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in the waning days of my sojourn
when the Sun will set quicker than I remember
when I'll wish I'd taken advantage of a pain free body
and walked a bit longer in those fields of gold
searched my dreams for meaning
taken a few extra moments to absorb
the laughter of my children when they were mere toddlers
the mindset falls into one of waiting
as we drift off into the natural state of irrelevancy
like the favorite stuffed bear that is still loved
but has served its purpose
watching the world spin by upon a shelf
next to a copy of Tom Sawyer
I'd give all my remaining days
to re-live one of those fading memories
I'm finally back to writing new material after sifting through and revising some older pieces. Time to get back in the flow
I never hear when they speak
only hours later
in the painfully lit basement of my home
with earphones and patience
do their words reach me
such was the case last October
I was driving through Wilderness, Virginia
for the first time and happened to pass
Saunders Field. I caught sight of the plaque
that stood at the bottom of the hill
and a trail that led into the woods
where the fierce skirmishes took place
it was a bit chilly and windy
and the road nearby was busy with passing cars
not an ideal place for an EVP session
but I felt compelled to try
and walked the edge of the woods
then a short portion of the trail
I asked many questions directly to anyone
who may be listening
'How many souls perished here?'
'Are you one of those souls?'
'Did you suffer?'
'Why do you stay or visit this place?'
as usual, I heard no voices during the 18 minutes
of questioning
however, the presence was undeniable
I was not alone here
this I knew
on the way back down the hill to leave
I reached out one final time
'I have about 20 seconds left, so if you'd like
to say something, please say it now'
again I heard nothing, turned the recorder off
and departed

it was several days before I could return home
and review my recording
but my curiosity as always
grew stronger the longer I had to wait
I was disappointed as I began to listen
nothing heard as each minute passed
only the whisper of wind and cars
until I came to my final statement in those last moments...
'I have about 20 seconds left, so if you'd like
to say something, please say it now.'

'Leave me under ground........'
true story - oldie - slightly revised
did I hear the sound of a breaking heart
as he finally reached 301
seeing the note taped to the door
just above the peep hole
a long pause
a fumbling of the keys
I knew she had left
I could hear her earlier
she'd had enough
she was much younger
and there were years ahead
they had spoken of how this could happen
long ago
rather, he had spoken and she had laughed it off
today she realized he was right
today her glass is half full
and his has emptied

do I hear the sound of silence
oldie - heavily revised
For years I had heard stories about the Hawthorne Library,
that it was haunted,
especially the basement  
where the 19th Century books were kept.
For this reason, people tended to stay away
from the ground floor.
I had also heard that they were going to close the Hawthorne soon,
so I decided that my next ghost hunt would take place there.

Two days later, about 30 minutes before closing,
I entered the Hawthorne with my bulky camcorder
tucked neatly in my backpack along with a sandwich and coke.
It was a crisp December night and about an inch of snow had fallen,
leaving the library nearly empty.

I worked my way towards the stairs leading to the basement,
and when certain I wasn't seen,
made my way down the stairs.
I was alone.
It was colder down here as the heat made it's way up
to the higher floors.

At 9 pm, the lights went off as they closed,
and the heat was turned down.
What latch was that she just turned? I must be hearing things.
I heard the front door close and
I was alone,
here in the basement of the Hawthorne building.
The only light I had was the street light that barely made
its way through the ground level's 100 year old window's
thick glass and steel bars.

I settled into a corner and waited for my eyes
to adjust to the darker conditions.
I placed a 90 minute tape in my recorder
as the wind whipped outside
and the snow blowing about
made eerie shadows on the walls.

One story tied to the Hawthorne
was the tale of 8 year old Melissa who had wandered from her mother
to the stairs leading to the basement.
Before she turned back,
the door swung,
hitting her and sending her tumbling down the stairs
to her death.

The Librarian,
who disappeared one day
only to be found the next,
huddled in one corner of the basement,
the victim of an apparent heart attack
at 28 years of age.

There were more stories,
but I blew them off as urban legends,
a little truth surrounded by years of
creative storytelling.

It was getting really cold...
did they turn the heat off completely?
I gulped the remainder of my ham sandwich
and decided to get started.

Before I could turn the recorder on,
I thought I heard a voice,
a whisper really... a small girl.
I finally located the 'on' button,
fighting to keep it steady.
Again I heard the whisper;
'why are you here?' followed by a giggle.

What is your name little girl?
Another giggle from the same direction,
then it circled me.
Never, in all my experiences of conversing with the dead,
had I heard a voice so clear as this.

'Last night' it repeated...
3 or 4 times as she giggled...
'last night, last night, last night'
'what do you mean...last night?'

'Last night for the Library, silly...
didn't you know?'
suddenly, I heard laughter coming from all corners
of the basement
it became louder and louder...
'Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!'
a deafening male voice half choking on his laughter...
'But you won't be alone...
'Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...' a pounding, gurgling laugh...
'No, you won't be alone...Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha........'

They said I died from exposure
when they opened the basement
six months later to begin renovations.
Seems the Hawthorne was going to become
an apartment building.

But I was dead long before my body froze.
They'll discover this fact when they find my camera
on the shelf
right next to
'The Tell Tale Heart'  
...her favorite book!
oldie - more a short story
where does the rainbow end?
where does the Sun touch the sea?
do not look to me for answers
for I am searching as well
I am lost in the questions that have been asked
since the first dawn lit paradise
but I will keep watch
when you decide to sleep
and gather strength
I will hold you close when you shake
in fear of the voices that haunt you
I will be at your side
and you at mine
when we begin our walk
at first light
toward rainbow's end
one knock, 2 knocks, 3 knocks, 4
hurry my love
please answer the door
time is short
it's almost four
and I must **** you one hour before
the Sun shows it's crest on the Eastern shore
you and your lover sleep sound I am sure
I suppose I must fiddle with the door lock before
I wake the neighbors by knocking once more

the light hits your face from the moon through the gape
in the curtains by the deck and the fire escape
your beauty is haunting and the shadow of shape
outlines your body while my blade on the nape
of his neck sinks deep as he drools and he snores,
then awakens in a start...
but the tape

on his mouth muffles the scream
which brings my attention back to you as your dream
turns quickly to one of intimate fright
from a walk in gold hillsides to a terror filled night

your eyes they are diamonds
when is added a tear
and the liquid on black reflect moon, reflect fear
a quiver of sadness for what I must do
you deceived me my love
my love this be true

I don't blame you this treachery
for I am not a great prize
and in time the heart hardens
and you catch other's eyes
no matter my dear, I will avoid such rage
your final breath be the final page
one day you would notice we are not the same pair
for you will grow older while I remain fare

tis' the life of Voivode
I must own all my lovers
I must gather their souls
leave their bones neath the covers
look at me darling
as I drink in your spite
isn't it clever
isn't it right
you will love me forever
and forever the night
will be ours for the taking
and the taking of life
shall sustain us
shall remain

Dracula's realm
oldie - minor revisions
will you talk to me here
in the bowels of this long closed library
built before my father's eyes saw light
just after the final soldier passed
in that insidious war

I know you dwell within these walls
the timeless, seamless realm of the afterlife
talk to me now
give me more than a few words
though I can hear in them the longing

spirit that visits me not only in my dreams
but in my waking hours as well
here we are
alone where you need not be afraid
tell me of your life
of your death
of the dreams you had
how can I know you
from this side?
oldie - slight revision
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