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SummertimeLace Jul 2015
When you love someone
Who can't love you back

It feels so dreadful
Like an internal attack

Then when you look
Into their beautiful eyes;

There are no words that exist
That could ever describe

The feeling of empty
Explosions inside

Leaving you ashamed
And wanting to hide

All the good feelings
That you ever let slide
#love #loss #never #again
SummertimeLace Feb 2015
Slowly wilting in the moonlight
A steady ***** down
Until, in dreams you drown
#love   #life   #sad   #depression   #pain   #death   #heart   #you   #hurt   #broken
SummertimeLace Feb 2015
My heart is embedded
In your head
Thumping soundly
Beating red
Full of passion
And desire
Starting a smolder
Starting a fire
Like a migraine
Thumping ,Thumping
In time with time
Ticking ,Toking
as time stops
Stopping ,slowing
In your head
Thumping softly
as you die in your bed
Soundly ,softly
Beating red
#love #death #life
SummertimeLace Jul 2015
The land in my head
That I visit before bed

Is as intense
As flaming red

If only I could linger
In the land in my head

The one that I go to
Before bed

Where everything is perfect
And hope is not dead

I would be happy
If to stay in my head

but for now in these moments
Before I sleep

When it falls upon the time
I feel I should weep

My red land fades
into the deep

Because I'm drifting
Slowly to sleep
SummertimeLace May 2015
With mysterious beauty
she looks upon me

With glittering ambiguity
she smiles at me

With  passionate force
our hearts collide

Mine shatters
leaving a gouge open wide
Written from a young mans perspective
SummertimeLace Feb 2015
#love   #life   #sad   #depression   #pain   #death   #heart   #you   #hurt   #broken
SummertimeLace Apr 2015
Steam Swirls Merrily
Through the Caffeinated air
Morning Perk Awakens
Every Static Hair
SummertimeLace May 2015
Calling all dreamers,
and artists
Calling all POETS
Come and unite
in the darkness of life
That is darker than night
Come follow me to
Light up the night
Show others the way
and put up a fight
SummertimeLace Aug 2016
When I think of you
I am at rest
I will run to you
In every storm and test
For you are creator
And always know best
SummertimeLace Mar 2015
A silver swan
Glides across
Distraction lake

The pain takes me away from
My future and my fate

My body is no longer
A clean white slate

But covered in crimson beauty
from the striking silver swan
Across distraction lake
#love #loss #love #death #life
SummertimeLace May 2015
It was a spark
that started this love

a spark
of a word
of a verse
of a song

The way it felt
rolling off of my tongue
the meaning
and the life
and the feeling of it all

The way it ebbed and flowed
with such grace
and leaped
and twirled
all over the place

a spark
of a word
of a verse
of a song

Poetry's flame
Burns lifelong
SummertimeLace Jul 2015
It was a spark
that started this love

a spark
of a word
of a verse
of a song

The way it felt
rolling off of my tongue
the meaning
and the life
and the feeling of it all

The way it ebbed and flowed
with such grace
and leaped
and twirled
all over the place

a spark
of a word
of a verse
of a song

Poetry's flame
Burns lifelong
SummertimeLace Mar 2015
I can't thank you enough
for all you've done for me
It’s only because of you
That I can clearly see
about a decade has passed
with you on my nose
and without you my life
is full of misery and woes
I’ve bumped into things
When you werent there
You came into my life
With tender love and care
I’ve broken you numerous times
And forgot you on the bus
But you’ve always came back to me,
  Without any drama or fuss
SummertimeLace Mar 2017
You know what?
At this point I'm doing it for me
Because I know
No matter how much I succeed
You will always find a fault

You know what?
I'm done
I'm done doing this for you
I'm done living in fear
Of you

I'm done going out of the house
With bruises and scrapes,
Not physical ones of course
Because once you hit me in the face
And that almost put you in jail
Your place,
But bruises and scrapes on my soul

Every foul word you utter
Pounds into me like golf ball sized hail
Every sacrilegious rant is like your fingers
Digging into me with fingernails
Every glare is spit in my face

So I'm no longer going to care about this place
I am going to suceed and fly far away
From your razor wire cage
Because as much as you want to keep me as your pretty little pet
Unlike your husband
You haven't clipped my wings yet!

