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  Jul 2015 CJ M
I have my questions still un answered.
I have my past still in my mind.
I have pain still i always will.
I've cried countless hours.
I would wake up in wonder of why im alive another day.
I woke up today with the first smile on my face for 2 years.
I have not cried in 5 days.
I have not shed a single tear.
I went to sleep and dreamt for the first time in a long while.
How this happened i am uncertain of the reasoning.
I have come to be at peace.
Believe it or not.
I am me.
I won the one fight i thought i would lose my life to.
But ive come to climb out of it.
But maybe just maybe people are right about things becoming better.
I may only have this feeling for a short time.
But i am surely glad i have it.
Right when i was at the edge of dying.
I came to finally have peace with my past.
Which is a miracle.
Thank you.
To the one person who filled the one impossible whole.
Thank you to the person who has stuck around still may not be as close but we still speak.
Thank you to the person who wrote the one poem for me that suddenly changed me.
Not for bad but pushed me towards this.
Thank you to the people who hurt me so much people say its impossible i am alive.
Thank you to those who came to me for help, cause you taught me to help myself.
Thank you to those who left me on my own, I've become strong once again.
Thank you to the dear person that's filled my whole heart and mended it since the day you met me, you kept me heart whole and from breaking, if not for you i'd never finally be ok.
Thank you for holding me while i cried, Thank you for making me smile, thank you for letting me steal your jacket :P.
Thank you for being there.
Thank you to everyone who's been there good or bad.
CJ M Jul 2015
Classic fairytale love is what it was to us. You being the spoiled rich ******* the block and me the poor, lonely expresser who stole your heart as if I could live off the mere heat of it.
We were fated, middle school crushes, High school sweethearts, college lovers. Our closeness judged by the length of time we spent together, and as college kids, our making love was sweeter than honeysuckles, more spiceful than Spanish rice. We had a poetic passion unlike any the world had ever seen
But your love for me wore off fast, you’d acquired a taste for un-sampled  cuisine. That would’ve been fine had I not found out on my own. I found out about them, one or two would’ve been bad, but Six?!?! Do I bore you? Don’t try to wiggle your way out of this, it only hurts me more.
Your voice gets tighter as you ridicule me for my actions, but I can’t hear you anymore. I don’t know you, I fell in love with a love and a lover, not this whorish display in front of me. You yell louder, climaxing my urges, I send a jolting hand fast across your cheek. I already feel the guilt and regret, tears spilling from my eyes, I get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness.
You forgave me.
And somehow we ended up making love that night, only, it was no longer love. My regret fueled me, but I didn’t want to touch you anymore knowing how many hands do so in my absence. Now I thought we should go our separate ways.
We stop speaking but remain on friendly terms as you continue your cheating barrage on  your new lovers. I still have feelings for you, but the betrayal has me cornered in a pit of emotion that’s  steady pulling me down, down, down into an aggressive element.
But we are still friends, right? So I’d like you to come to a show that I’m making, I intend for it to be a wild ride. You watch the crumbling masquerade with painful eyes, the other audience members leave in shock at the agony of the destructed art. The show was a disaster that destroyed any chance at a career I had. You consoled me, filling my head with sweet words and fantasized hopes, keying in my engram of you.
We ended up in bed once more, bare bodies spent as we fell asleep. All it took was a moment of weakness.  I leave you momentarily to doze as until you fall asleep, crazy thoughts run through my head as I stare at my **** body in the bathroom mirror, a body that had been reserved for you. I tried hard to suppress the urges again, thinking of the good times we had and the wonderful love we made, but it wasn’t helping, It was only making my shy, sweet mind turn vicious.
No, don’t make me do this! Screaming in my head as a homicidal idea takes over my conscious mind. She had nothing to honestly do with this! But my rationality ebbs as my snapped heart seeks its retaliation. My world begins to disappear around me as the urge takes over. I am sensually invisible: no hearing, no sight, no feeling.
But the sensation seems to last only seconds before my senses snap back on and I discover what was to be…
What have I done !? Two slits where your cherry-wood brown eyes used to be and the guilty utensil in my hand, a knife, colored crimson all the way to the handle. I panicked in my guilt and got on my knees. No repentence for what I had done, too late and too heavy a burden to apologize.
