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 May 2020 Julianna
Mitch Prax
I used to
chase the sun.
I feared the sunset
and the darkness
that would prevail.
I didn't think the horizon
could be more beautiful
until I found my moon
that is you.
 May 2020 Julianna
**** your head
before it's too late

it consumes you
your skin absorbs the darkness

keep it far away
don't turn the lights off

I've already lost
don't lose yourself
 May 2020 Julianna
 May 2020 Julianna
The truth is...
we don’t love
the person
we love
because they
love us back.

We just love them.
No reasons.
And quite frankly,
that’s what makes
it so liberating.
Love freely. No reasons.
 May 2020 Julianna
social media
 May 2020 Julianna
ive seen things through other peoples eyes
but now it is time
that i go out and venture into the world
with the two i have been gifted
i need to see this stuff on my own and have my own opinion on things
 May 2020 Julianna
mommy says
 May 2020 Julianna
she looks in the mirror
and loves what she sees

she loves herself.

don't wear that
don't eat that
don't say that

im saying this because
i love you
mommy says

she looks in the mirror
and takes a second glance
convincing herself
she loves what she sees

she thinks she loves herself

you look fat
lose some weight
why can't you just look
like your sister

im saying this
because I love you
mommy says

she looks in the mirror
and stares
hating what she sees

she hates herself
i am she
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