And you never will
Because in a year
When I fly away
I will never come back

Because I have never needed you
And your ****
You can rot in hell
You controlling *****
SummertimeLace May 2016
Like a careful runner
enjoys the race
You make me breathless
at the sight of your face

And as the runner
collapses in the end
I realize we
Will always be
Just friends
SummertimeLace Mar 2015
Fear not young one
of the monsters
that you fear
they will leave your thoughts
within the year

Fear not middle one
of the finances at steak
your job will pay off
and a family you’ll make

Fear not old one
of Heir Death
that draws near
he will carry you softly
so please do not fear
#love   #life   #sad   #depression   #pain   #death   #heart   #you   #hurt   #broken
SummertimeLace Apr 2015
When I'm alone
I feel free
I feel so free
That I can just be me

When I.m not alone
I feel constricted
I feel so constricted
That I can hardly breathe

But when I'm with you
I feel everything
I feel so much of everything
That I can finally see
My stone soul softens
My singular words become sentences
My steady breath quickens  
My still heart beats again
When I'm with you
I finally feel alive
#love   #life   #sad   #depression   #pain   #death   #thoughts   #heart   #you   #hurt
SummertimeLace May 2015
I am a fruit tree
In the midst of conifers
I don't belong here
Writing haikus is fun. all's you have to do is pick a topic then use the 575 rule and youre done!
SummertimeLace Jun 2015
The xanthe poppy
springs out from the fertile land
God smiles, now happy
SummertimeLace Mar 2015
I am Fifteen
and my life
the one thing
I don't understand about me
Continues to eat away at me
I can’t figure out who I need to be
How come I’m so confused
Always so confusing
What if I just stop
Put an end to it all
And sister’s not at home
gone again

I feel the need to fit in
But i want to be an individual
This town is getting the best of me
What if I up and leave
before life presumably starts
Will they even care
Or come and find me
I crave independence
But need parental guidance
And sister’s not at home
gone again

Nobody understands me
Not even myself
I dont want to be hurt again
So my emotions are left on the shelf
I should be the one
With the Barbie Doll smile
but no im the invisible one
I have nowhere to go
but so many places to be
And sister’s not at home
gone again
SummertimeLace Dec 2015
I woke up
Got ready as usual
Found eighty dollars
Kissed my little brother
and hugged my dog
slipped on my socks
and slid on my shoes
walked to my bus
In the warm morning air
To my surprise
My best friend Lily was there too
And I thought nothing of it
We chattered like normal girls
And giggled a little
I got on the bus
she stayed behind
The buss driver was different
But that was no matter
I silently took my seat
And then my alarm went off
It was all a dream!
SummertimeLace May 2016
I am the moon
Pale and Lune

He is the earth
Living and True

My presence is a solemn shadow
His life is the light

My soul is filled with craters
His is colorful and ocean blue

My laugh is silver and gets lost
In the silence of space

His laugh is a beautiful flower
That blooms on his face

I an the moon
He is the earth
And I will forever loom
Never close enough to even touch

For I am a greyscale shadow
Following me gravitational pull
And he is life itself
SummertimeLace Feb 2017
The apples of her smiling face
Shine like fresh dew drops on a spring morning
Light emits from her eyes
Like twinkling stars in the dusky night
Her lashes surround her bright eyes
Like sprays of wild flowers
They flutter as she laughs
And her laugh
Oh her laugh!
Melodic and sweet
Fills her with warnth
From her head to her feet
And whenever she comes near
And full of light like the sun
You can't help but love her
Full of gaiety and fun
Her whole being is like
A fresh breath of spring
Lily Lande
My light
Always shining
SummertimeLace Apr 2015
Let them be as the city
glittering, tall, never sleeping,
but covered in grease and grime

I rather be the country
bright and pure, like a butterfly
living free and always on the outskirts
to understand the simplicity of a farmers hand
and to be quaint, uncomplicated
to thrive on pure morals
and see value in natures beauty

I’d rather be timeless and classic
than to be tied to time
never sleeping and always abuzz
tempted by sin
re renovated again
I’d rather be the country
always pure and forever free
SummertimeLace Jul 2015
People make me insane.