But there was one way I could make my wrong a right, I could second the wrong. I could join you on the other side and remake what we had. The idea only flashes in my grieving brain, but it’s enough to make me settle on it. I put both hands on the handle, thrusting it heavily into my belly and commit my own honorable seppuku.
Passion killing is what they called it when the authorities arrived. Two long time lovers, dead before the dawn, I was influenced deeply by my mind, and my heart was betrayed by it. But now I guess we both know the extent of a betrayed Poetic Passion.
Look XD this has nothing to do with my personal life other than I was inspired by a book lol sooooo
CJ M Jun 2015
The country.
A little girl, forced to the ground by police twice her size. What was she doing wrong? What was the honest reason for it? Why did they see her, out of the entire crowd, as a threat severe enough to be rough-housed?
A little boy, playing with his toy pop-gun, like we all have, but the police claim to have feared for their lives as they drive past him. They turn around, in their car, get out and open fire. What was it that made this little boy look like a threat? Did they honestly believe that a child would chill in his own yard, fully exposed, just aiming a random weapon at random people?
A chubby man, ever hungry of tasteful things, has brought about a new hunger for the rest of the minority world. How can you honestly say you feared for your life, mister officer? He said he couldn’t breathe on several occasions as you strained the life out of him in front of multiple witnesses.
A poor man, looked homeless, running from the police. No weapon, no fight, just natural fear of someone who’s afraid of the trouble that’s been brought them. They shot him down in broad daylight and got upset at those who shouted their disapproval of the actions.
A church for the community, welcoming all with open arms. No security checks, no guards or peacekeeping officers. Just a church who wanted to praise the lord in whatever way they could. A homicidal maniac came through their doors, sat in a bit before opening fire with automatic weapons. How can you call yourselves warriors of god if when your own life’s at stake you beg and plead through five reloads instead of taking the actions necessary to neutralize the threat? Many died that day in carnage, and their families weep with te rest of the world wishing them a rest in peace. Right after the event, you want to forgive the killer? You mean that the blood splayed by your kin means nothing to you? The death of men women and of all ages means nothing to you?
Don’t feed me that “God wants peace” Line anymore, I’m tired of it. He gave you hands to put together in prayer, yes, but he gave you fists for protection. He gave you a voice to shout in his name, but it’s also a mouth for raising the battle cries of a raging spirit waging war.
You see it only as the “Peaceful” Light, I see it much deeper at my age.  People wished this man a speedy sentence to the nearest clinic to clear his head. Take it off, I say, for if this sort of insanity causes ****** then he needs to be lobotomized.
The list of events is endless, literally, I merely touched the surface in an attempt to shed a light on what it is.
Some say it’s not genocide, some say it’s mere coincidence, no my brotha, no my sista, running into an old friend is coincidence, finding a penny on the sidewalk is coincidence. This is by design, whose, I don’t know, but that doesn’t mean there’s no design in affect.
I have a solution for these plans though, it’s a hard call, but a solution that’s inevitable.
Re-build your own communities, my people, and stop ******* it out. Stop spending so much money at the neighborhood walmart and grow your own **** food. Stop living off of welfare and make something out of yourself other than a tight pants street-walker imitation.
Pedal money back into the community instead of once it hits your hand you spend it at fancy stores knowing that you live in the housing projects, knowing that the car you drive isn’t yours and isn’t paid for. Become the gods and goddesses that you are truly meant to be and revive the ancestral Kings inside of you and revive your communities.
The simplest way to end hate is to get away from it, and once we get our own back, we should do just that.
-the justice has spoken
I just can see this mega-huge picture, it's all coming together simply,  true integration is basically a myth and separation is becoming steadily the best answer.
CJ M Jun 2015
Anyone who knew her last name knew the fire she set in the heart of the expresser. I called her Bri, girl wonder, the original poetic queen by her own words. She called me her poetic god when I was first getting off of my feet in expressive poetry.
I took it slow, like a freeze-frame of which I’m not too proud of. If I may, I’d like to sort of explain what was happening in my position.  A beautiful day, cirrus clouds, December Alabamian weather. I was leaving, never to return or try my hand at our love again and all I wanted to do was show love to the one who’d declared she would desire it from me.
