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Rachel W Feb 2019
I loved you
when I loved you,
but now that time is past.

make no mistake,
you made yourself perfectly clear
in your silence

and somehow I moved on
without a second thought
you weren't the one:
a lie I had bought

and now I'm strong,
but still I am weak
I don't know how but you brought out the best in me

that time is over now
you made that perfectly clear
in your silence

I loved you
when I loved you
but now that time is gone

don't cry for me
cause i won't shed a tear for you
in your silence

I loved you
when I loved you
but now those memories are bittersweet

when I was young and I was foolish
running around on much smaller feet.
Rachel W May 2018
It is strange,
That I glimpsed you once from afar
In passing
And I saw you
Abandoned. In disrepair and I thought you were
Beautifully tragic.
You were alone and I did nothing
I did nothing
I did nothing but watch you crumble
I saw you again today
Again in passing
And I found that you had been
Saved. Someone had picked you up
And gathered your pieces
They built you back up and I did nothing
I did nothing
I did nothing but watch you stand.
Rachel W Aug 2017
my procrastination
it's a funny thing
only applying to the things i love
when they are forced upon me

give me a packet of mathematics
burden me with backbreaking tasks
hand me a bowl of poison
and i will gladly get it over with--if only to cease its hold over me

yet compel me to read
oblige me to complete my part in a choir
and i will fight
languidly stubborn until i am forced into compliance

to do what i should love
but hate
simply because it is forced on me
i will fight it off

it's my own funny little brand of sloth
Rachel W Apr 2017
Then all at once
The heavens became empty
And as dark as the void
From which God created them
And I knew in my soul
The era of mankind had ended
Yet the faithful remained
To watch the nothingness unfold
And the stars die out
From the eternity spoke a truth
As unseen hands shaped a world
That was always meant to be
"Let there be light."
After the Battle.
Rachel W Mar 2017
I lay with my sister who sleeps carefree
Under the boughs of our mother's tree
I look upon her beauty with jealous gaze
Our love for each other an arduous maze

She calls, "Little sister come play with me,"
We jump and we run and we splash in the sea
I cling to her side as the waters rise
Finding her company strong and wise

For my sister I would do most anything
Around my heart she has tied her string
Everyday she paints a picture of perfection
I can only hope that I am a just reflection

Following her footsteps in all that she does
Such is my fate, and always was
I do not mind it, for I love my sister so
Her kindness and beauty like the pure mountain snow
For my beloved Sister, I will always love you and look up to you, even when I want to kick your ****. PS, this is better when read aloud ;p
Rachel W Jan 2017
My lonely worship
A beautiful new dawn
Freed from pretty lies

Protection divine
His kiss laid upon my brow
A sanctuary

The song from above
This poor pilgrim's heart is light
Submerged in the spirit

Fortified in you
The sons and the daughters rest
Singing out your name
Rachel W Nov 2016
I am weary but I cannot cease my toil
I have wasted enough time on frivolous pursuits
Yet they are my only respite from the world placed upon my shoulders
The dark softness of the night sky beckons me away from my work and wakefulness
But I cannot cease!
I cannot rest, no matter the personal cost! For the consequence of my failing shall be a much higher toll!
My future in turmoil
My family flummoxed
The joy of my life leeched away by ghoulish specters I cannot fight off, only bow before
And I want it all to end--yet I wish to live my dreams and fulfill my hopes!
Woe be to the laborer who serves the demands of those they love!
No rest seems unselfish, no indulgence is guiltless, the self is stripped away to become a slave of the labors of love!
O sleepless rest! O restless sleep!
How I long for the simpler days of childhood!
How I long for the sweet sleep of the innocent, to which I can never return!
Woe be to the weary soul!
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