People keep me sane.

Got it?
Get it?

#confused #people
SummertimeLace Jun 2015
Dear, Sadistic Spawn of Satan
Your soul is rotten,
And everybody knows it,
accept you.

The stench of your soul,
Perfumes the whole room with toxin.

Your beautiful body,
Rejects your rotten soul,
By thrusting you into a violent madness,
That scorns and uses and bruises,
The innocent souls around,
Poisoning them with your slimy hatred,

In short
You are a *****
SummertimeLace Feb 2015
Your eyes
Like your own sun
glowing bright and hazel
every time they look upon me
I'm happy

Your voice
Like a blue bird
sweet and lulling
every time I hear it
I melt

Your spirit
Like a childs
innocent and free
everytime I encounter you
I smile

How will I ever know
when will you reveal..
shall I..
Is this love?
#love #life #confusion
SummertimeLace Aug 2016
I am but a mere jar of peanut butter

sitting on a shelf
because mostly that's
where I tend to leave myself

If you come and get me
then clearly you will see
labels that are printed
all over me

if you do not fancy
then fine throw me out
but if you think you'll like me
then its on our way to checkout

on our way to checkout
then to the car
to your little home
near or far

hard plastic outside
cool to the touch
at first I really truly
do not look like much

but when you dig down
and open me up
I'm soft
I'm sweet
and so unlike my shell
my labels sometimes lie
never really tell

I am but a mere jar of peanut butter

Pick me over fish?
know there'll be some work involved
proceed as you wish
SummertimeLace Feb 2017
People lack good mirrors
Everybody has a mirror
That we look at ourselves with
And use to show others how we see them
But they are never accurate

Our mirrors are clouded in
Cracked with
And shrouded with the grime of
Making the original picture
Very unclear  

My friend
Have only seen a poor reflection of who I really am

You think I’m the smart girl who always raises her hand in class
Whose hair and clothes are always somehow slightly
Out of place

You’re sure I’m exclusive
Because you see me spending all my time and energy on only my friends

You believe I’m nice
But in just a “hi how are you” kind of way
Not in a truly sincere way

You imagine that I don’t have any trouble at all
a thought
or emotion
That I’m confident
and always know what I’m doing

But really, despite what you think you see,
I’m actually
Quite different
From your reflection of me

I am not always so smart.

I haven't understood math since third grade
And the tragic truth is that without spell check
Eye wood problie spel lyke thiss

I also own a hairbrush

And can clean up quite nicely
I just like the lived in look
I’m totally not lazy
I just... uhh
Never mind
Who am I kidding?
The truth behind my bedraggled appearance,
Is that I would much rather sleep in than get up early to
curl my hair or pick out clothes that are not from my floor

I appear exclusive

because I only talk to certain people
But I am actually just really shy
Meeting new people scares me
It feels like every time I’m going to say something to a stranger
I always imagine how it could go wrong
And I stay silent
You wouldn’t know unless you asked though
Because when I am around my friends
And my reflection is chatty and animated

Some days my confidence is so low
I just want to        into the floor  
And I even have trouble telling my closest friends how I feel sometimes
I get all balled up and closed

In the end I know our mirrors are inaccurate
But if the way we see ourselves and view others
is always warped by our mirrors
Clouded in  
Cracked with
And shrouded with the grime of
Making the original picture
Very unclear  
Then can anyone realy be truly understood
Or is the way one views everything all just an illusion?
SummertimeLace Feb 2015
Your kiss lingers
Your smile tingles
Your hug reassures


My lips are dry
My smile has faded
My arms reach for you

#love   #life   #sad   #depression   #pain   #death   #heart   #you   #hurt   #broken
SummertimeLace Feb 2017
My heart is heavy with sin
But I don't want to confess

Though it weighs me down
I somehow feel like I'm less

Better lost than to be found
Not  good way to feel ever always confess God will forgive anything
SummertimeLace Apr 2015
First it started in my head
Tried to stop it
But it bled

