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 Sep 2015 Supernova
baptize me in words full of grace
words like I love you
accept you
believe in you
even when you're ****** up
there's no judgement here
you are washed clean
as far as the eye can see
 Sep 2015 Supernova
We text
We text on our phones all the time
In fact, we have a group message
And we all just share useless words
It's all **** anyways, isn't it?
You know whatever you text
Isn't going to be listened to.
People will see it. People will read it.
But people won't listen to it
We're all selfish when texting
So when you rant about your problems
And people ask if you're okay
And you say yeah but I'm okay now
You're just ******* avoiding texting
A long paragraph on how things really are
Because, it's so long, and who would really read every word as if it were pouring out of your bleeding heart right?
You text your friends and that's the problem
Your friends say something funny
And you reply "****"
But they can't really hear your snorting laughter behind a screen
They can't see your smile, or your anger
Emotions are lost in translation,
And it's just like when you text about your feelings, they won't see the tears either, will they?
That's why I prefer face to face. You can SEE the happiness. You can SEE the pain. You can look into their eyes and SEE. We don't do that much anymore... I dont think
 Sep 2015 Supernova
raine cooper
there is a tall boy living inside my chest
he is the fingerprints all over my memories
he's why i stand at the edge of this cliff,
and why the view burns my lungs
he is the reason i breathe
and the reason i can't
he is the answer to every question
and why i'm always asking more
he is the mist hovering over the ocean,
sometimes i can't see him
but i know he's always there
he is the reason i feel small
and why my hands can touch the sky
he is the tall boy living inside my chest
and even death will not take him away
 Sep 2015 Supernova
Know Me
 Sep 2015 Supernova
If you knew me
All of me
Inside and out
Would you love me more or less
If I let you see every thought
And turned it over to show its ***
Would you perhaps reel in horror
At the way the aching sacred
And the ******* profane
Live inside me like good and bad twins

There's a creature in this cruel world
Who love's to hurt
And make you blue
He's out there lurking for you, child
He'll take everything from you...

... but oh!
How handsom and delightful!
When he speaks the silver rings!
Come to find out he is frightful
Scorpion with angel's wings

Watch out child...
Watch out for liars.
Those who practice to deceive!
He'll take you down
To his own fires
He will sting if you believe!

But! Oh how beautiful and graceful!
And! How exquisitely you sing!
But. My "friend", you are disgraceful!

Scorpion with Angel's wings

To any poor woman out there who
had her heart taken away by a
sweet talking LIAR.
This song is for you.

 Sep 2015 Supernova
sad, pretty little planet
so far from anyone else
they aren't sure what to call you
or what to think of you
but there you are shivering in the cold
made mostly of heart
 Sep 2015 Supernova
White noise buzzing about my skull,
Incessant thoughts without meaning,
No reprieve and no reason.

Other worlds all progressing steadily,
Overlapping with my own reality,
No definition between them.

You might not be able to see what I can,
Thinking I'm a fool or just insane,
No acceptance of my truth.

Always I will know that this is reality,
It is out there just behind the veil,
No way through to get home.
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