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 Feb 21 Noone
Mitch Prax
Sometimes I
think about all the
places I could have gone
but never did,
wondering what versions
of me I would have met
in all of these countless
 Feb 4 Noone
 Feb 4 Noone
I hear you screaming,

But you’re still drinking
    From the bottle.
 Feb 4 Noone
can someone teach me
how to take my own advice?

because i've been
telling others
to swim ashore
as i drown
 Feb 4 Noone
Ironic as it seems:
I know someone unfaithful
longing for real love.
Can we ever be friends?
Or is our weird collection
Of unfinished business
Far beyond repair?
Could a thing so broken somehow work?
 Feb 2 Noone
 Feb 2 Noone
How is it that you have written a story about me
without even knowing me
How is it that you have translated my feelings
which I have no idea about
How is it that there are hundreds of words I've never used
describing my thoughts exactly
You have drawn me with a single stroke of brush
a replica the mirror can never make
is this my imagination or your imagination
who is creating me
 Jan 25 Noone
Mitch Prax
I feel as if
I am a refugee
in my own life
still in search of a
home I will
never know.
 Oct 2024 Noone
Mary Huxley
I'm scared to look in the mirror,
My reflection saddens me,
I don't feel pretty anymore,
The more I grow, the more I realize my insecurities.
I hide myself from the world,
It pains, it hurts.
What can I do?
My scars are internal,
But they show on my face.
Every day is a battle of comparison
Between myself and the pretty folks.
Maybe one day I'll sing the beauty melody...
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