Then it all
star-ted to spread
to my heart and from my head

Sickly sweet emotions true
This infection
came from you

Incurable love sick affliction
Hurts so good
All the affection

Unbearable pain
Euphonious joy
All at once
Making my heart strain


How could all this beautiful agony
Come from you
Out of so many
#love   #life   #pain   #sad   #depression   #death   #hope   #you   #hurt   #thoughts
SummertimeLace Mar 2015
Rage engulfs me
like flame unto wood
here I stand, again
alone and misunderstood

If I could leave
I suppose I would
To live my life
the way I should

But the flames have burnt me
so brutally bad
that I can hardly walk
and seldom stand

Hopeless as a bird
with an ankle band
But I know
you just don't understand
#love #death #life #misunderstood
SummertimeLace May 2015
Bend ,coil round my ear
Lift gravity from my feet
Music fills the air
SummertimeLace Jul 2015
It always hugs me
In a warm loving embrace
I love my blanket
SummertimeLace Mar 2015
Here in my dark cloud
The thoughts of mine stay
Twisted and Dark
In their own special way

Though brisk winds of harmony
May urg my clouds away
My dark cloud resist

because there it will stay
Twisted & Dark
Never blowing away
SummertimeLace Mar 2015
You need to earn it
then it’s yours
But Careful!
its made of glass
and all I have

on my sleeve for you to grab
its not free
but the cost is fair
just your love
this I swear

so are you willing
to pay the price?
To cherish my heart
and treat it real nice
#love   #life   #sad   #depression   #pain   #death   #heart   #you   #hurt   #broken
SummertimeLace May 2015
should i trust you with
my naked soul
can i take of
my mask
so you can see my real face
will you treat me the same
as you do right now
or will you leave me
because it hurts to look

without the cover up
without the fake
where my eyes turn from stars to lake
are you brave enough to look
or will you turn away disgusted and pitiful
because the sight has been shook
the girl you know
not who you think
SummertimeLace Apr 2015
Perfection is not mine,
There is no such thing
I’m the last child
ruining their golden years,
I do admit I’m the lucky one
I have everything I’d ever want, except love, forgiveness
Hope and perfection,
Well, maybe love,
But without the little glimmer of hope in our house
Love, Hope and Forgiveness ceases to exist
I am hopeless
Hold grudges, no apology
Un-accepting of prof : evidence
Automatically punished, hit, slapped
Constant yells of now reflecting the whispers of the past
Living on, living on
Love, Hope, Forgiveness and perfection nevermore, nevermore
SummertimeLace Feb 2015
A beautiful sunset
With a starless night
Think as i might
It's just not right