Insane for thinking that a request of which as simple as it is can rearrange the very fabric of time would be accepted into the universe and granted to me as a blessing and a step forward in lively progress. My last wish was a simple kiss.
But it wasn’t meant to be.
Why? Why something so harmless as a that would put so many barriers before itself in an effort to avoid it is beyond me, but what I do know is that it haunts me to know that I missed my opportunity and let out an emotion of neglection, and I hope she didn’t create a feel of aggravated rejection In her heart, for that wasn’t my intention.
She, my dancing queen, right? Shier than the sun at two A.M, too self-conscious about the smallest detail yet still flawless, true poet by accident yet a poet all the same.
This woman’s worth, like Maxwell. The worst like Jhene Aiko. But my ribbon in the sky like Stevie Wonder, basically a symphony of emotion that I played a part in. I, a master of ceremonies in her play of life as she expressed herself and wrapped me in layer upon layer of unknowing intimacy.
Why? Why do I always fall for your type?
Why did I fall for you?
I can’t explain without uprising the controversy in my heart, the controversy growing in my soul,
What I believe we were trying to achieve before the divide, the main reason I sit on the couch listening to love songs and counting my losses as they compare to my blessings and curse the time that brings turns in events, buildings to the ground, men to their knees in submission to the will of it.
What I would’ve said if I’d had time to show more of it. You are the ocean to my sea creature, the grasslands to my herbivore, the nature to my nature, a perfect fit through connection.
Thick lips, wide hips, dark chocolate skin with a clueless soul, I was the gateway in progress, the channel for the guided ship. You made me find myself better, closer, more accurately, and I will never forget you for it.
Not everyone is meant to keep in contact, but our souls are entwined within a universe all their own, a dance floor to you, a laptop and forum for me, completely customizable, and a warm embrace where our worlds collide and create the aftermath, the afterlife, of which all shall witness the greatness of such a creation.
The abdication of a king, the separation of a natural pair, the things that we must live through, so if you remember me, When you remember me, think of the possibilities, the unknown realm that we never explored.
The heat of the fire I kindled in my heart, the girl who left the mark of possibility and opened my mind.
My first queen, my billionth girlfriend, but first pending love. I gave her her credits and accolades once more.
Well, this was the girl I left behind when I moved. I was holding back so much heat when making this, so I personally think it sounds a bit stiff, but I just had to get it out. XD
CJ M Jun 2015
Stop talking to me as if you know what you’re saying, you and I both know that you’re going through a motion that you never asked for. I feel the presence of a ghost everytime I pass your cold, and life-left form, but you never died, just grew colder and colder until your soul could no longer stand the chill of your frozen form.
And you know what you did, you broke me with your withdrawal, although money was never involved. You went around, scaring me with your promiscuity and crushing the very last thing of a soul that I had. Why? Why hurt me in that way? Why spit in my face as if I were the enemy in an ongoing, unknown war. Why? What is your synopsis? You know what, nevermind anymore.
I could hear the future on the first day I met you, it kept whispering in my ear words that I had constantly pushed into the back of my mind, letting your beauty take over my eyes and fill my brain with the fantasies that you placed there. You toyed with me, with my heart, and for that I must admit I am sad to be around you. You made me vulnerable to a disease that I had never ever felt before, but you dubbed it love, I dub it lust, ****** attraction is all we had, you didn’t want more.
But I did.
I wanted you.
Why couldn’t you accept that? If you were scared then you should’ve said so, hadn’t I showed you my easy-going nature? I never should’ve went with you to the movies that day, never should’ve played your silly games, never should’ve even acknowledged that you existed after the first mistake. Were we a mistake? That was the simple question I had asked you, was it really that hard a probe? Did it really require more than a few seconds of thinking? Well congratulations, You’ve shown exactly how you feel.
I’ll get over it, sure, it’ll take time, but I will, and you knew that which is why you played me so close like that. No, I’m not running back to you like a track-star. I want my way, you want yours, yet only one of us was willing for a compromise, Why? For god’s sake, Look me in the eye and tell me what you thought was the problem. No answer? So typical, I figured you’d exit on your own agenda once your motives were fulfilled. But before you go could you please lock my door back, I was writing before you ruined me and I intend to do so even after hearing this news. Too much has life placed on me to force me to comply with the demands of the god that I have sworn to love, yet everything seems to play me like a drum-set.
