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My name is Ashly (yes spelled without
the E)
I was born without a windpipe and was 3 months premature.
I underwent surgery for a tracheostomy and died on the operating table.
I was revived.
I was hooked up to many machines and my parents were told I wouldn’t live for more then 3 days...
If I would survive more then 3 days I would be hooked up to machines my whole life and be in a “vegetative state”
Doctors told my parents and family “I would never live to see my 18th birthday.”
I lived in the hospital for almost 2 years.
At age 2, I myself, ripped out my tracheostomy (which could have killed me)
My family rushed me to children’s hospital and the doctors decided to let the hole in my neck close and see what happens.
My doctors don’t know how I made it through the night or days after.
I went home after a couple weeks and that’s when I started living my life as a “normal” child.
All of my sisters were involved in dance classes, my parents( doctors didn’t agree) enrolled me in to classes.
Dance became my passion, along with gymnastics and musical theatre.
Something my family, doctors or even myself never thought I would EVER do.
On my 18th birthday it was a mixture of emotions.
I made a milestone that no one said I would ever see.
I competed in dance and gymnastics until I was 19 years of age as well as did over 60 musicals at my local theatre company.
I never thought I would ever have a boy love me because I had “too many problems” or even get married for that matter.
Fast forward, I am now almost 33 ( June .11th is my birthday)
Married for almost 8 years to my best friend.
Happy doesn’t even cover what I feel everyday waking up next to my love.
We may not have a “family” of our own but we are happy and in love over the moon with one another.

So why did I just ramble on with this?
Because I’m a MIRACLE and a SURVIVOR.
Even though I don’t remember much from my childhood and what I and my family had to endure, I have been fighter since my first breath.

Just a little insight to my story. I left out some details but y’all get the idea. Hope this helps to feel why I write and my story.
I have
been sober
for about
8 months.
Go me.
Pup was long.
Pup was thin.
Pup was everything,
But I liked him.

He pulled me down.
He pulled me straight.
Pup is gone.
He met his fate.
NOTE - 09/07/24 - Good doggie....

RIP - C. Hearn
NOTE #2 - no vegan's were hurt in this poem.
"What gives you the right hey you
To stand there and tell me what to do
Tell me who gave you the power
To stop me from livin' like I do"

To: Everone.....NOW
NOTES - J. Kay and Steppenwolf - prophetic.......different time sorta. Should be a new moral prophylactic.
The truth forever hidden, cemented with lies.
Invisible unions, plotting and planning our demise.

We awakened to the fact that our world is not quite right.
And because of this we’ve found that love is our only might.

I feel every day earth’s frequency rise, I now connect remotely,
and can look right through their eyes.

But the further that I travel, up perception’s sight.
The me that is I, has no use for a fight.
The surface has many
Where previous thinkers
Have passed

It's easy to slot into one
Thinking it's you're own path

Jumping grooves
The next stage,
Gaining multiple view
Confusing at times
But worth it,
The *** is starting to brew

Skating on the surface of knowledge
How fast do you want to go?
Take a break at the side
When exhausted,
What next do you want to know?
Every thought,
every action,
every word said

Not just inside your head

How will you rate,
the movie of your life?

Song for this
Prince - let's go crazy
Musician Prince used references to akashic records as a storytelling device throughout his album The Rainbow Children, particularly in reference to the history of slavery in the United States. Since the 2012 reboot the character Obadiah Archer from the Valiant Comics universe series Archer & Armstrong is able to access the Akashic plane to mimic all known human and superhuman abilities since the 2012 reboot.
I mess up a lot
For example;
I got off the ***
And then I ****t
Believe it or not
But that was after this thought,
"I don't have a shot
At the life I want
The break I need
Will never be caught
It must be written into the plot
So wether I like it or not
This is my spot"
And that matches up
With what I've been told
And what I was taught
You get what you get
I got what I got

The evening stars were gone, replaced
by a spreading, ominous purple bruise of cloud.
When the wind rose, in sudden violent
crisscrossing gusts, everything went into motion.

White cabanas shook, like staked swans
flapping to fly, lavender bushes thrashed
their thorny arms as if in panic, umbrella pines
creaked and writhed like tethered balloons.

Lightning lit the winding, stony stairs, like ornamental
neon lights, as we’d run up the path from the beach.
Shockwaves of thunder accompanied the flashes
- there was no lag - the storm was there and upon us.

We were laughing and screaming, like children
chased through a dark Halloween funhouse.
The first, fat drops of rain popped behind us,
like a giant’s, arrhythmic, snapping fingers.

As we reached the open, French, louvered doors,
that led from our suite down to the shoreline,
we body-slammed them against the tempest.

And braced them fully closed with our backs, as if to vilify the
natural courses of wind and rain with an animal will to break in.

The lashing monsoon heralded our urgent, stormy union.
We were like the storm - insistent, wild and untamed.
All was revealed in that flashing, tempestuous darkness
as need, euphoria and lightning lit the naked night
A song for this:
Walk Between Raindrops by Donald Fagen
Hurricane Waters by Citizen Cope
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 09.07.24:
Vilify = To harshly judge and be be openly critical.
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