At the rate we're going
I'll never have a happy ending
Never have anything I wanted
Because you always leave
This isn't a "maybe" but a "when"
I'm stupid for always coming back
For always holding on
But for nine years
I have tried to stop loving you
I have tried loving others
And none of it ever works
At eleven I believed you were
And always would be my soulmate
Now I'm scared that we are
And you'll never accept it
The question with us is
Who's being more stubborn
Am I, for loving you endlessly?
Or are you, for always breaking the heart of the person who would dedicate their life to you?
I'm scared of what the end
Will be
Because I always had a plan
I always had a picture
And you were always in it
I just worry that if you're there in the end
It'll be because I'm still chasing you
Chasing a love that can never be returned.