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Rose Mar 2019
You think im happy
but what a lonely night
One minute you're here and the next you're tormenting
You don't wanna be "happy" like me
Romancing and hoping and dreaming
Wanting more but not feeling worthy
Everyone is lonesome sometimes
You must think it's true
But I am scared and alone
Rose Mar 2019
                        so strong                        
                       all living               and      
      it               all green             small      
      calm   if      ever so calm        standing        
      all light      quite special   so branches        
       so secret a   rather small   rather green        
       quite strong  very special  ever so living        
        all special  esoteric, humble, specific          
        particular branches standing, quietly            
       ever so light twigs eating, graciously            
        its primary branches standing, quietly          
          buoyant twigs eating, graciously              
           lite twigs feeding, graciously                
        so    esoteric, humble, specific     .          
   so    ever so clear twigs eating, graciously          
   exceptional branches, loose twigs, covert morals      
    specific branches, clear twigs, secret morality      
     extra branches, pure twigs, privy ethical motive    
       specific branches, clear twigs, esoteric morals  
       ever so abstemious twigs eating, graciously      
        esoteric, fine, new positively special          
          decidedly small a   all living                
          calm  foliage   a     standing                
               a tree     a       strong!                
               tree       a           leaf              
               no         a                              
Rose Mar 2019
When the world seems cold,
And the air seems bitter
When the sky is dark,
And the hurt feels like a cut

reopening an open wound in your heart
Tearing it to a million pieces
Follow my heart?
Which part?

Why try to find love or happiness
When through it all
i know it will never last
Preparing for another crack for where love should grow
But with every heartbreak
Shredding what little is left

Broken trust,cold,and strange
Who would like me?
I found someone I truly love
Am I just being naive?
Rose Mar 2019
I hate my body
I could never say
I'm happy with what I see,

I need to lose weight to be pretty
I don't believe
Being who I truly am
I'm actually happy

why should i?
Take an inch here and there
Snip away till I'm perfect
Am i beautiful now?
Now read bottom to top
Rose Mar 2019
The rule of king is lonely
Assassination makes the deaths impartial
Leaving the road to glory ******
but the riches are monumental!

Witches say I'm invincible
Was all this premeditated?
Invincibility?the thought is laughable!
Maybe this was fated…

The secret had been discovered
The murders avenged
With the guilt leaving you feel smothered
Oh how I've been challenged

At least the kingdom is ruled by one better than I
Tis a shame that I had to die
Rose Mar 2019
Life seems endless,death seems tragic
Lost in crushing defeat.
Doomed to repeat this cycle over again
Deaths cold dark grip on you.

To think you’ve wasted all these years
For how far you've come
The decision is yours,
You may have lost all this time

But you can erase it
Find your dream and pursue
And all the bad memories,replace it
Because life has better meaning
When theres joy in your heart
Rose Apr 2018
I can't leave you behind like you left me,
I held you in my heart as I have traveled from home to home
Day in and day out immersed,
in hurt.
A hurt you caused,because I never came first.
I loved you.
I needed you,
but you left me alone
I called your name as loud as i could          
I didn't get an answer                                                           ­                
and at that moment I realized I never would.                          
my heart was broken,but my arms were open reaching for a love
I would never receive

— The End —