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If I believed, would I follow?
Ask no questions simply swallow…
A judgement off balance.
A darkening of sight..
A readiness to ****…
On some godly flight….

Did you believe?
Did you follow?
Drink the Kool-Aid
And quickly swallow?

I am not asleep
I am not afraid
I still believe in peace
While war’s on parade…
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Diplomacy is not weakness it is the mindset of a peaceful existence.
When I begin to fret and fume,
my peace comes up, just rises up.

The woe is not mine, I'm fine.

Contain myself, I wish for money,
in abundance, and settle for a smile
on my face that I did not put there,

saying, just now, enough,

just enough, to know, too much
is superfluity, intentionally let spill.
Some days I only write to live
Help, just one person

Peace and love in profound ways

We can change the world

Modern Haiku
3 lines 5-7-5 syllables

Inspired Songs;
1 ) We Are The World -January 28, 1985
( We Are the Children)
Song By
46 at the most famous musicians of the time came together to sing this song.
Pay it
Forward !
Think about it
if everybody
just helped
one person
on earth
What a
wonderful place
it would be
Can't break
This figure eight
So as of late
I've been leaving it up to fate
To reveal a gate
Before my plate
Folds under the weight
Transforming me into living bait
For thoughts of hate
Directed straight
At a lone inmate
Inside this prison-esque estate
Skull bone real estate
I was forced to create
Became a red flag trait
And looking back it's probably innate

I want my words to live past me
beyond when I cease to be,
of all the things from my past
the truest ones are
my words that last.

I want my prayers
to outlast me,
spoken when I
cease to be,
Remember that
no one can stay,
but our link to heaven
is when we pray.
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