Like a majestic tiger
Who puts up no fight

As a beautiful sunset
A starless night
#love #loss #love #death #life
SummertimeLace Apr 2015
"The first time I saw her...
Everything in my head went quiet.
All the tics, all the constantly refreshing images just disappeared.
When you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, you don’t really get quiet moments.
Even in bed, I’m thinking:
Did I lock the doors? Yes.
Did I wash my hands? Yes.
Did I lock the doors? Yes.
Did I wash my hands? Yes.
But when I saw her, the only thing I could think about was the hairpin curve of her lips..
Or the eyelash on her cheek—
the eyelash on her cheek—
the eyelash on her cheek.
I knew I had to talk to her.
I asked her out six times in thirty seconds.
She said yes after the third one, but none of them felt right, so I had to keep going.
On our first date, I spent more time organizing my meal by color than I did eating it, or ******* talking to her...
But she loved it.
She loved that I had to kiss her goodbye sixteen times or twenty-four times if it was Wednesday.
She loved that it took me forever to walk home because there are lots of cracks on our sidewalk.
When we moved in together, she said she felt safe, like no one would ever rob us because I definitely locked the door eighteen times.
I’d always watch her mouth when she talked—
when she talked—
when she talked—
when she talked
when she talked;
when she said she loved me, her mouth would curl up at the edges.
At night, she’d lay in bed and watch me turn all the lights off.. And on, and off, and on, and off, and on, and off, and on, and off, and on, and off, and on, and off, and on, and off, and on, and off, and on, and off, and on, and off, and on, and off.
She’d close her eyes and imagine that the days and nights were passing in front of her.
Some mornings I’d start kissing her goodbye but she’d just leave cause I was
just making her late for work...
When I stopped in front of a crack in the sidewalk, she just kept walking...
When she said she loved me her mouth was a straight line.
She told me that I was taking up too much of her time.
Last week she started sleeping at her mother’s place.
She told me that she shouldn’t have let me get so attached to her; that this whole thing was a mistake, but...
How can it be a mistake that I don’t have to wash my hands after I touched her?
Love is not a mistake, and it’s killing me that she can run away from this and I just can’t.
I can’t – I can’t go out and find someone new because I always think of her.
Usually, when I obsess over things, I see germs sneaking into my skin.
I see myself crushed by an endless succession of cars...
And she was the first beautiful thing I ever got stuck on.
I want to wake up every morning thinking about the way she holds her steering wheel..
How she turns shower knobs like she's opening a safe.
How she blows out candles—
blows out candles—
blows out candles—
blows out candles—
blows out candles—
blows out…
Now, I just think about who else is kissing her.
I can’t breathe because he only kisses her once — he doesn’t care if it’s perfect!
I want her back so bad...
I leave the door unlocked.
I leave the lights on."
Neil Hilborn
My fave not written by me but written by Neil Hilborn
SummertimeLace Feb 2015
I daydream
Till it becomes a real dream
Then I dream away my sadness
I dream away my fears
Then I dream away all my fathers unfallen tears
Till morning comes
Oh the morning that comes!
When life is not but others dream
Or a dream is not but anothers life
#love   #life   #sad   #depression   #pain   #death   #heart   #you   #hurt   #broken
SummertimeLace Jun 2015
Oh how lonely I feel
in the presence of mankind

Their eyes only scorn
By every look they give

However they do not give
looks with love

Oh no

But they deliver looks
Form broiling hatred

To me making judgments
Where’er I go

Then woe is me
I’m never lonely

And I’m always living under
Their judgmental eyes

And forever stuck
under the weight of the world
SummertimeLace Mar 2015
I took one look around the room
My eyes fixed upon you

Your spirit
Like a magnet
Pulled me in

You looked too
The spark ignited between us

And our love
Was conceived
at first sight
SummertimeLace Feb 2015
My poems come to me in waves
in daydreams
and if I don't
write them down
give them life, they die in the moment
I am the poem god
#love #loss #love #death #life
SummertimeLace Mar 2015
Poetry is...
A birds first feather
A new beginning as well as an end
Poetry is like,
a modest violet thriving within the shade
Subtly beautiful but scarcely swayed
Poetry is about,
anything you desire
A buffet words that sound like a choir
Poetry is as important as,
the fresh air we breath
cause without it the sword of our feelings looses it’s sheath
Poetry is...
A birds first feather
A new beginning as well as an end
SummertimeLace Jul 2015
I wonder if he's thinking of me
As much I'm thinking of him

I wonder if he still sees the sparkle in me
Like I still see the sparkle in him

Does he miss me?
Because I truly miss him
SummertimeLace Mar 2015
I hold in my hand
The power of a thousand words

Sleeping days, Awaiting the flick of a page
To bleed life; beauty

The addict inside me
Aches for more

Of the only thing that will satisfy
me, a book

Finly my soul can breath a sigh
As I walk up my stairs, way up high

Patiently awaiting, my return
My books reach out

Invite me to
Forget all concern

I pop open a window
Prop up a chair

My nose inhales
the crisp country air

I don't have to worry
about my nails or my hair

When I live anothers life
Without a care
#love   #life   #sad   #depression   #pain   #death   #heart   #you   #hurt   #broken
#cummings   #ee
SummertimeLace Feb 2015
Like a modest rose
Nobody sees
How beautiful
and fragrant I can be
They leave me out
out in the cold
looking in on the warmth I need to grow
Young love
And closeness
Something I’ll never know
being the rose
nobody wants
looking in
out in the cold
#sad #outlier
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