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Dhimss Apr 2019
Into the dense canopy of a bamboo forest.
It smelt of spring on the summer leaves.
A silence accompanied our little stroll,
Each word we spoke came back as an echo.
A full moon looked down on us, the breeze blew bringing hints of muted snow.
I leaned Onto your shoulder and thought "this was too good to last"
Dhimss Apr 2019
I sit by the window of my train,
There's a sweet lullaby of screaming kids,
They keep me awake.
I look out, not stargazing, not seeing,
Unaware of what to look

There is one constant though, through the shifting scence.
The sway remains constant,
it keeps moving, all through the way.

Sweet enough to sway this dear train, she tried rocking me to sleep.
Failed to however lure me into sweet clutches of slumber.

Thus passed one other long trip where the surroundings smudged and smeared like memories from a summer dream.
Long train trips :)
Dhimss Nov 2019
Drying tears,
healing scars,
Dark circles beneath sunken eyes,
Chapped lips from
biting hard,
Nightmares and panic in
abundant form
Of my broken heart.
For all the times we were hurt, and broken.
Dhimss Apr 2019
She knew things were bad,
but insecurity just pulled her down.
She sure was scared,
In the end she did stand up.
Dhimss May 2019
Stand or fall together,
I ll be yours forever.
And if there s beyond,
I ll be there too.
Dhimss Apr 2019
I whispered not to him but to myself,
"Your the best of what I have close to truth"
He heard me raised his eyebrows and replied
"Well, I love you"
Dhimss Apr 2019
Wild was her colour.
Freedom her attribute.
She was all chaos like a forest fire.
Somehow though,
he chose to stay
and decided burn himself down
Dhimss Sep 2019
Lonely each night,
lost in thoughts,
I have a gazillion wishes,
every single one
without fail asks for you.
hey, i miss you. i really do
Dhimss Jun 2021
I think you'll live without me.
Your hands will get used to resting on her hips.
The scent of her hair would become your safety.

I think you'll live without me.
You'd make breakfast for her,
see her in your tee-shirt.
You'll fall for her messy hair,
sleepy voice.
You'll brush away her tresses
just to sit staring into her eyes..

I think you'll live without me.  
You'll smile a little wider,
Laugh a little harder
and maybe finally,
learn to pose.
You'll have the cutest pictures,
Cuter than anyone's out there.

I think you'll live without me.
And this time,
She won't walk away.
She won't,
because you wouldn't hurt her.
You wouldn't let her.

You won't do it all wrong again
because she isn't me.

I was your first. Your learning curve.
She? She'd be your last. Your forever.
Dhimss Nov 2019
I thought hugs were beautiful,
until you pressed your lips against mine and said,
I love you.
Dhimss Jan 2021
are the freshness to my wind rustling through trees,
are the essence of to my love song,
Like repeated falling of crashing waves.
are the intensity to my ocean,
Its depth and beauty immeasurable like the sky.
and I are the two halves,
of the same coin.

— The End —