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436 · Sep 2024
Woolly musings
OmRh Sep 2024
On weekends, I usually indulge in mundane pastimes in which life duties have no bearing.
Going on leisurely walks, watching films, or making acquaintances. Ah, the art of living!
On most weekdays, however, I often find myself drowning in murky and troubled waters.
Where expectations and obligations gather in a swarm, taking on sharklike features
Striking after telltale signs of surrender. Leaving trails of existential horrors in their wake.

What would it take to flee and veer off the current course? I’d then sit and ponder.
To chase after rosy-deemed dreams made entirely of garments, needles, and thread.
Confiding in parents amidst the chaos is also a proven futile effort because —
‘You’d outgrow your fleeting obsessions,’ is what they always confidently mutter.
Opening room for more doubt and despair to barge in with a loud clatter.

But I learned to hide my biting resentment underneath layers of feigned indifference.
Mastered the craft of walking in confident strides and etching on saccharine smiles.
Because what good comes from performing a Shakespearean tragedy before prying eyes?
However, when the game of play-pretend becomes taxing, and patience starts wearing thin
I seek refuge in my bedroom vicinity, where I freely entertain the blood-spattered what-if musings.
341 · Jun 2020
OmRh Jun 2020
Just like any other night
I sit down
dig a hole in my head
pick up a buried memory
begin to
torture it
gnaw at it
until it begs me
to stop
185 · Apr 2020
I want you
OmRh Apr 2020
I want to take refuge in your smile
to bury myself in your eyes
to reside in your heart
to drown in your laugh
to hide in your arms
to lose myself in your beauty
and to clothe myself in your love
172 · Oct 2020
Internal fight
OmRh Oct 2020
I plumped myself down in a corner
Sat there for what it seemed like forever
My expressions an inscrutable mixture

Tormented in a blazing invisible fire
My whimpers and groans leaped
higher and higher

My misery and distress outpoured
and my pain screamed and roared

Scared to utter a word or speak
I only managed a shriek and a squeak

On this October bluey night
I  simply wished to disappear from sight
171 · Apr 2020
Save me from my demons
OmRh Apr 2020
My demons accompany me wherever I go
They follow my trail
They rejoice over my defeat
They kiss me goodnight
They whisper in my ear
In a language I can't quite decipher or grasp
So come take me anywhere but here
Take me to the land of uncensored dreams and long-forgotten memories
Come rekindle the fire within me
Come take me anywhere but here
For I desire nothing but a deep restful sleep
169 · Oct 2020
The eyes don't lie
OmRh Oct 2020
When you stare at me
love poems seem to flow
from your eyes
into my heart
making it skip a beat
157 · Oct 2020
When I'm with you
OmRh Oct 2020
I mute the dins and noises of the past
and hear only the melodies of the present
153 · Oct 2020
OmRh Oct 2020
Let's throw caution to the wind
and venture into the unknown together
hand in hand
Our love will be our guiding light
149 · Apr 2020
Your muse, remember?
OmRh Apr 2020
I want to know if you still write about me
if I'm still pressed between the pages of your journal
if I'm still living in your stanzas
all dressed in rhyme
and covered in metaphors
I want to know if you still deem me worthy
141 · Oct 2020
OmRh Oct 2020
I'm both a victim and the murderer
of my own mind
I'm the wound and the knife
131 · Apr 2020
Strange woman
OmRh Apr 2020
I was traipsing around in my head
visiting places I never dared to visit before
Was nearly drowning in thoughts
slowly losing grip on reality
Doubt and confusion weighing me down
and fear eating away at me

I plumped myself down in a corner
Sat there stock-still lamenting over what died within me
That's when she approached me
at a leisurely pace and without haste
Puffed up with pride and conceit
Wrapped in layers of mystery

She mumbled words that were foreign to me
Her eyes spoke of esoteric history
Her activities shrouded in secrecy
Her feather-light touch completed me
In her sacred presence, I was full of light
Floating in a transport of delight
128 · Apr 2020
She is
OmRh Apr 2020
The light to my darkness
The burning desire when I undress
The constant pain in my chest
The butterflies in my stomach
The lines of every love poem
And the warmth of every embrace
127 · Sep 2020
When I'm with him
OmRh Sep 2020
My life writes itself anew
when I'm with him
everything becomes a
source of wonder
122 · Apr 2020
Vale of tears
OmRh Apr 2020
I want to tell you about the demons that visit me at night
about the fear that grips my heart
that I've been granted second sight
I want to show you how I try to shush irrational thoughts
how I cover and hide my scars
how I bathe in tears and distress every night
I want to take you to where I suffer in the dark
to where I drive myself mad
to where my stars collide
116 · Oct 2020
Love is blind
OmRh Oct 2020
When I met you
I gave up my safety
pushed away peace
avoided common sense
and ignored happiness
When I met you
I fraternized with danger
consorted with violence
embraced folly
and accepted misery
108 · Apr 2020
OmRh Apr 2020
He who can't be found anywhere
is who I yearn and long for.
108 · Oct 2020
Your eyes have that magic
OmRh Oct 2020
Your eyes alone turn restraints into grips
Your eyes alone turn frowns into smiles
Your eyes alone turn despair into hope
Your eyes alone change the concept of time
by turning temporary into forever
Your eyes have that power
99 · Apr 2020
The tune
OmRh Apr 2020
I always find myself humming a tune, and I can't for the life of me identify or recognize it or remember when it decided to reside in my senses and linger distantly in my memory.
99 · Apr 2020
Your eyes
OmRh Apr 2020
Your eyes
Your eyes
They pour light into my depths
They deaden my pain
Your eyes
Your eyes
They heal my wounds
They end my suffering
Your eyes
Your eyes
They sweeten the pill
They cushion the blow
Your eyes
Your eyes
There's more life, love, and truth in them than in anything else
So let our eyes meet
Let them fall in love

— The End —