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Pink sun sets on a hidden beach
An orange glow just out of reach
Rainbows ending in vibrant tomorrow
As purple birds, flying to follow
Dolphins sing in golden crested seas
Inner being growing higher than trees
So many visions that are coming true
Each one is paradise next to you
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
 Jun 2015 Nieve
creative writing
 Jun 2015 Nieve
for every minute,
brushed against,
the cold glass,
I spent a moment,
what I faced,
the ghost,
of a past,
I had no knowledge of,
until I found the letters,
and it struck me,
all the notes,
were from someone,
you used to treasure,
until the cold,
separated you both,
and left you each,
with a half heart,
and gave you a mission,
a mission to complete,
to find the other piece.
 Jun 2015 Nieve
 Jun 2015 Nieve
A life without love
Is like a night sky without the stars.
It's still there,
Just not quite as beautiful
 Jun 2015 Nieve
Eiliv Advena
Many poems I read seem so sad
The poems fills your eyes with tears
This doesn't mean the poems are bad
But sometimes a poem should be filled with cheer

There is so much beauty to write about
Not just lost love, fears, screams and shouts

A poem can be about
Flowers or trees
A poem can be about
Crystal blue seas

A poem can be about
a ring of smoke
Or a beautiful girl
Or about the beauty
We find in this world
 Jun 2015 Nieve
Seán Mac Falls
( Sonnet )*

What length are days so dearly trodden,
Riddled in stocks, museums of mind,
How can one soul with heart commend
And play these martial fields unkind?
We are wages cast about four corners
And spun to globe of coordinates web,
Sailing by moon, lit oceans of scorn,
Rudderless, blind— innocently led,
Yet here, one star, the sun is a beacon,
We are bathed each day in ****** light
And gifted to morn with new beginnings,
From dreams we wake with newborn sight        
And gods watch over with stellar eyes,
We are babes knowing— cradled in sky.
 Jun 2015 Nieve
Day Wing
 Jun 2015 Nieve
Day Wing
Written not only by the ink of pens, but also by the soul of  hearts
 Jun 2015 Nieve
Seán Mac Falls
I have followed the forest
Into the clouds to forage,
My bag is still thin, empty,
As my valley and now I see
At the top of the ridge, the happy,
Full moon who lights my way,
I see him as I look down in the river,
He travels with me.
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