so deep
Am I not a fool

A foolish heart and blinded eyes
To think about nothing else
But how I miss the sounding of
Your name inside my head

Yet as I write and think aloud
The more you live inside me
Consuming all the space around
My foolish head

I need to look at your name once more
Just to make it all the more real
You see by now that I fall
At the strength of
Every letter that spells
Your name
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
I just want everything to be blown away, so that hopefully this won't get ruined by the debris, too.
I just have to get through some more things, I just have to get to the eye of the storm
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
Dearest mother my life giver
I write to tell you that no other
Has ever touched my life
Held my broken heart
Wiped away tears of hurt
Picked me up and made it right
But I've found another
Not like you my mother
However she kisses me tender
Wiped away my tears
Holds my broken heart
And picks me up when I fall down
Two angels that reside on my life
My mother and my wife
Kind of went for how a mother and wife do the same to feelings.
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