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 Oct 2018 Traumeria
Ashly Kocher
Can you hear me?
I’m down here...
6 feet under...
Not where I’m suppose to be
You come and visit me
I hear you constantly pray
To talk to me again
Hold my hand
Hug me tight
Well I’m right here
I hear everything you say
I cry with you
I laugh with you
I pray with you
I am always with you
Even from 6 feet under
I pray myself
To heal your pain
Dry your eyes
Help you move on
Don’t forget me
You know where I am
Always in your heart
Forever your friend
I will continue to grow old with you
Until we meet again
When we walk together in the sky
Holding each others hands
For now I stay
6 feet underground
Loving you
Praying with you
Hearing your voice
As I lay in silence
6 feet underground...
Wrote this from the perspective of a person who has passed away and what they see and feel everyday....
Many people say
that life is nothing but a test,
they say we'll die long before
our souls truly get to rest.

I've heard some people say
that from birth
we are already doomed,
and that it's all down-hill
once our petals have bloomed.

I've also heard some people say
that we already live in hell,
and that heaven is only a fairytale,

I say...
feed positivity to your soul,
never give up on reaching for your goal!
Never stop looking up into the sky,
life is full of wonder,
let me tell you why...

You see,
we always get back what we give,
our energy is mirrored - it reflects the energy 
we, in turn, will receive - we control
how we see life
and how we choose to live.

To find our blessings
we have to see beyond the struggles,
YES! difficult as it is,
we have to stay positive
through all of life's hurdles.

Life is a gift!
Just look into any innocent child's
hope-filled eyes,
deep inside them
God has implanted unconditional love
in abundance  - I tell you no lies!

Our children carry
all of the strength and hope
that we will ever need,
they are the beating hearts
of our souls - for them we bleed!

They will continue to keep
our spirits alive,
they are a part of us - we live inside them;
there, we will never really die.
Because of them, we survive!

Life is a gift,
a miracle made from pure love,
it is so much more than just a test!
Look deep down inside,
you will find
a bottomless treasure chest!

Life is a precious gift!
Think positively,
your spirits will lift!

By Lady R.F ©2016
I wrote this to counteract my negative feelings tonight. It helped!
 Aug 2016 Traumeria
Brett Palmero
We believe life isn’t enough
So we create a new reality
A world free of life’s handcuff
Whatever we want we see
Easy to get lost, don’t you agree?
We’re living in a fantasy

Everything falls into place
We control the outcome here
Any misfortune leaves no trace
New forms of happiness always near
I want this to be life, but in actuality
We’re living in a fantasy

To live here is sad and ignorant
As it’s not life, our senses fooled
But reason to live is found absent
So we go back to where we ruled
We want to let go of life completely
We’re living in a fantasy

But really life’s not what we want
Then it’s up to us to change it
Take risks and walk confident
Because it’s our job to commit
And make this fantasy
Our new living reality
 Aug 2016 Traumeria
I know for a fact that I am talkative,
In which I find noise as something positive.

But when it comes to you, your eyes and your smile,
I can't help but think that silence can be worthwhile.
 Aug 2016 Traumeria
 Aug 2016 Traumeria
Leave your world
Bring your all
A universe to be unfurled
A realm awaiting to enthral

Climb aboard
Slide into the seat
We are what we can afford
You and I... We make
our very own fleet

Strap yourself in
Get ready for the trip
The journey we were made for
Let us begin
The odyssey of our lives
In this here spaceship
 Aug 2016 Traumeria
Jude kyrie
Dance me forever

Dance me through love warm and tender
With glitter ball lights in your eyes
Dance me through all I’ll remember
in the glow of a million soft sighs

Dance  me through children and laughter
in  a place where true love never dies.
Dance me before and then after
as I drown in the pools of your eyes.

Dance with me every day of our lifetime.
Dance away all heartaches and pain.
When I am old and my eyes lose  their bright shine.
Dance me until they shine once again.
 Jul 2016 Traumeria
Nishu Mathur
my heart loves when the sun 
flares  with a copper glow
when dusk drapes and falls 
a curtain of indigo

my heart dances when it rains 
then when it's gold with shine 
for when dark clouds gather
I see a silver line

my heart is young with flowers
that in wilderness grow
a forest of quaint scents 
that in the winds softly blow

my heart smiles with the stars
shining atop pine trees
the sliver of a cosmic moon
cradled in the sea

my heart rides on the crest 
of waves on the ocean floor
that kisses a pearl rare
and floats it on the shore

my heart loves these moments
that I with nature be
but none, more splendid, more beautiful
than those of you with me
 Jul 2016 Traumeria

Naive is the poet
who thinks what he's written
will capture her heart
with his melodic song

Yes, he was once good
but it all dissipated
when someone much better
just happened along

Now he cries in the shadows,
his pen falling empty,
conceding defeat
to another so new

While all of his dreams
have been left in a poem,
wishes in verses
that will not come true
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