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Every morning I kneel and pray
For the needs of other people.
But nobody prays for me.
Fourteen ways my body fails
And my mind is failing too.
Yet nobody prays for me.
My needs are on the bottom shelf
I carefully set it up that way.
So nobody prays for me.
I thought I was invincible
But my needs outweigh my strength.
Won’t somebody somewhere pray for me.
Orison is an archaic word for prayer.
Grief's canvas stretches wide and bare
A blank slate waiting, with no one to share
The brushstrokes of memories, once vibrant and bright
Now muted and faded, in the dark of night

The paint of pain, a deepening hue
A color that clings, to all I once knew
The strokes of sorrow, bold and free
A portrait of longing, for what used to be

The process of healing, a slow reveal
A layering of emotions, a complex feel
The colors of love, still shining through
A radiant glow, in all I once knew

The subject of my heart, a beloved face
A masterpiece of memories, in a sacred space
Though faded and worn, the love remains
A portrait of devotion, through joy and pains

The final brushstroke, a gentle touch
A whisper of acceptance, a heart that's too much
The portrait complete, a story told
A testament to love, that never grows old

In this masterpiece of grief and love
I find solace, sent from above
A reminder of what was, and what will be
A portrait of devotion, for all eternity.
sweet kiss or kissed real quick
the moment gone
sweet lips, sweet lips
the eternal remembrance
your lips your lips
such was your sweet kiss.
When these
Words are said,
Many thoughts
Inside my

So out of respect,
Not thinking

"I don't know"

Not made a
Sorry to cause

"I don't know"

Some take offence,
Time to
"Get off the fence"
But life
The mystery
Of The

The tune can
Lead you
Eventually I'll

Song- Hank Williams, “Ramblin’ Man”
If I had to guess
I'd say living's my weakness
A doomed quest
From my first breath
Breathing's an utterly useless
Skill to possess
Too easily stolen by stress
The designs a mess
No one in their right mind
Would choose this

Chaos is
when your mind becomes unglued and you're body is being abused by the constant pounding that it takes and you know that you're becoming detached from social ******* with everyone and no one understands that sometimes silence is the key,

and where is the key to silence?

of course it is,
it's in amid the chaos and it laughs at us and our endeavours to get a hold of it

and your eyes come out on stalks when nobody talks
and nobody notices and if they do, would they tell you?
the hell they would.
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