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Paylei Rose Aug 2020
A lavender sprig
A violet growing in the wild
This colour purple is all around

It makes you calm
It makes you sincere
It makes the world complete

We see these colours every day
But think, what if they didn't stay?
Paylei Rose Feb 2020
I grew up in a small town
Trees everywhere the eye could see
But I was with my grandparents
For you were always at work
And my father passed away  

This routine happened for a multitude of years
Day after day, I was spending with my grandparents
But when it came time to go home
I’d bawl to stay
For your house didn’t feel like home anymore

Years later you forced us to move
I didn’t care about money
Even though our life was a little blue
I permanently stayed at “our” house
Or so you thought
I snuck around after dark
Because I couldn’t handle you
You yelled and you nagged
Trying to be a good mom

But you never knew how to parent
You never saw me when I was young
You tried to protect me
But it turned sour
Because you didn’t protect me from you

I found out about them
Look at us now
I understand my siblings are not close at all
But it wasn’t right for you to hide them
I haven’t met them at all

Now that I’m older
And moved a little away
You’ve tried to be a parent
And changed your ways

I know you hate my lifestyle
Because I’ll never be the same
But at least I’m finding my happy place
Even though you lost yours awhile ago

I pray every night you go to bed safe
You’re still my mom
And I’ll love you anyways
Paylei Rose Aug 2019
It's been awhile
A long time coming
A couple moons have passed
Time has came and gone
But you knew that
And that's why I'm here
No motivation for writing
But finally gained motivation to live
Pros vs. Cons
Who will win?
Paylei Rose Apr 2019
I love you...
Please stay
Paylei Rose Mar 2019
Anxiety is like this open box
You are in the center
Sometimes this box is clear and light
These are your good days
This dark might go cloudy
This is when you fog over
Your memory goes hazy and you don't know where you are
When the box goes colorful, it stays hazy
This is called dissociation
Overwhelming of your senses, makes you feel insane
This all starts to go away until the darkness creeps in
The box is slowly getting darker
As you start to panic
This is called an anxiety attack
Stuck in your own head
as you start to shake and scream
The box comes completely black as the depression
It only stays for a little while
But it's still scary, nonetheless
Then the day is finally over, the box starts to go white
As you drift off the sleep to start the cycle
All over again
Paylei Rose Mar 2019
The audience goes silent
As the curtain starts to open
There on the stage is a whole other world
Maybe one from this galaxy
Sometimes from the next
But nevertheless the actors preform
The characters evolve as the show goes on
Then comes the ******, you thought we were done
So many twists and turns until a conclusion
Oh, the scene is now over
The curtains have shut
The drama is done
These actors take off their makeup
But still inside them lives
The character they played, the character they once lived.
Paylei Rose Mar 2019
I love this boy, you see
Sweet as can be
He has accepted me as me
and we never disagree

But this little love story has a twist
The girl goes through hell to just exist
Anxiety is a fright that has clouded her mind
So this little girl is in such a bind

A raise of the hand or angry in the voice
Leaves the girl with a very big choice
Ignore the fear or accept it with grace
She shakes and just hopes for a calming embrace

But when the boy hold tight
Everything becomes alright
It's kind of like magic
A case of true love, a classic

Now the girl is calm
Although she fights with her mom
The boy has righted all the wrong
And just like that, their love has grown strong.
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