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There's a thin line
between loving yourself
putting yourself on a
Respect yourself without
becoming your own idol.
~ Author Ven J Arnold
There's a lot of thin lines such as they there's a thin line between love & hate. For me this is another this line that I've known people who have crossed. That's a very dangerous one. See :
They told me, "don't worry."

They told me "don't cry..."

They told me, "it's a piece of cake..."

They told me, "you can overcome."

They told me  "there will be a solution."

Yet, they cry for their own pain;

They trembled in fear;

The world pretends to be "OK,"

While we are in pain.

If they suffer...

We console them "As we are fine."

"The world pretends."
Everyone in this world wears a mask for others.
I don't miss you,
I miss the person,
you pretended to be,  

I loved you for a facade,
It was just a counterfeit  
you in a masquerade,

It would be impossible to miss
a person that never did exist.
You were just a fake.
You can't miss someone that never existed. You can't love the counterfeit when you were deceived by the counterfeit. ©2021
Dovrei essere proprio come te, Cuore di ghiaccio nero, Sii gentile, Un amico, come creare un'illusione, nella tua mente, sii vicino, fingi di essere reale, un modo per conoscere, i tuoi sogni, i tuoi piani, la tua prossima mossa ,

Quando vedo le tue aspirazioni, che ti portano avanti,

Essendo un maestro manipolatore, come te, pianificherò astutamente la tua caduta, come un giullare, ridendo con la folla, che sono convinto che tu sia sempre stato, nient'altro che quello di un immutabile intimidito.

Sei davvero solo un codardo, hai paura di qualcuno, fai solo uno sforzo per fare ciò che è meglio, hai paura di qualcuno, che non è nemmeno una minaccia per te, o per la posizione che occupi.

Dimostra la tua superiorità, fiducia in te stesso, essendo orgogliosamente audace! Il tuo orgoglio, la tua arroganza, la tua ignoranza, la tua cecità e la tua ipocrisia...

NO, non potrei mai essere come te, rovinando gli altri come fai tu, pensavo di essere lo sciocco, ora vedo, ora ** pace.

Quindi prego sinceramente. "Dio apri il suo cuore, per accettare la tua grazia straordinaria, attraverso di te, conosceremo entrambi la nostra parte, il nostro posto, e se non presto, allora in Paradiso, avremo

un'eternità da rifare. "Sì, ti amo sorella mia in Cristo!

- VenJencie Ⓒ Autore Ven J. Arnold
"I Could Never Be Like You," An earlier poem that I wrote is translated into Italian by me. The title is, "Non potrei mai essere come te."  ~SacredInkedBlood
I should be just like you, Heart of black ice, Be kind, A friend, how to create an illusion, in your mind, be close, pretend to be real, a way to know, your dreams, your plans, your next move,

When I see your aspirations, which carry you forward,

Being a master manipulator, like you, I will cunningly plan your fall, like a jester, laughing with the crowd, which I am convinced you have always been, nothing more than that of an immutable intimidated.

You are really just a coward, you are afraid of someone, you just make an effort to do what is best, you are afraid of someone, who is not even a threat to you, or the position you occupy.

Prove your superiority, self-confidence, by being proudly bold! Your pride, your arrogance, your ignorance, your blindness and your hypocrisy ...

NO, I could never be like you, ruining others like you do, I thought I was the fool, now I see, now I have peace.

So I sincerely pray. "God open his heart, to accept your extraordinary grace, through you, we will both know our part, our place, and if not soon, then in Heaven, we will have

an eternity to be redone. "Yes, I love you my sister in Christ!

- VenJencie Ⓒ Author Ven J. Arnold
Venjencie Clifton Arnold
Inspired through a true experience just recently that shattered my spirit, my trust in humanity. Out of being hurt I acted out to show them that I was everything and done everything they accused me of, then 1 night, my feelings completely changed because of a personal conversation with God, and I felt and feel sudden peace. I love her and the few others involved and only want the best for them and to succeed in God's bigger plan even if they don't see it yet because I've seen in it and #God is not limited. I'm truly praying for God to open their hearts and work in their lives. It doesn't matter if I'm part of that exact plan or not but praying that God will open their hearts so they don't miss out on this opportunity to do a mighty work through God.
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An artist is the one
who use their hands and mind to
create new things from their appreciation of the beauty.
An artist is the one,
who turns energy into something
beautiful, fueling their creativity,
createing the thing that resonates
with others.
An artist is the one
who brings life to what was not there before.
An artist is the one
who appreciates beauty,
unstructured activities and variety.
They enjoy interesting and
unusual people, sights, textures
and sounds.
An artist is the one who can see what others cannot."
International Artist's Day was founded by Chris MacClure, a Canadian artist who specializes in the style known as 'Romantic Realism'. He created this day to bring recognition to the world of art, and to celebrate all the ways that artists bring their own special view to life. #
***** Hands
Are they clean?

Pontius Pilate, washing those hands that night, now are the filthy deeds made white!

America, do tell about the politicians blind-eyed toward homeless people in the streets, tell me about children starving to death?

Does a wealthy man cleanse hiimself as the blood leaves his hands?

Banning guns & glocks, as girls
are sold into slavery, in the blocks.

A gift for kids to go to school
It's not a gift to get shot up.

From poverty to bullies to school shootings, Mrs. Liberty has lost her footing.

When we go home, locking doors and turning the noise up, is washing of the hands with soap, making us whole?
You can't just wash your hands as a symbol
of making yourself from sinful to cleansed. It's a cruel world so be kind. © 5 minutes ago, Venjencie Clifton Arnold   society • poverty • sad • pain • misc • love  
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