Love is war, lust is peace, yet one is perpetual and one is meant as a façade for the true meaning of what the other is supposed to offer. Not straight-forward, but still as ***** as an arrow, nevermind what we say, the world is our journal, hear the poet’s wounded roar.
just a night vent, I have no idea where it came from, just needed to share it
CJ M Jun 2015

My thoughts are constantly changing, sometimes thoughts of an old girl, sometimes of an old friend, some times of a moment I let slip away into the oblivion that I call my atmospheric spaces.
I think of her now, and it’s almost been 7 months, and how exactly she changed my view. I think of them now, and wonder what they’re doing and hoping all is still well.
Do you think they still remember me? With most of the signs I picked up, all is usually forgotten at the end of the day, mutual friendly love is sizzled in the scorching heat of the quick moving sands of time.
Can there be any other word for it? A personality of sarcasm and subtle sweetness, a heart of pure gold and a soul that speaks tales of happiness, trial and sorrow.
Truth be told, I miss ‘em. Nearly everything about them. They were my real first look into the outside world, into a space beyond my own and into the universe beyond me.
Am I missed?
Perhaps now, but to know that I’m still a thought floating around that building, a clear question on a few minds and a few intimate memories is all that my heart wants.
I want to know that I am thought of, that I did leave a mark on the empty canvas they call Autaugaville, that thepoetic in thepoeticjustice is still un-forsaken and that my mind hasn’t been replaced with that of another. That although people come and go, I am still in the forethought of all those who saw who I was.
Again, these are just thoughts of mine, but they weigh heavy on my heart. So I want you guys to know that although you can be annoying, you can be pretty fun too. I love you all like the funny family that I had never quite had and let you all know that you are ever in
My thoughts.
I miss my old school XD so I just vented a bit about it, said what I wanted to and now I'm posting it here
CJ M Jun 2015
The deep is the hole I fall into that has me in submission. The escape I find in the day, that keeps me sane in small doses, but drives me crazy in large ones.
Crazy for you
The deep is you, the only thing I think of half the time. Kissing your legs, ******* your toes, biting playfully on your neck, showing you my love for you and your body. Slowly caressing your curves and gently rubbing on your flesh, exploring you.
But it’s more than ****** love.
You say it’s ***, I say it’s intimacy. You say it’s foreplay, I say infatuation. Yet we’re on two of the same plane.
I poetically break you down like a pro, weakening your resolve and opening you up to options. Making you moister than weather, come with me, we’ll rain together. I’ll show you the pride in my heart and you’ll show me the love that I have needed for so long. I’ll show you my soul and its intentions, but only if you show yours as a consolation to my open and honest ways.
After I leave from a day of tension and anger, can you be there to greet me when I get back to you? Will you kiss me on the lips and welcome me back to the excitement I desire, the flames that I require to heat up my fire again?
You tell me ****** activity is what drives me, but that’s not how I see it. I see it as us bonding in a general way. Not reproductive, not recreational, just us two. But you still don’t believe me, and I don’t know why.
Ask me something about you, what’s your favorite number? !5. Your favorite movie? After-earth. Favorite tv show- shall I go on? Your favorite past time is cuddling up with a kindle and watching old re-runs from years ago. But yet you say I don’t know you?
I’m in too deep, it’s too good to end on a low note, my voice is low enough to carry the tones as low as you need it to go, we’ll get higher near the end, and hopefully I’ll ascend with you. I call you my lover, but you’re much more than that, you’re my counterpart, my other form placed in human. Baby, we’re nearly the same.
And it scares me.
Scares me that when you feed off of your own insecurities, you’re feeding off of mine too. Would you be  a bad parent? did you look good enough at prom? do you think people remember you when you step away? Stop thinking about it, love, come back to me and let’s live in the present like new pets in gift boxes.
I love you, ok, and regardless of how much it freaks you out to hear that word, it’s the truth, and you know it is. Do you feel the same? I don’t know, but I want to find out, before you drag me deeper inside.
The Deep
have no idea why I wrote this, to be honest
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