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Paylei Rose May 2018
Today I saw you
Happy as can be
Maybe I didn't matter to you
You were my everything
Now I mean nothing

Today I saw someone else
Someone happier than you
Guess what?
They are my everything
Maybe change is good
Now we can both be happy
Just in different equations
Paylei Rose May 2018
I was a torn
poking into your side
a constant reminder
you needed to get rid of me
but little did you know
I was a beautiful flower
just needing to grow

you threw me away
i found my own soil to plant in
i became that beautiful flower
all on my own
Paylei Rose May 2018
You used to tell me how innocent I was
How no matter what I would always be innocent
Until you hurt me
I took my innocence and turned it wild
I now can move around without someone telling me how to live
You took away my innocence the minute you left my home
I know run with the wolves
Everything you told me I was is gone
I've gone wild

I've gone wild
And you can't stop me anymore
I found someone new
Someone that won't call me innocent
They embrace my dark side like it's their own
They pick me up when I fall down
I don't have to be gentle anymore
I can run with the wolves
Paylei Rose May 2018
Maybe there is something wrong with me
or maybe I shouldn't listen to you
You hurt me, when I needed you
You told me countless lies
Maybe you were right
There was something wrong with me
It was you
Paylei Rose May 2018
I used to think you were my everything
that no matter what you did you would still love me
you would still care for me
i proved that wrong
you showed me that i deserve better than you
you showed me that no matter what i have love to give
just not for you

i have found someone new
someone you wouldn't approve of
this person is someone that is different
they actually love me
they care for me unlike you
they are so gentle with me
like a delicate flower you're scared to break
maybe i wasn't your princess
But i'm certainly her flower.
Paylei Rose May 2018
Have you ever been so happy that you can’t stop smiling?
Well that’s how i feel when i'm with you
I know i'm bad at words and saying how i feel
But with you it's different
I say all these things that i don't even know i'm saying
I start rambling on about the little things
You are the cause of my happiness
You are the reason i'm sitting here writing love poems
Not knowing how to express emotion but knowing it's there
I know this all is just a ramble
There is no rhyme scheme or pattern
Truly you wouldn't consider it a poem
But with you my life turns into a rambled poem
So many thoughts that need to be said but none are spoken
Instead i try to express it with the thoughts and actions
Even though i still fail, you still love me
You have turned me into this love crazed mess
And i love it.
Paylei Rose May 2018
I have this saying
Silence speaks louder than words
You know I have proven this phrase multiple times
Like when I get a test back or when
Someone forget their lines on stage
But my favourite silence of all is right in that moment
That moment when you know something is going to happen
That moment that you have been waiting for
My favorite moment is seeing you smile as you lean in to kiss me
That’s when I want silence to last forever
when silence turns into happiness and love
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