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 Nov 2020 Mariyam Ridha
I smile
I laugh
I joke
The door closes
I scream
I cry
I want
Nothing more
Than to die.
:/ true for a lot of people. Many don't even realize they are sad, they don't see their own fake smiles.
 Nov 2020 Mariyam Ridha
One last breath.
A moment,
Your face frozen
In my mind
an angel,
fallen from heaven,
and now,
 Nov 2020 Mariyam Ridha
 Nov 2020 Mariyam Ridha
If there was a distance to cross
I wouldn't take the step
I wouldn't start the journey
I couldn't even take a breathe
Couldn't say the words
and now you're gone.
 Nov 2020 Mariyam Ridha
It never goes away
Always yelling at your body
Telling you
My heart can't take much more,
and if it doesn't stop soon
my heart will break in two,
all because of you.
I hope everyone is okay out there, I know there are a lot of stressful things going on in the world right now <3
 Nov 2020 Mariyam Ridha
I wrote it on my hands
I etched it to my soul
My happy place
Was taken away
Replaced with
His voice

But you're here
and you touched my hand
and made it all okay.
If I've known I was yours,
I would've known
What I was living for.
Let me be your end, baby.
Let your heart know
No more pain.
Let me fill every crack
From that broken heart.
I promise to hold you forever
And let go never.
Our fire of love shall know of no end
Let it be an eternal flame.
Our love is worth
Trying for,
Fighting for,
And even
Dying for.
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